Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Singles Awareness Day

Today is St. Valentine’s Day. Although it really has nothing to do with the Saint Valentine that it is named after, it is a day in Western Culture that lovers express their love for each other. This holiday, like so many others, were attempts by the church to transform pagan festivals. In Ancient Rome, the day of February 15 was Lupercalia, the festival of Lupercus, the god of fertility, who was represented as half-naked and dressed in goat skins. The Catholic Church back in the 400’s decided to change that festival so they created St. Valentine’s Day. It was originally a feast, and had nothing to do with lovers. The lovers part actually was incorporated from the Fesitval of Lupercus and other aspects.

For those of us who are single this day represents being single. If you listen to the hype created by stores and the media you might think that the way to express love for someone special is about buying gifts or taking them out to a fancy dinner. Well, those things aren’t so bad, but wouldn’t it be better to show them that you love them by doing those things throughout the year? Wouldn’t this day be best by actually doing something special to show your love for your partner? Do we have to believe what the stores and media say is right? (well, just that question has many aspects for life in general.) I believe the best expression of love is in doing, not saying or buying things. It’s in being there for them, it’s in listening to them, talking to them, and in general learning how to love the person that they are and what is important to them. Thus, being single does has its appeal.

Tomorrow is Single’s Awareness Day (SAD). It was originally celebrated by a group of singles on Valentine’s Day, but they decided it was better to have their own day – the day after, February 15th. It is a day for singles to celebrate being single by having singles parties, by sending gifts to yourself, and just enjoying being single. I guess today I was SAD by the thought that I was single, however, tomorrow, I’m celebrating being single. I might just light a fire in the meadow, bang some sticks on a log for music, and dance naked in the moonlight. Anyone want to join me in this celebration? Shucks, everyone I know is in a relationship, except for a few. I guess Roadie and I will dance together. Being single isn’t something new for me as I haven’t been one to go looking for love. I’ve enjoyed being single, but I have often wondered what it might be like to actually fall in love again. I’m not sure if it will happen, but for now it’s about enjoying each day and the mysteries it presents.

I did receive a very special Valentine’s Day E-card from my friend and client Peggy. She’s a wonderful woman who is bright, energetic, loving, caring, compassionate, understanding, patient, and beautiful. It was a great card about what would happen if there were more people who were true friends, that the world would know more love. It made me almost cry. I hadn’t been feeling very loved lately, and even feeling very alone. I know these are just thoughts, but sometimes even I subcum to negative thoughts. It’s a learning process for me to work through them because each one is different. I am loved and I’m not alone is the resulting positive thoughts and this I know.

Thought for today: Do you know that you are LOVED and that you are NOT ALONE? You are loved and you are not alone in this physical plane. Just take a good look around you, who expresses love to you by their encouraging words and actions? It might be a stranger, your co-worker, your spouse, or anyone, but the love is there.