Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Mist of Time

Awakening with the sounds of the forest old, with the loving affection of not one but two dogs now (one not mine), and rising to see the early morning mist that has covered the ground is how this morning was greeted. This mist reminds me of times spent in Alaska camping and hiking the countryside. Every morning the mist would roll in providing moisture to all it touched and creating a mystical world of Merlin and wizards. (You know wizards can call forth a mist and have done so for a long time.) This morning is no different. It is like the magic has returned that I sensed was gone the other day. It’s like the storm cleansed the earth and now Merlin has conjured a mist to make his presence known after a long absence. One might call it a miracle, one might call it a sign, and I believe it is all of these things and more. I was told to follow the signs this month and I would be led to where I belonged. I never thought it would be here. Last night I discussed with my sister about how I can assist her and by doing so assist myself so now I’m calling Louisiana home again, amazingly on the property that I had to leave so long ago, the property that has always meant so much to me. However, it is different now. It doesn’t have the same meaning as before, the memories of the past are here forever, but the freshness of the now lingers like the soft mist upon the pond as a reminder to start a new, knowing that I’m being refreshed with the waters of mystical times.

According to my mother, I was the one that kept telling everyone that I was going to have a little sister, so I am not surprised to discover later in life that I have power to call things forth. It seems that for two years before my little sister arrived I kept telling everyone that I was going to have a little sister and my mother would get congratulations only to tell them that she wasn’t pregnant. I got my little sister and although the younger years together were rough, we are now closer than ever. I suppose I needed to create a special person to have with me as I grew older. And speaking of mothers, mine just happened by and knocked on the door. Perhaps with me being here I can begin the process of getting to know who she has become without being entangled in their way of life or the drama they create around them.

I was nervous about being here, but today I’m feeling more at ease. The sun is filtering its rays of light down through the mist upon the waters of the pond and creating lights of fancy colored green upon the leaves as they are moved by the wind. The air is filled with the sweet songs of birds, the clock is chiming its hour, and the quiet of the morning brings peace. I’ve followed the signs and they have led me here to where it all began some many years ago. I’m not here to romance the past, but to create a new life as the new forest grows around me. I’m here to guide and encourage my family and I’m here so I can complete an education and have the means to travel as I please. It is good to be here for my sister and I are both laughing more, and as we all know laughter is good medicine. I’ve missed living with them. Before I left Louisiana my sister had moved into my house and they lived with me. We all laughed together then and enjoyed having as much fun as we could. Good times filled with laughter are ahead.

For now, instead of a thought I’ll give encouragement. Just as Merlin can, call forth your own mist to cover the land, allow the mystical waters to fill the air, to cover the land, and refresh your spirit. You have the power. It is done, blessed be.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Storms have a tendency to come about quickly without an introduction and sometimes they come about slowly showing notice to all who would see the signs of its approach. So it is with life, there are storms just as in nature. I’ve come to believe that the reason that our current physical existence has become so turbulent is that so many people are releasing so much negative energy out into the universe and it is showing up in the natural environment through storms or natural disasters.

Recently after departing Missouri there were tornadoes appearing all around me while I was in Tennessee. I realized that those tornadoes were being created because some people were releasing a great deal of negative energy through anger. The storms were targeted at me; however, they hurt many others and didn’t touch me. I am safe and protected. I suppose these people had cause to be angry, however, I know that I assisted in generating their anger. There was a lot of negative energy being created because these people weren’t honest with themselves and were hurting other people, just like the storms hurt other people. I believe they think that my actions were caused by one event; however, they were because I saw how much damage was being done not only to themselves but to the many people involved with their lives. I had blinded myself to such things but when the veil of blindness was lifted, I could no longer be a part of what was happening around me. I know that my intentions were good and with time and an opportunity to share the ideas that were in my head that great things could have begun. However, I wasn’t allowed the opportunity. It seems that some want to control everything, are resistant to change, and believe that they have the correct way of doing things. I believe this about myself but I have learned to listen to others for ideas, however, I suppose during this experience I hadn’t realized the depths of those involved.

How we approach the various life experiences that we create for ourselves determines how we grow. I realized that I should be spending my energy developing something for myself, not for others. Yes, we can do things for other people, but we should always stay focused upon our path and achieve those things that will help us along our way. I realized that I shouldn’t depend upon others for assistance in living my life and that I should find ways to make it on my own, for I have the power and strength, the magic and skill, and the will and love to provide for myself. I just haven’t wanted to accept the responsibility for myself. It’s always been easier to just allow others to take care of me, but that’s not what this life is about. It’s about experiencing the power to take control of your own life and live it to its fullest.

For days now my mind has been uneasy about what has been and what is happening and I knew that the storms were coming. Storms have a way of releasing a lot of built up energy and I suppose that is what happens when we allow negative energy to build up within us. It has to be released or it can destroy us, but when it is released in full it can destroy much more than ourselves. I’m learning to release the negative energy as it comes into my life now instead of allowing it to build up inside of my mind. The storms are here and I’m typing in the darkness with only the soft glow of the laptop screen guiding my typing. It’s dark, raining, and the winds are blowing. I suppose I can look at the storm as a cleansing aspect because it is cleansing the air and earth. I suppose our own personal storms are for cleansing our energies also so we can release all that has been built up so we can find peace again. I’m in a storm now as I search for what it is that I am meant to be accomplishing now. I have no idea if I shall continue my adventures on the road; however, I know this much that my adventures will continue even if I’m stationary.

Thought for now: What are your storms? What harm are you causing to others around you? Are you aware of doing this to them? Learning to let go of the negative energies and to find peace is a great way of achieving the love of life we all desire. I think it’s time we all begin to be honest with ourselves about who we are, what we desire, and what we are creating. This hasn’t been an easy lesson for me, but I hope that through the calm of the morning all things will be refreshed, cleansed by the ravenous storm.


While I was in Austin I visited my Holographic Repatterner where we focused my energies upon my achieving balance in my life, in all areas of my life. We aligned my energies for me to have loving relationships, outrageous success, rich financial flourishings, and radiant health with balance in all of my life. Previously my alignments worked and the energy began to flow peacefully, however, this time I resisted my alignment and I endured a headache for many days. It took me a while to determine the cause of the headache, and yes, it’s still with me but much smaller these days. I called my Holographic Repatterner to talk to her about this headache and as I suspected I was resisting the alignment and change. It seems somewhere deep inside of me I am still struggling with seeing myself with radiant health, with loving relationships, with outrageous success and with rich financial flourishings. I hadn’t realized how difficult this alignment would be, however, my resistance to these things has been released now to the Great I Am (the divine God and Goddess) for resolution as benefits myself and the universal whole, that Creative Conscious Connective.

I’m sure in time as I begin to sort out and deal with the issues that prevent me from seeing myself with these aspects then the more I will begin to understand what thoughts, beliefs and such that have long held me captive and how to overcome them so I can become the person, the man, that I know I am. Now the task is to learn to see with new eyes, to forgive the past, learn from it, grow from it, and move forward wiser and with greater understanding. It isn’t an easy thing to release yourself from your mental prisons that you created for yourself. However, I know that I have to find the keys to unlock those prison doors to set myself free from what I believe about myself, what I’ve believed from others about myself, and what society has taught me about myself. I have the keys because I have knowledge and truth. I suppose just having the keys isn’t enough, we have to find the courage to actually turn the key in the lock to release what is caged within. It’s the unknown that scares us so, but it is also the unknown that can free us and provide us with the greatest adventures and experiences of life, of living, of loving.

It seems I’ve resisted many positive aspects of my being because I was afraid of becoming something I wouldn’t like. I am reminded of a session with Stephan on the Tarot Cards where he talked about the man I would meet in St. Louis. He said he didn’t like the man he saw in the cards and told me all about him. As I listened all I could think about was, it was me, he’s talking about me. He kept asking me to further the reading by drawing more cards, so I did. The last card that was drawn, he laughed and said, “I like this man, I don’t know who this other man is but stay away from him, he’s not good, but this man, the one on top is a good man to know.” Yes, he was talking about me, who I was, partly am still, and the man I am to become as I overcome the mental prisons I have created and find freedom in being free to believe in myself, to be free to achieve without fear, to live without fear, to be without fear, to exist, to love.

Resistance is futile so say the Borg on Star Trek, and I believe they are correct. Resistance is futile because we have to change and grow, we have to experience life to its fullest. That’s, or so I believe, is why we are here in this physical existence. We are here to experience and learn, to overcome our Karmic Debt from previous lives. I was a tyrant in my last life and I know that is why I have a difficult time with allowing myself to achieve the financial success I know I am capable of achieving. I don’t want to repeat the past, but I have to overcome it. I’ve resisted it for 43 years now, so I suppose before I can vibrate onto the next level I have to stop resisting and believe. Yes, I do have loving relationships, outrageous success, rich financial flourishings, and radiant health with balance in all of my life. I’ll keep saying this until it all clicks together. If it means enduring life experiences, than so be it. I am and I do, I will be.

Thought for now: What is it in your own life that you are resisting? Is it facing the fact that your feelings have changed about your partner? Is it that your life is changing and heading in directions you never dreamed it could? Is it any number of things in your life that are preventing you from enjoying the loving of living? Resistance is futile. Release your resistance to the Divine God and Goddess and allow it to be transmuted into something positive to help you continue in a positive thought process along your Life Path.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Family Magic

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

As I sit here in my sister’s home looking out the large windows out into the vast acreage beyond I am reminded of the past, of those memories dreamed from long ago of a close knight family that enjoyed life together. The woods that covered the back part of the family farm have been cut down leaving piles of limbs, stumps and the chaos of destructive forces. I walked through that area the other day and realized that the magic of the forest was gone now, however, I also realized that with it so went the memories of ages past. Not just my memories, but the memories that the forest held. I suppose I should look at it as a way of the forest having the ability to create a new record of memories. The big pond is full of water and the sunlight glistens upon the rippled surface of the water like a sea of diamonds. I see the events of the past there. Times when my family would spend fishing, swimming, and camping out there are fond memories. There used to be a small fishing pier and a floating deck. We would always have to swim out to get to the floating deck, but then we could climb up on it and sit, lay out in the sun and just relax. Every winter we would walk through the forest to find a tree to serve as our Christmas Tree. Every winter Granny and I would put the limbs and leaves from the previous years cut trees together around a stump and burn it. She would always laugh when I would get frustrated because the smoke from the fire would follow me around. She would say, “smoke always follows beauty.” I’d laugh and remind her of another one of her sayings, “it must be blind.”

I see from this window a flower garden that was started but not maintained, however, the flowers are blooming amongst the leaves and debris. It’s nice to see such beauty as it reminds me that even in the most dark of times there is still beauty to be shared. I suppose the beauty is the magic of family. I believe we have two families. One we have chosen to be born into and the other one we choose to have as our family. I have my birth family and a wonderful chosen family. I supposed they each have their place and purpose because each can teach and guide us along our Life’s Path. The magic of the forest may be a state of newness, but the magic of family will endure long after I am gone from this physical existence. There is a verse in the Bible, “We are encompassed about by such a great cloud of witnesses.” I see this as the collective conscious of all who have come before, those who will be one day, and those that exist in various forms now. We are never alone. The magic is the memories of all we were before this physical existence and all that we will be. The magic is the collective consciousness we are all a part of, although some are still slumbering and not awake, not aware of our universal connectedness. This, I believe, is the magic of the universe; the power of awareness, connectedness, and words (the energy and power of words to create and destroy). Magic uses spells, which have to be spoken, so perhaps the magic is in the spoken word and the intent behind it.

The magic of the forest is still here, so is the family magic. Perhaps we blind ourselves to its presence because we become so focused on what is changing, what was, and what we thought we wanted things to be. Life is funny in that it presents what is in a simple manner. We just confuse it all with our own personal desires or misguided truths. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause. Yes, Virginia, there is magic. Yes, Virginia, there is life and love. It is always here, that fabulous magic of creation, to help guide us all if only we would still our minds and quiet our thoughts. The magic is within and without. Within each of us as we fully accept who we are, both the positive and negative. Without because the magic has always been and exists within the creative conscious connective.

I am faced with many decisions and challenges today. What to do with my belongings that I do not desire to keep, where to store them if I keep them? Should I buy a travel trailer to live in or just settle down? What school should I attend to further my knowledge – One Spirit Interfaith Seminary or University of Sedona School of Metaphysics? How can I find extra income to sustain my travels and pay for the various schools and trainings I desire? These are the questions of today. They have been in my mind for days now. I’m being still and quiet waiting for the answers to present themselves.

Thought for now: Can you see the magic? It is here every day if only we would awaken from our slumber called life and see with the new eyes and mind of awareness.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Standing Up

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Conversations with close friends are always interesting because everyone feels free to say what is on their mind, what their thoughts are of various topics, and what they think about each other and the things they do and say. This afternoon I was honored to be able to spend the time with Momma Gretchen. We talked about many things and enjoyed the rare moments that the two of us can share. She is a wonderful woman with a deep heart and enlightened mind and spirit.

I don’t know where she got it from, perhaps from my writings, but today she commented about how many of us there are that look up into the sky and long to return home. It caught me a bit off guard, but I quickly caught up with her thoughts. It seems that there are many people in this perceived life, this life dream that we are each dreaming, that are aware of their existence before this physical life experience. We talked about that there seem to be more people being born aware, the Indigo Children, and that perhaps one day when everyone is born aware then there wouldn’t be a need for a physical place of experiences, but then again, maybe it’s the fun of the physical experience that delights us and draws us here. We talked of being aware of the lives we have lived before, what we are here to experience and learn in this physical life, and the lives we have outside of perceived time.

Mothers are so caring and concerned about their children. I believe this is something that most men miss out on that connection between mother and child. Perhaps it is because of the time spent in the womb connected that this special relationship exists. Perhaps it is something more. It could be that we are born of our mothers to share their physical lives and to carry on the works they have begun. I recall in ages past that societies were matriarchal, not patriarchal, and many societies allowed that the females ruled and guided the clans. I wonder what our lives would be if we returned to allow females to rule and guide. In Spanish culture the men take on the wife’s maiden name to carry on the female’s family name. It seems that the women have always been the major influence. The men that began to change things must have been very unhappy in life to alter whole courses of centuries. My mind wanders through time, so I should return to the point. Mothers know many things about the children they bear and/or rear into adulthood. Mothers always stand up for their children when someone speaks against them, when their children are in need of comforting and reassurance, and when their children need some extra strength to move forward. Such was the case with the conversations today with Momma Gretchen.

A mother is always concerned with the development of her children and Momma Gretchen is concerned about her children, even her adopted child (me). We talked about why mothers feel guilty about the things that their children are going through and why they believe that it was something that they did. Well, it’s not for the mother’s to feel guilty about how their children have created, dreamed, or drawn their lives to be. The children have to learn to take on their lives and realize that everything from birth to death (in perceived time and physical existence terms) is what the child creates so that they can learn and grow, deal with any Karmic Debts, experience life lessons to help guide them further, and overall to shape their experiences of this physical existence. Perhaps it is the great love that mothers have for their children and that connection of 9 months of being together that causes mothers to feel these things. However, I believe it is part of being a mother. It’s something that the mothers have created for themselves so that they can learn to guide their children, not lord over them; to teach their children to walk their own paths while helping them to find their own power. Maybe there is something to this connection between a mother and child that should be explored. Is it that this connection is meant to help both grow and create the experiences of this physical life. Maybe the children need the lessons of the mothers to grow themselves? So many questions abound through this thought process. Do you have any ideas?

The last thing Momma Gretchen mentioned to me was about standing up. It was proposed to me that perhaps I didn’t have to stand to honor some age-old tradition or others beliefs that a book is sacred, but rather that I stand to help guide and encourage others who are seeking truth and their own spiritualism. I couldn’t immediately respond to that statement. I told her that I would dwell upon this thought for a time. As I drove from Georgetown, Texas (about an hour and a half away from where I have been camping) I had time to dwell upon this thought. As I drove many thoughts filled my mind about standing up and what it meant.

Some stand up to show honor to a particular book when they read it, some stand up to honor certain people or show their appreciation for their performance (standing applause), and they stand up in other ways to show their defiance. Thus standing up for something means that you either desire to show honor or defiance, support or resistance. Her comment was derived from my writings about the church attendance and my not wanting to stand to honor a book. Her statements lead me to recall some other writings, such as the Court of Miracles, Friends, and other ideas that have been shared. She mentioned that perhaps standing up in certain situations would serve as encouragement to those who are seeking their own spiritual selves instead of representing my honoring of a book. I believe she is correct in this. If we believe we are better, more enlightened, more aware, than others then we can hinder their development into awareness and enlightenment if we don’t allow ourselves the ability to stand up for them when they are seeking. Another person said he couldn’t do something because it wouldn’t be true to himself. This thought raised by Momma Gretchen applies to this also. Sometimes it’s not about us, it’s about encouraging and loving others and showing our love for them by standing up for them in what they believe.

Love, I believe, is the key here. Not passionate love of lovers, but that pure, honest love that is filled with light to guide the paths of the many seekers of truth. I have been asking myself if I’m ready to stand up. Am I ready to stand up for what I believe is right, just, and truth? Am I ready to stand up for my fellow man and woman, so that they may find the path that is correct for them? So many questions resound from the one statement presented to me today.

Thought for now: What do you stand up for? Why do you stand up for these things, events, books, people, etc? Do you know why you stand or do you just stand? Perhaps we should consider wisely these things before we stand or not stand; maybe it is through the standing that we can encourage others? Maybe it’s through the standing up that others can find the path that is correct for them. I don’t believe it should ever be just about us, the ‘me’. It should be about helping others find the path that is correct for them, and us standing up for them to show our support and love.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Tonight as I drove to the campsite many songs played on the radio that reminded me of friends. “If you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.” “Love is all I need.” These were just some of the lyrics I heard as sweet honey upon my ears and heart. Today as I met with a dear client I was amazed at how wonderful of a man he was. I looked at him and the other clients I have and I had to comment to the homeowner that she indeed had one of the most incredible Realtors for not many would help her paint, remove shrubs, move furniture and in general go the lengths he has gone with her and many other clients before. Many of my Realtor clients are of remarkable character; they go above and beyond the normal service of listing the property. They invest their hearts into their listings and the homeowners. They have all helped me realize the truth that we should reach beyond ourselves to help others realize their dreams and desires.

When we are focused only upon our own desires and dreams, passions, then we can end up hurting those around us. Not because we mean to, but because we are too focused on ourselves to really see or care about those around us. As I sat tonight watching the sun set slowly into the Texas Hill Country over Lake Travis the most beautiful thunderstorm, complete with a light show to rival many theatrical stages, appeared on the horizon. The oohhhs and aaawwweeeess from all of those sitting on the decks of the Oasis could be heard, I’m sure, for miles as everyone commented not with words, but with awe of the wonders of nature. I’ve captured this moment through my camera and will set my intentions to share those photos here also.

I was blessed tonight to be able to share this wonderful moment with my friend Kelly. He, like most of my long-term friends, are remarkable people. They give of themselves to those they love. And, Kelly glows of late because his heart is filled to overflowing with love and awe of the mysteries of life. Yes, he’s in love with a new man. It showed in the way he spoke of his new boyfriend, the way he just radiated from within, and the way he held himself. Love is a powerful thing. It can lead us to places we’ve only dreamed of or it can take us to depths we’ve never believed we could fall to. Lately I’ve witnessed both sides as I’ve watched how others have been affected by love and passion. With Kelly it has allowed him to soar to newer heights, to free himself to explore the wonders of the universe, to be himself. On the other hand, I’ve witnessed what love and passion can cause on the dark side when it is hidden in secret, careless and reckless. When love is treated this way it can cause so much harm to those around. I wish that those who fall into this latter section of love’s scheme would come into the light and face the truths of what they are experiencing so that they wouldn’t harm those around them.

As I watched, talked, and shared the resounding thunderous sounds of the evening with Kelly, I wished that more people could experience the freedom of love that he is experiencing. Many people put limitations upon love, but love isn’t something that can be put in a box. It has to be free to just be. Love.

While sharing the marvels of the evening several other friends called. As I drove around the lake to get to the camp ground where Roadie and I are calling home for a bit, thoughts of how special all of my friends are and have become, and my new emerging roll as advisor, confidant, friend, minister, and guide within our friendships. My true friends are those that accept me as me – a very unique individual with creative insight and a lust for life and the mysteries of knowledge and truth. I have accepted them for who they are – the purple people eaters, the geniuses, the mystics, the seekers, and the lovers. I am indeed blessed to have such wonderful friends who can just sit and marvel with me at the drama that nature creates for our amusement and entertainment. Those friends who can just sit and hold your hand without words to let you know that they care and are there for you.

Some friends delight in conversation, but I believe it’s those friends who can just sit without talking and share their inner most thoughts and feelings with each that can be counted as true friends. These friends are always aware of the fragile nature of relationships, the need to acknowledge the thoughts and feelings of others, the need to express themselves honestly and without fear, and most importantly to just be and enjoy being.

Thought for now: What type of friends are you creating in your life? What type of friend are you to others? Perhaps if we can learn to share our thoughts, listen to others thoughts, and learn to share our joys and sorrows together, then we might find the peace and happiness that life has to offer.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Court of Miracles

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

“Yes, the tarot. In the tarot deck there are four suits of cards – wands, coins, swords, and cups. These were created a long time ago, before the Middle Ages, to symbolize where everyone belonged in society. Wands were the rough staffs carried by farmers and humble workers. Coins represented the merchants, swords stood for the solders, and cups for the church. Everyone was supposed to fall into one of these four categories, ordained by God, but some didn’t. There has always been a motley crew of beggars, simpletons, geniuses, and mad people who refused to fit in. In the tarot they’re known as the court of miracles.” Quote from The Return of Merlin by Deepak Chopra.

Recently while traveling and observing the words and actions of others it became apparent that many people see those that don’t ‘fit in’ as people not worth knowing or at best people that need help. Perhaps it is the other way around after all it’s all about perspective. Perhaps we are the ones in need of help, not worth knowing by those who are perceived as different, that don’t fit in. I have enjoyed the company of many such people that don’t fit in, and I’m always amazed at their stories. I know many of them only by first names and un-kept faces. Some of them are very wealthy but live on the streets to the amazement of others. Some have created circumstances to bring them to that world outside the norm, that world of misfits.

I have often brought about concerned looks of amazement, curiosity, and concern when I mention my desire to travel as a hobo hoping trains for mere enjoyment and just going wherever the trains take us to. I received the same looks from my friends and family when I announced my year of travel. It seems that many mistakenly believe that to be something one must have a job, a home, a car, and things to show your position in life. I don’t see it that way. If we can learn to just enjoy being then all of those things don’t matter. If we allow others to just be then we might learn to enjoy life a bit more.

In the story of The Return of Merlin the Court of Miracles were the ones who traveled the outskirts as misfits, gypsies and who protected the wisdom of ages past. Many people close themselves off to such misfits; however, they may be the ones that we should open ourselves to because they may just have the secrets that we are searching for. They have already learned to let go of things, what others think about them, and have learned to just be. I find that when we don’t show them respect and love that we are only harming ourselves because we are all one spirit connected with each other through the web of time and beyond time.

I find myself as one who lives on the outskirts, a misfit, a hobo, and a beggar. I am learning not to seek to fit in because I am one that is different; one that has to travel the road less traveled and discover the truths and knowledge long since discarded as magic, mystery, and witchcraft. So it shall be, I will be one who lives on the outskirts only to be revealed to those who can see beyond time.

Thought for now: How do you perceive those who society has determined as misfits, outcasts, beggars, vagrants, and homeless? What thoughts do you allow yourself to dwell upon when you see them? Or do you even see them? Perhaps when we can learn that they might be the ones who have the knowledge, the ones that might be the keepers of wisdom and magic long since abandoned, then we might begin to see them for the treasures they are. The ones who can show us the light and hope we all seek. If we shut them out, then I believe that we might continue to sleep, to be blinded, and to be without knowing, missing out on the pure love that is available when we open our selves to others.

NOTE: Caution is always important in any meeting of people, even those who may present themselves as worthwhile to know. Always look deep, open your eyes to see what is really at the heart of people before you share yourself with them. Even though we are one spirit, there are those who have not fully come into understanding and can hurt others, sometimes not intentionally, but rather because they are not concerned with the hearts, minds, desires, and concerns of others – selfish, self-centered as some might phrase it. Be weary of such, always look deep into their hearts and ask yourself what level of connectedness should there be.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In life there are choices to be made. We make these choices at every moment. What thought should we think? What words should we use to express that chosen thought? What actions are best to accompany those chosen words? Choices are given because we are free (have free will so to say) to dream, draw, create, or otherwise shape the way we desire our lives to be. I’ve discovered that sometimes our own personal desires can blind us to the available choices we can make. But then again, perhaps we blind ourselves so we can only see one choice so that we can experience something that will teach us, help us grow, or send us further along our Life’s Path.

I’ve recently made choices not realizing what the outcome would be and now I am more aware that if I am to create the kind of life I desire for myself then I will have to be more conscious of the varied choices available – the various webs of time that can take us to different outcomes of time. Today I am free. I had blinded myself for personal greed and security. Blinded myself to what was truth in a situation and the people involved. I recall Gabriel’s warning of me going blind and dying should I stay in a particular place. At the time I believed he meant physically. He meant it in philosophical terms. As such things did come to pass. I was blind to the truth around me, I was dead because I wasn’t expressing myself through acknowledging the truth that I was given to share. However during this time I did discover a woman pure of heart, gracious, understanding, knowledgeable, and mostly overflowing with pure love. This woman I desire to know and be around. This woman embodies the traits of others I desire to share my time with.

As I reflect this evening under the soft light of the moon surrounded by age old oaks who’s moss coverings remind me of an old shawl wrapped for warmth or beauty, I realize that I created the experiences that have transformed me. The most recent of these experiences was to learn to see the hearts of people and know them and their true selves. Also, it was to learn to see truth, acknowledge it and to withdraw from those who present themselves as love, but instead are hiding behind a guise of love and acceptance and who’s hearts are filled with anger and lies. I’m not saying that they do not possess such wonderful love, but the anger and lies prevent them from being pure, not able to fully come into understanding of what love is. I have been where these people are, filled with anger over the past hurts, losses, and pain; lying to myself about what was truth and not wanting to face truth because it would mean changing. However, I have learned that by accepting the truth, facing the changes, and by moving forward in love that what lies ahead is more wonderful than what was before.

I look at my last two months as the time of the chrysalis cocooned inside its silky tomb of change. I was that caterpillar creeping upon the earth devouring everything in its path. I was cocooned in a time of death, but now I am the emerging grace of the butterfly. I will take the lessons learned and move forward without regret or need for self-punishment. I have shaken the dust from that place from my presence, removed the thoughts and entombed them in amber as fossilized mistakes to be forgotten. I will move forward to discover people who are like the woman I met, pure of heart and filled to overflowing with love, and to find people who appreciate beauty and those who can create it. I will remember only a short while so restitutions can be made, but once made I shall never dwell upon such things again.

Thought for now: What choices are you making every moment that are creating the life and people around you? Are they choices that share love and light or darkness and chaos, hurt and pain? Choose wisely what you think, what you say, what you do because every choice presents another web of time to travel upon and there are many webs in time.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Birthdays and Celebrations

Today is my friend Kathy’s birthday. She’s 59. I have greatly enjoyed our friendship. We have laughed a lot while we worked, enjoyed meals, played games, and I think we just both had fun together. She is an incredible woman, refined, gracious, kind, considerate, sensitive, powerful, intelligent, outgoing, and beautiful.
I wrote this poem today to provide to her as a gift from my heart.

Fifty-nine, I believe you said.
From your stories I’m lead
To believe you are more
Than you have been before.

Your love of life and friends,
Your bright smile lends
The warmth of your heart
To others you do impart.

Your beauty shines for all to see.
Your Life Path is set, blessed be.
Eight, Two, and Twenty-two
Will realize wealth to accrue.

Set your goals high and believe
For the common good you will achieve
Great beauty and joy to share,
Of this I’m very aware.

Celebrations are our way of expressing special moments in perceived time. Whether it’s a birthday, a wedding, a funeral (yes, these should be celebrations of life), a full moon, an equinox, or any other thing that we can celebrate then it should be celebrated with joy, excitement, and love. I believe when we assist others in celebrating their celebration then we should set aside our intentions, desires, and feelings so that they can be honoured at their celebration. I believe this imparts our true feelings of love to others because then they are shown the value they have in our lives; if we can set aside ourselves to celebrate them then I believe that is one of the greatest gifts we can give.

I have been looking into attending the One Spirit Seminary in New York as they are spiritual celebrants, celebrating life, recognizing the spirit that lives within each of us, within all living things, that spirit that connects everything. It would mean some trips to New York periodically, but most of the 2 year training can be accomplished long-distance through their long distance learning program. The program requires that the participants begin service to others and this is something I believe that I am to do. The tuition for a year is a bit more than I can accomplish at this time, but I have put it out into the universe and asked if the funds can be sent to me so that I can attend this seminary and begin to find the joy of helping others celebrate living and realize awareness.

Today is Kathy’s day, so I am preparing myself to go visit with her.

Thought for now: How do you celebrate others in your life?

The Emerald
Recently I was given a most beautiful gift created with love from my friend Stephen in Indiana. He crafted a silver heart around an unpolished emerald. I now wear it with my other crystals on a silver chain. I wanted to share what the emerald and green mean. Green has always been my favorite color; maybe that’s why I enjoy nature and gardening so much.

Emerald Color: Green: The color of Healing and Hope. Made of the base mineral beryl, with minute traces of chromium and vanadium giving this gemstone the "green fire.

4th Chakra: Heart

Astrological Sign: Stone of Taurus and Gemini.

#2 and #4 vibrations.

Birthstone: May

Metaphysical aspects of the Emerald:
As a POWER STONE it offers physical, emotional and spiritual balance.
Although Emerald is a stone of prosperity and riches, it is not just a materialistic stone. It also encourages spiritual growth, clear vision, memory, faith, intelligence and communication, inspiration, joy, intuition, clairvoyance, sensuality, love, romance, beauty, harmony, tranquility, serenity, clarity, cleansing, justice, friendship and unity. It seems that more kinds of physical healing have been ascribed to the emerald than to almost any other stone.

  • Relationships: Brings security in love. It allows access to the mystery we hold deepest in our hearts, thereby healing and activating our highest hearts desire. Many women over the centuries have chosen this crystal over Diamond as their wedding stone. Emerald's harmonic energies help make your relationship more successful and promotes domestic bliss.
  • This gem can show you a crystal clear solution to a tough problem. Helping couples work through the early stumbling blocks that often kill relationships.
  • Psychic: A powerful stone of psychic insight, prophecy, and abundance.
  • Serenity: Emeralds have a tranquilizing affect on the heart and mind, inspiring calm, clear assurance.
  • Healing: Emerald is best known as a stone of both spiritual love and spiritual healing, and is the stone most frequently recommended for the "wounded healer," healers who take on their clients' issues or who don't focus enough on their own healing.
  • Creativity: It is also a crystal related to abundance and creativity.
  • Truth: This is a truth promoting stone, inspiring deep “Heart” knowing from within.
  • Group Dynamics: Improves group unity. This gem is especially helpful in large work situations, it promotes harmony within the group and helps them work together for solutions.
  • Career: Keep an Emerald in your work space. It improves your memory & increases your mental skills. The gem brings greater focus, allowing you to see the best solutions, giving you the tools you need to overcome challenges & motivates you to act.

Heart Chakra: Emerald is excellent for protecting the heart Chakra. Your Heart Chakra can be opened or activated using an Emerald.

Physical aspects of the Emerald:
Aids healing in the areas of eyesight, upper respiratory tract, liver function, strengthens the immune system & helps you recover from infections (pneumonia); fortifies the heart and detoxifies the blood; anti-inflammatory. Breathing, heart, lymph nodes, blood, thymus, pancreas, balance blood sugar, childbirth, labor, eyesight. respiratory inflammations.

Strengthens heart Chakra for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, monogamy, honesty. Lift depression and insomnia. Excellent general healer.

All Healing professions, Doctors, Nurses, Ambulance, Counselors, Psychiatrists,
Archangel Raphael is the Archangel for those in need of healing, wholeness, and unity and he is affiliated with the colors green and deep pink.