Saturday, February 18, 2006

Friends, Snow, and Learning

Last night I talked with my friend Larry who lives up in Columbia. While we were talking online one of his friends Coyotey (Andy) came online and Larry introduced us and we began to talk. Andy works part time for Larry from what I understand. Coyotey is the name some of his friends call him and he his into Reiki and energy healing. He holds special spirituality classes on Saturday evenings and Larry and I will be attending next Saturday. I greatly enjoyed talking with them both last night, as I had been feeling a bit lonesome. I am excited about going to see them. I learned of a Health Food store called Clovers and have my intents to visit there and pick up some food and supplies. Larry is going to take me driving to go see the small town where his bike shop is located. He says it is a beautiful place on the river.

I also talked with two other people last night, both of who haven’t ever talked with someone who thought of them as special and accepted them for being themselves. One was Tomas, a delightful photographer who is deaf. He used to live in DC and is finding it challenging to live in Columbia. Larry sells his photography in his shop. I also talked with a young man named Andrew who is studying Equine Management at the university there in Columbia. I enjoyed all of these conversations as I enjoy talking with people. I learn from them and it helps me to learn to stay awake to the mysteries of the moment. I have set my intentions towards meeting both of these men while I’m in Columbia, especially Tomas because from what I gathered he doesn’t have many friends who know sign language or who appreciate art. From my conversations with these two men it seems that they are looking for awareness but aren’t sure how to get there. If I’m to be here to teach, then I’m to teach (guide) people into awareness. Through finding awareness they will find and know their true selves, love and the love of living.

Last night I was reading in The Laughing Jesus and I wanted to share some ideas contained within the book. First is something that I haven’t fully understood, but I am learning. “Authentic teachers are self-confessed phoneys. That doesn’t mean they are hypocrites. In fact it means they are much less likely to be hypocritical, because they are conscious of both how wise they are becoming and how foolish they remain. Someone is for real when they feel a fraud. This is why Pythagoras refused to be called ‘wise’ and called himself only a ‘lover of wisdom’ or ‘philosopher’. And why in the gospels Jesus does not allow his disciples to call him ‘good’.”

Before when I was a teacher in the church I always felt foolish or that I really didn’t know what I was teaching. Even now I’m not sure what I’m teaching but I know now that it’s all part of the process. I am becoming a ‘lover of wisdom’ and am fully aware of how much I do not know. The more I know, the more I realize I do not know. I also read the following, “The test of a teacher is simple. Look at their students. A teacher can be trusted if they have helped their students wake up and move on. But they should not be trusted if they have made their students into dependent sycophants regurgitating the words of the master, but never thinking for themselves.” This is something that I have always known and put into practice as I have looked at various teachers.

I also wanted to share another aspect in the book. “Far from providing the ethical glue which holds us together, Literalism pulls us apart. In the Gospels Jesus urges us to forgive those who wrong us, but this doesn’t stop the Literalist Christians demanding that transgressors of the law be punished severely, not forgiven. It is the Religious Right which champions retributive justice, from hitting naughty children to the death penalty for adults. For Literalists violence is the solution, but for Gnostics it is the problem. Retributive justice is hurting ourselves again. We suffer both as the victim and as the perpetrator. ‘An eye for an eye’ is the justice of separateness. ‘Love others as yourself’ is the justice of oneness.” I’m sure you can get the idea here. As I have heard many say of the Religious Right, they are limited in their thinking that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

As I have read in The Laughing Jesus, I am realizing that I am more a Gnostic than anything else. It’s not about prescribing to any one idea of spiritualism, but rather appreciating the knowledge and wisdom of everything and every moment. Again, the more I know, the less I know for there is so much to learn when we open ourselves to the wisdom of the ages, that collective knowledge of the unconscious, the universe. Here are a few quotes for your thoughts:

“The God proclaimed by the law and the prophets is not the God of Jesus Christ. The God of the Old Testament is known, but the God of Jesus Christ is the Unknowable.” By Christian Gnostic Cerdo.

“Every one should know and remember that his state is unique in the world, and that no one ever lived who is exactly the same as he; for had there ever been anyone the same as he, there would have been no need for him to have existed. In reality each person is a new thing in the world, and he should make his individuality complete, for the coming of the Messiah is delayed through it not being complete.” By the Jewish mystic Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlaw.

“When a person loses himself into God, he immediately finds himself in the service of all that lives. It becomes his delight and recreation. He is a new person never weary in the service of God’s creation.” By Mohandas Gandhi.

“Do you want to be good? Then first understand that you’re bad. The beginning of philosophy is making conscious your own weakness and failings.” By Pagan philosopher Epictetus.

I also wanted to share this thought that was in the book:

“Lucid living is unconditionally loving everyone and everything. Do you love unconditionally? Take a look the options below and see which best reflect your own attitude:

I love life when I like what is happening.
I love life as it is and try to change things for the better.

I love others if they are loveable.
I love others regardless which may help them become more loveable.

I will love myself when I become a better person.
I love myself anyway and this might make me a better person.”

Another aspect of friends is the animals that share this physical plane with us. Last night I enjoyed companionship with Blossom and Ziggy, the two dogs who are part of dearest Finnabair’s life. They came for a voluntary sleep over and we have all enjoyed being in the warm cabin while the snow is falling outside this morning. Dogs love unconditionally and are such great companions. I was surprised when Blossom decided to stay here, but Ziggy has stayed here before during the Mr. Bear incident. Blossom is very special and she loves me greatly and is always so happy to see me. I think that dogs just want to be around unconditional love because that is what they are. The dogs are all asleep at the moment in various places and in various positions. You’d have to see them to understand.

Outside the snow is falling and I’ve included some photos for you to see. The neighbor’s horses are still here and roaming around the cabin. I feel sorry for the horses and for the owners. For the owners because the negative energy of not properly caring for the horses will be returned to them. It’s that aspect of hurting self that hurts everyone. I called the sheriff’s office last night to see if they could come get the horses. I didn’t sense that they seemed concerned. If I had the money I would buy the horses from the owners and find them good homes. There is one, a mare with white stockings and face that is always coming to me and looking into my eyes. I sense in her a longing for love and care. I have always enjoyed being around horses and have longed for the day when I could have some in my life again. I am saddened to watch the horses outside, especially the one mare. Does anyone have a horse trailer and a place to keep them? If so, please come help me. This is one thing that I realize now, that I cannot exist alone and that I need others to help make this life the best that it can be for everyone.

I was supposed to go with Kathleen to the Gideon’s breakfast in Thayer, but when I called her this morning she said we weren’t going because of the snow. I was looking forward to getting out and meeting people again. However, I suppose I’ll have to wait for a bit to enjoy the company of others. Momma Gretchen told me the other day of the importance of my being around people. It’s what gives me pleasure. I also need my alone time, but it’s in being with people that I find the greatest pleasures of living.

The snow is still falling and the pines are covered with snow. It’s a magical day.

Thought for today: Do you love unconditionally or conditionally? I think we all love conditionally, but it’s being aware of this fact that helps us to learn to love unconditionally. It’s that knowing the good and bad aspects of yourself that helps us to improve our lives and the lives of others. Also, do you love all living things? Are you a good guardian of the animals in your life?