Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Legal Name Change

Shortly after my arrival in Austin to visit two clients, a dear friend needed some assistance. There are no accidents and everything happens for a reason, we just have to open our hearts, minds, and eyes to see, and to be open to what may happen. My being in Austin led to being able to assist a dear friend and give her the gift of my time. It was a "win, win" situation as she provided me with a place to rest and a car to drive; and I provided her with assistance until her return.

For the past week I've been assisting my friend and while I had the time here in Austin, I began the process of completing my name change. I had started this process some years ago, but never saw it through. Now, after having my finger prints done, filed the court documents, and saw the judge, I am now legally Sebastian Barrett St.Troy. Today I completed the paper work at the Social Security office, which will also correct my Medicare information. I should have my new cards within a week. Next is to change the Drivers License, various Insurances, and some banks. Today I also managed to complete the paperwork for Regions Bank.

Because of many factors, I've decided to begin celebrating my birthday on the date of my legal name change, afterall it is the date I was born as Sebastian. Therefor, July 20 will be my new birthdate.

The countdown to the next chapter of the Adventure has begun. I'll be departing Austin on the 27th. I've decided to continuously take the first bus out of the station from Dallas and then after that continue with the first bus out that heads either North or in the direction of East or West so I can head to a coast and then up to Canada. Once in Canada, I'll be taking various buses to cross the country to get to the other coast and then back down through the states. I hope to visit many places I have never been to, meet people I wouldn't have normally met, and revive my spirits with the constant energy of change.

I'll be writing about the Adventure and through all of the upcoming events I know that things will be revealed as to where I should be and what I should be doing. The next chapter of the Adventure begins in 6 days, but for now I'm completing all of the things required for the name change and helping my friend.

A Feeling of Peace

A feeling of peace surrounded my dreams, so I awoke feeling much better today; which was a welcomed aspect compared to the last few days of depression. But I suppose I owed myself the right to feel loss, loss of the people called family, loss of all of my earthly possessions, loss of my beautiful gardens, and loss of my home. The dreams of last night I cannot now recall, however, the feeling that a presence in them told me it was all OK put my mind and body at rest. Excitement is starting to build as I prepare for my new bus adventure around the United States and into Canada. I’ve always wanted to visit Canada, so that is where I’m heading first, especially the Yukon Territories.

For the last four days I‘ve been in pain with my foot, the same foot that had been injured in a fire recently, so I suppose there is some nerve damage now, but I don‘t care to visit a doctor. There are other signs of declining health, so I live with them. So many people seem to treasure life, but that is where I‘m different. I‘m not particularly, and really never have been, fond of this physical existence. I remember as a child walking through the woods looking up and saying, I‘m not supposed to be here. Now as I am older, I ponder the question if this reincarnation was a mistake or if as a child I understood something about how difficult this lifetime would be and didn‘t want to experience it; however, for what it is worth, the experiences gained here have taught me something about letting go, to learn to trust my instincts, to follow my heart, and to live the way I see fit, not doing what others say I should. As when I follow my heart I find peace and excitement, a feeling of joy about the way I live.

Most who know me already say I‘m a bit off, but I take that as a compliment, for being different these days means a lot in a world of so many who all strive to be alike. Being free of restraints provides me the feeling of freedom for being able to live in the moment and decide each second of time what it is I shall do. Perhaps in a previous life I was a nomad, as being on the move seems to be something innate. From a restless mind to a restless body, it seems being in motion is what keeps me going. I think I need the excitement of meeting new people, of experiencing everything I can. I realize that this may be my last adventure, as my health prevents me from doing much and I struggle to move most days, but I keep going. Come what may, I’m ready either way - to continue living this life or to return to the collective Universal consciousness. For now I prepare for the upcoming adventure.

The Adventure Begins

The adventure started as a means to escape a toxic environment where I was surrounded by people who I should never have been around. Yes, they were the people that most would call family, however, after many years I have come to the conclusion that just because we may be born into a group of people doesn’t mean that we have to remain connected with those same people, especially when there are great differences. I left behind everything, only taking what clothes fit into a backpack. In other countries there are many ways of getting around, however, here in the United States, there are limited options for those without a car. I found that most people in very rural areas have no way of getting into the larger cities nearby; and with the smaller communities failing, it makes it harder for the people to obtain needed services and provisions. I may write later about how I feel about the bad laws and viewpoints of society which limit the lower income, but for now I want to talk about the beginning of the adventure.

Some years ago I experienced many bad things while riding on a Greyhound bus, but after much work I achieved some compensation for my horrible experience. The people at Greyhound promised they would work to improve how things operated, so now I’m going to find out. The adventure began in Shreveport, Louisiana. I’m going to write about my thoughts, experiences and provide creative ideas on how Greyhound could improve both their image and their operations. At some point I hope that the people in Greyhound will learn about and sincerely read this Blog, and hopefully find ways to alter any of the negative aspects found along the adventure.

In Shreveport at 5:30 AM there was a gentleman cleaning up behind the counter. He didn’t notice me walking up to the counter and disappeared for a short moment. Upon his return he greeted me and asked how he could help. I asked how much a ticket to Austin was and he provided the answer. After retrieving the money from an ATM I returned to purchase my ticket. He didn’t ask for identification, only my name as he typed it into the computer. I placed my large bag onto the luggage area as he placed a ticket of some sort onto it. After he provided me my ticket I turned to walk away believing my bag would be taken and then placed on the bus; however, he quickly informed me that I had to take my bag. He never asked if I wanted the travel insurance that Greyhound offers for luggage, and at the moment I had forgotten about it so I didn’t ask. This was one of the points that I had hoped that Greyhound would improve upon, that of informing their customers about the available insurance. The gentleman behind the counter performed his job but lacked any enthusiasm. The next few hours at the bus station proved harsh. The seating in the terminal wasn’t comfortable, there was no place to store my large bag (which meant I had to lug it around with me), the station’s paint was peeling in places and overall wasn’t very clean. The only bright moment was when I purchased a soda and biscuit at the small eatery. The girls were very friendly and helpful. They knew what products they had to offer and the prices. I chatted with the three women while I sat there until a bus arrived and others began to demand their time.

When they began to announce what bus was about to board I was always confused. They would announce the bus number. I wasn’t sure why the bus number was so important, as most people didn’t know what bus number they wanted, they only needed to hear what cities the bus was going to. So perhaps instead of announcing “bus 45732 is now boarding”, they should say, “The bus for Dallas with stops and connections in …. (name the other towns where the bus would stop) … is now boarding.” I finally heard one announcer say the bus for Dallas so I grabbed up my bags and headed out to the bus. I handed off my large bag to a worker who threw it into the storage area. The bus driver took my ticket and thankfully I found a seat without anyone sitting next to me. I curled up and slept. The temperature on the bus was cool and comfortable. Although the trip to Dallas was long, I knew it would be because of the many stops the bus made along the way, I was able to rest.

Upon arrival in Dallas I had to search for my large bag and when I saw it I was able to just pick it up and walk away without anyone verifying that the bag belonged to me. This was another point that I had asked Greyhound to improve, as the current system allowed for just anyone to pick up a bag and walk away with it, which means that if I didn’t get to my bag quickly then it could have walked off with someone else. Perhaps having the luggage handlers check tickets would prevent baggage from being stolen. But then again there might be other better ways of handling baggage. Any ideas?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tears and Changes

Tears stream, thoughts swirl, and things change as I sit here contemplating the present, past, and future. Although there are physical changes are happening, there are spiritual ones that reach past this physical being and into that of the Universal Consciousness causing life altering and far reaching alterations, not only for myself, but for those involved in my life. Last night the tears rolled as I began reading “Shambhala, The Scared Path of the Warrior” by Chogyam Trungpa. Many years ago I enjoyed a relationship with a man who followed the Shambhala teachings and I was in awe of the way he lived his life. So now I choose to alter the old ways and thoughts and begin following a new path of excellence. Meditation, reading, learning, growing, changing, reaching and becoming something more than myself is required. Perhaps knowing that positive changes are happening should allow for the enjoyment and celebration of the old as it dies. This is the way of the universe, the circle of life, a beginning and an ending of all things.

Recently someone said that I rushed through things, but I didn’t agree with that statement. Another friend clarified it for me by saying that I didn’t fully enjoy the journey and I was always moving onto the next thing before what was happening presently was finished. I realize they are correct, that I haven’t been fully enjoying the present. Thus, it is time to begin to enjoy each moment as it is without thought of what is to come next. Perhaps learning to live more fully in the moment will allow a greater enjoyment of life; which I can only hope for.

At the moment there are things happening in the universe which I will have to take note of and keep in mind while I await their revealing for my life. Perhaps that is what the tears are about, knowing that something greater than I have known is happening. Let the tears roll, let the changes happen, let the enjoyment of life begin, but now completely as Sebastian Barrett St.Troy.