Monday, January 09, 2006

Community, The Beginning

On the morrow I begin my extended road trip, my adventure, my pilgrimage, my rite of passage, my path of discovery. I just finished reading "Different Drum" by Dr. Scott Peck and the lessons I learned are profound. The primary key is to bring people together to build a true community. This requires being vulnerable, open, emptied (of preconceived ideas, thoughts and suchable), honest, accepting, loving (this word has been a difficult thing for me and I'll explain more later), and ready to live your life with integrity, without fear, and a willingness to serve. Dr. Peck brought up the story of when Jesus washed his disciple's feet. Here Jesus was on top - the Master, Rabbi, Teacher - and yet here He was submitting himself to these other men. This action taught that a leader is one who is willing to submit to others, be vulnerable, open and emptied. It's through serving others, being outspoken with truth that a leader can encourage and inspire others; not through dictating their actions rather leading by example.

As I child I grew up working in my mother's offices. I was never allowed to be the Boss's son, rather I was always required to set the example. My mother was insistant upon this esample setting aspect because she held us to a higher standard. I'm appreciative for mother's teachings in this matter.

Community, the last thing Dr. Peck suggested in his book was to build a community. I sense that I have already begun building a community of people at Genuine Joe's. The people that are becoming part of this community are varied, interesting, different, and come from all walks of life. As David (co-owner of Genuine Joe's) said in a comment on this Blog, "you've become a fixture here and will be missed." Even dearest Finn commented that I was the center of what was happening there. I hadn't acknowledged my role in this until my spiritual guide (Stephen) informed me that I was the center of it all, that my energy, my desire to build a community, my openess and willingness to love and accept others, my need for others was the force behind this. He even commented that there would be a large amount of people around me in the future, all sharing in community. I will be absent in body, but present in mind and spirit from Joe's for a while, however, I know that the community that has started there will continue to build.

Stephen said that I had things to learn during the next few months in order for me to be ready to achieve the desires of my heart. I may be scared of what is to come, but I welcome it because I know that through this I will become the person I am meant to be, the person that can inspire others and as my name means - one who is commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position and regarded with awe, deference, and devotion. The more I am accepting of my name's meaning, the more I'm wiling to submit to my life's path. One thing I did learn recently was that my life's purpose is to Design, Discover, and Speak (communicating what I see and vision to others) as long as it is all guided by my own spirituality with the target being political in nature. Now the word political still remains to be understood, but I'm sure it will all be revealed soon, however, I sense it meaning relating my views about social relationships involving authority or power.

I would like to share some of my poetry here because it shares my thoughts and heart on such matters:

I am the One
People, pain, pleasure, excitement,
joy, loneliness, fear, hope.
I see people looking for something
to make them feel needed, important, loved.
I hear people say, "you must first love yourself
before you can love another."
Do these people know how to love themselves?
Perhaps they need someone to love them for them,
to teach them to accept and love themselves.
It seems that most of us don't take the time
to accept others different from ourselves.
Perhaps if we took the time
the world would be a better place.
The people more accepting, friendly
and filled with love for themselves and others.
I am the one to start.
Most good things only take one person to start
and one act of kindness sparks another.
Poem by "Sebastian" Lynn Boney

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you. I encourage your comments about these thoughts and your insights. Amaste.