Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Procession de Maria y Jose

Last Thursday (jueves pasado), our street hosted the one of the many nightly processions for Mary and Joseph. The first photo shows the large newspaper wall that was constructed to hide the street. The people in the procession had to knock and sing to gain entry into the street.

The next photo shows the procession entering the street with the little girl in the angle costume leading the way. The other photos are of the Mary and Joseph statues, and where they finally found a place to stay for the night. After the procession the street was full of people eating, drinking and having a good time. The food was free and different buildings on the street provided a punch of local making. I provided all of the children with chocolates. It was fun walking up and down the street that night and giving candy to the children. It was funny because I was saying, "for los ninos" (for the children) and yet adults kept taking the candy as well. Oh, the funny thing. The tamales in Guatemala aren't like the ones in Mexico, these here are more like mush, but still tasted good.