Friday, July 07, 2006


Controlling the ego isn’t easy, there are times when we want to allow it to flow claiming the victories or successes for ourselves, however, we should realize that our ego had nothing to do with it; the Higher Power did it all with us as a conduit. Yes, we are involved in our successes by our attitudes, our education, and our physical involvement. It is in knowing that that end success was brought about through our appreciation and accepting of the Higher Power’s direction and involvement that allows us to keep the ego in check. Yesterday’s work was exciting, fun, profitable, and plentiful. The comments from my clients can easily lead me to allow my ego to claim the success, however, I have to stop myself and instead of saying how great I am, I stop, I center and ground, then through sincere appreciation and humility I thank the Higher Power (the Divine God/Goddess or what ever name you choose for your Higher Power) for the blessings that I received. This helps me to put everything into perspective.

This morning’s I Ching reading is about accepting my limits. This is not only about knowing my limits for time availability, but also my personal limitations of the body and mind. “The limits we observe have to do with being a wanderer in a strange land; we may not proceed presumptuously, as we like, or arrogantly. Changes may be achieved only through gaining insight into the nature of the problem, attaining the help of the Sage, and depending on the penetrating power of inner truth. This way of achieving change at first seems feeble and restrictive, but when we later see that truth is empowered, and that the changes meet with universal approval, we realize how limitation gives meaning to life and power for good.” (Quote from A Guide to the I Ching)

I’m reminded that I’m not to beat myself up for failures, or force too much improvement in my life. It is best gained through a steady, slow increase, such as the truths I teach my clients regarding how Feng Shui works. It is always a steady increase and the setbacks should be lesser than the previous one, then we increase again. It is through these setbacks or failures that we learn, so even though sometimes we might want to feel bad about a setback we should realize that this is a lesson that will help us move forward.

Thought for now: How do you perceive yourself? Do you know your limitations? Do you beat yourself up when you experience a setback or failure? Do you acknowledge the Higher Power’s involvement in your life? I’m learning that knowing my limitations, perceiving myself in a positive light through love of self, then I am able to regard the setbacks as an chance to learn something that will help guide me along my path.