Saturday, April 01, 2006

Birthdays and Celebrations

Today is my friend Kathy’s birthday. She’s 59. I have greatly enjoyed our friendship. We have laughed a lot while we worked, enjoyed meals, played games, and I think we just both had fun together. She is an incredible woman, refined, gracious, kind, considerate, sensitive, powerful, intelligent, outgoing, and beautiful.
I wrote this poem today to provide to her as a gift from my heart.

Fifty-nine, I believe you said.
From your stories I’m lead
To believe you are more
Than you have been before.

Your love of life and friends,
Your bright smile lends
The warmth of your heart
To others you do impart.

Your beauty shines for all to see.
Your Life Path is set, blessed be.
Eight, Two, and Twenty-two
Will realize wealth to accrue.

Set your goals high and believe
For the common good you will achieve
Great beauty and joy to share,
Of this I’m very aware.

Celebrations are our way of expressing special moments in perceived time. Whether it’s a birthday, a wedding, a funeral (yes, these should be celebrations of life), a full moon, an equinox, or any other thing that we can celebrate then it should be celebrated with joy, excitement, and love. I believe when we assist others in celebrating their celebration then we should set aside our intentions, desires, and feelings so that they can be honoured at their celebration. I believe this imparts our true feelings of love to others because then they are shown the value they have in our lives; if we can set aside ourselves to celebrate them then I believe that is one of the greatest gifts we can give.

I have been looking into attending the One Spirit Seminary in New York as they are spiritual celebrants, celebrating life, recognizing the spirit that lives within each of us, within all living things, that spirit that connects everything. It would mean some trips to New York periodically, but most of the 2 year training can be accomplished long-distance through their long distance learning program. The program requires that the participants begin service to others and this is something I believe that I am to do. The tuition for a year is a bit more than I can accomplish at this time, but I have put it out into the universe and asked if the funds can be sent to me so that I can attend this seminary and begin to find the joy of helping others celebrate living and realize awareness.

Today is Kathy’s day, so I am preparing myself to go visit with her.

Thought for now: How do you celebrate others in your life?