Friday, April 21, 2006


While I was in Austin I visited my Holographic Repatterner where we focused my energies upon my achieving balance in my life, in all areas of my life. We aligned my energies for me to have loving relationships, outrageous success, rich financial flourishings, and radiant health with balance in all of my life. Previously my alignments worked and the energy began to flow peacefully, however, this time I resisted my alignment and I endured a headache for many days. It took me a while to determine the cause of the headache, and yes, it’s still with me but much smaller these days. I called my Holographic Repatterner to talk to her about this headache and as I suspected I was resisting the alignment and change. It seems somewhere deep inside of me I am still struggling with seeing myself with radiant health, with loving relationships, with outrageous success and with rich financial flourishings. I hadn’t realized how difficult this alignment would be, however, my resistance to these things has been released now to the Great I Am (the divine God and Goddess) for resolution as benefits myself and the universal whole, that Creative Conscious Connective.

I’m sure in time as I begin to sort out and deal with the issues that prevent me from seeing myself with these aspects then the more I will begin to understand what thoughts, beliefs and such that have long held me captive and how to overcome them so I can become the person, the man, that I know I am. Now the task is to learn to see with new eyes, to forgive the past, learn from it, grow from it, and move forward wiser and with greater understanding. It isn’t an easy thing to release yourself from your mental prisons that you created for yourself. However, I know that I have to find the keys to unlock those prison doors to set myself free from what I believe about myself, what I’ve believed from others about myself, and what society has taught me about myself. I have the keys because I have knowledge and truth. I suppose just having the keys isn’t enough, we have to find the courage to actually turn the key in the lock to release what is caged within. It’s the unknown that scares us so, but it is also the unknown that can free us and provide us with the greatest adventures and experiences of life, of living, of loving.

It seems I’ve resisted many positive aspects of my being because I was afraid of becoming something I wouldn’t like. I am reminded of a session with Stephan on the Tarot Cards where he talked about the man I would meet in St. Louis. He said he didn’t like the man he saw in the cards and told me all about him. As I listened all I could think about was, it was me, he’s talking about me. He kept asking me to further the reading by drawing more cards, so I did. The last card that was drawn, he laughed and said, “I like this man, I don’t know who this other man is but stay away from him, he’s not good, but this man, the one on top is a good man to know.” Yes, he was talking about me, who I was, partly am still, and the man I am to become as I overcome the mental prisons I have created and find freedom in being free to believe in myself, to be free to achieve without fear, to live without fear, to be without fear, to exist, to love.

Resistance is futile so say the Borg on Star Trek, and I believe they are correct. Resistance is futile because we have to change and grow, we have to experience life to its fullest. That’s, or so I believe, is why we are here in this physical existence. We are here to experience and learn, to overcome our Karmic Debt from previous lives. I was a tyrant in my last life and I know that is why I have a difficult time with allowing myself to achieve the financial success I know I am capable of achieving. I don’t want to repeat the past, but I have to overcome it. I’ve resisted it for 43 years now, so I suppose before I can vibrate onto the next level I have to stop resisting and believe. Yes, I do have loving relationships, outrageous success, rich financial flourishings, and radiant health with balance in all of my life. I’ll keep saying this until it all clicks together. If it means enduring life experiences, than so be it. I am and I do, I will be.

Thought for now: What is it in your own life that you are resisting? Is it facing the fact that your feelings have changed about your partner? Is it that your life is changing and heading in directions you never dreamed it could? Is it any number of things in your life that are preventing you from enjoying the loving of living? Resistance is futile. Release your resistance to the Divine God and Goddess and allow it to be transmuted into something positive to help you continue in a positive thought process along your Life Path.