Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tears and Changes

Tears stream, thoughts swirl, and things change as I sit here contemplating the present, past, and future. Although there are physical changes are happening, there are spiritual ones that reach past this physical being and into that of the Universal Consciousness causing life altering and far reaching alterations, not only for myself, but for those involved in my life. Last night the tears rolled as I began reading “Shambhala, The Scared Path of the Warrior” by Chogyam Trungpa. Many years ago I enjoyed a relationship with a man who followed the Shambhala teachings and I was in awe of the way he lived his life. So now I choose to alter the old ways and thoughts and begin following a new path of excellence. Meditation, reading, learning, growing, changing, reaching and becoming something more than myself is required. Perhaps knowing that positive changes are happening should allow for the enjoyment and celebration of the old as it dies. This is the way of the universe, the circle of life, a beginning and an ending of all things.

Recently someone said that I rushed through things, but I didn’t agree with that statement. Another friend clarified it for me by saying that I didn’t fully enjoy the journey and I was always moving onto the next thing before what was happening presently was finished. I realize they are correct, that I haven’t been fully enjoying the present. Thus, it is time to begin to enjoy each moment as it is without thought of what is to come next. Perhaps learning to live more fully in the moment will allow a greater enjoyment of life; which I can only hope for.

At the moment there are things happening in the universe which I will have to take note of and keep in mind while I await their revealing for my life. Perhaps that is what the tears are about, knowing that something greater than I have known is happening. Let the tears roll, let the changes happen, let the enjoyment of life begin, but now completely as Sebastian Barrett St.Troy.