I have some writtings that I would like to share with everyone. The writings that I'm sharing on this blog were all written more than 5 years ago, however, their meanings resonate with more truth than when they were written. I sense that a part of me has always understood the things I'm learning now, but my conscious mind wasn't ready to acknowledge such.
Love, Hope, Desire
Love brings such joy tempered with the pain of departure.
Sepearation, the end of a relationship, brings such sorrow, so many broken hopes.
Still time heals and through that pain we grow stronger.
Human nature has an inate desire to hope and to love, to be loved.
This we cannot live without.
In time we meet someone new, new hopes, dreams, desires.
We love and this time our love is strengthened from the fact that we have loved before.
Now we are capable of a greater love.
We have knowledge to add to our heart's desire, making us, us.
Thoughts by "Sebastian" Lynn Boney
Quiet Being
Through my window I watch a familiar parade.
Men, women, some fanciful dressed,
others casual and a few in interesting
costumes of various kinds.
Club kids, Cowboys, Drag Queens,
Husslers, attorneys, doctors, and others.
Walking together, alone, down party streets
that only come alive at dark.
Within this darkness is safety.
An obscure sense of cover.
Able to do what they will,
feeling safe and covered from view.
There will be a day when even what is
done in secret will be revealed to the masses.
So why conceal your desire in the darkness?
Learn to walk in the light and
be proud of who you are.
Not flagrent or overpowering,
but with a quiet sense of being.
Writting by "Sebastian" Lynn Boney
Thank you for allowing me to share my writtings with you. I hope they bring you encouragement and inspiration just as they have helped me. Blessings to everyone!