Monday, January 23, 2006
It’s a bit after 3:30 am. We’re awake because Roadie expressed a desire for relief. It was a funny moment this morning as we walked outside and he met his first deer. There were many of them this morning. He was a bit scared and didn’t want to wander far from me, so I took him over by the outside light away from the deer. He calmed down some as they left, realizing we were outside with them, I suppose because the handsome, smart and protective Roadie started barking at them. I feel as if I’m a very proud father whose son runs to him for protection and security. My heart is filled with love.
He is trying to go back to sleep now in my lap. I awoke this morning with a sense of excitement that I haven’t felt before. Gnosis. Knowing. I began to read in the book dearest Finnabair had given me last night before sleep. I had a rough time going to sleep, so was surprised that Roadie woke me up so early. The book mentioned some things about the Bible and other holy scriptures of various religions; that they were not written by God, but by man. I had always believed that the Bible was the inspired, protected Word of God written through men. I suppose the various religions want us to believe that so they can control and manipulate the masses. I don’t believe that any more. I read the Preface and it even stated as much as I now believe. Yes, I still believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God made flesh, the Son of the Most High God – The Great I Am. With this new understanding a whole new world is possible – a connection, an oneness, acceptance of the various ideas and beliefs different from my own because they have validity also. Validity in that, they all contain the basis of seeking knowing and truth. Gnosis. Knowing. I suppose this is what this is all about. Growing into knowledge of self as a part of the greater whole – the universe. Even Cher acknowledges this in one of her songs that I play a lot. She sings, “what if the world was crazy and I was sane, that we were all connected by a life that flows through each of us.” I’m learning to vibrate on a higher spiritual level of gnosis. I’m eager to continue reading this new book, as I believe it has truth, a return to what Christ was all about – reconnecting everyone through love and light.
I’m hoping to either find a way to connect to the Internet today or a place with wireless access so I can post to the Blog so everyone will know what has been happening. I don’t even have cell phone access here in The Cabin in the Woods and I have a feeling that I have messages. Perhaps Roadie and I will drive down to Thayer and see if there is a place there. For now, Roadie has the right idea – sleep.
Well, now it’s a bit after 10 am and Roadie and I are sitting in the Explorer outside the local Radio Shack, as instructed by the nice lady at Grandma’s Kitchen. I’ll post more later as I can; however, I wanted to get this out to everyone. Namaste.
It’s now a bit after 6 pm. Roadie and I have had a full day. We drove down to Thayer so we could get a signal for the cell phone and check voice messages. It seems I was suppose to be down there with a signal because Stephan (a kind hearted, caring, soft spoken young man who is subletting the Austin Apartment) called to check in and to show honor in asking about the placement of a chest of drawers that he wanted to buy to place his clothing in. Thank you Stephan for honoring me by making that request. It is much appreciated. He called just as we were driving back up to Alton in an area where I knew we would loose a signal, so I stopped and talked with him for a bit. I believe he will enjoy the energy of the apartment and making new friends at Genuine Joe’s.
We stopped where a purveyor of recycled items was along the side of the road. I have to admit that at first glance it was an unseemly eye sore in such a beautiful location, however, the family that ran the place were very simple folk. They were kind hearted, generous and very nice to talk with. They don’t put prices on anything, they just allow you to gather the things you are interested in taking with you and then ask what you think it’s worth. There was a LOT of stuff. I was saddened because much of it could be of great value, however, because it is all in the open many of the things have defects. I did find a comfortable rocker for the Children and Creativity Room, a nice chess set for the living room, a paper towel hanger for the kitchen, and some old wood pieces that I have intent in turning into coat hangers by the front door. I also stopped at the Alton True Value store and purchased some items to complete the coat hangers and some mortar mix so we can begin the process of creating a flower area along the front of The Cabin in the Woods. The flower area will help ground the cabin to the earth and help direct the energy into the front door.
Upon returning to the cabin, dearest Finnabair had left a message, so we called her and told her of our adventures thus far. I asked if Roadie and I could visit after I unloaded, so we walked over the hill, down the meadow, across the woods, and up the hill to where Lonnie and Kathleen live. (Dearest Finnabair stays there while she is up here.) We sat and talked for several hours. We were treated with some very tasty Hibiscus and Mint tea, hot and cold versions. Lonnie shared stories of Galen Rose, stories about his life in the Navy, and then we began to discuss The People of the Woods. It seems that Galen knew that they were here, that even Lonnie sees them, but on his property, not here. When I told dearest Finnabair about them, she began to tell me about a book she is writing that corresponds with The People of the Woods. I’ll admit, at first even I was beginning to think I was a bit off after three days alone and being silent, however, with confirmations from everyone I have refreshed what I have experienced here. This is a very special place. I liked Lonnie and Kathleen when I met them, so did Roadie. Today it was a pleasure to actually talk with him; Kathleen must have been at work or something.
I asked about a certain property that connects Lonnie’s and dearest Finnabair’s properties. They told me that the family that lived there was getting a divorce and that they owed a lot of money on the property so it would probably be taken over by the bank. I shared with them a vision that I saw about it going up for sale some time soon. Lonnie asked if I was interested in it. I have to admit I am, however, I acknowledged the fact that I have to be attentive to making sure funds are here for the continuation of the adventure. I asked Lonnie to let me know when the property does become available, and he said he would and also offered that perhaps we all could go in together to get the property. I will leave this whole idea up to the powers that be to determine, but I will ask the question – May I have the funds, financing, and ability to purchase the property so that the negative energies there may be removed and replaced with positive energies so all of the properties will grow in love and kindness.
I shared some visions I had concerning a bear here. They confirmed that there was a black bear that visited here. I had to share that he lived here and this was his home. I have had three visions of the bear – the first when I arrived on the property, that I had to be watchful of Roadie because of a bear; the second when I walked up to the old barn, when I was told to get out of his home; and the last one a few nights ago, the bear was at the front porch and trying to come through the window and he was angry. Tonight I asked why the bear didn’t like me here and the answer came – he knew that me being here would bring others here. Dearest Finnabair confirmed by saying that she believed my being here would be the start of other artists and writers coming here to enjoy the spirits of this place. The most amazing thing happened when Roadie and I started to walk back over to the cabin. Dearest Finnabair’s two guardians – Ziggy and Blossom – suddenly were with us. Blossom walked ahead of us and Ziggy walked behind us, protecting us and letting us know we were going to be guarded with love and wisdom of the place and the bear. As we started walking I sensed that the bear was near by and heard sounds in the woods. I did become a bit nervous, as I didn’t want to have a face-to-face meeting with Mr. Bear. That’s when Ziggy and Blossom showed up, I sang the whole way back. I learned while hiking in the wilderness of Alaska to make noise as we hiked to let the bears know we were coming. When we arrived at the cabin, I asked Gabriel if we could talk to the bear. I did specifically ask for something other than a face-to-face meeting. So I walked up the hill and talked loudly towards the Faerie Glen where he lives. I told him that I didn’t mean him any harm and that my being here was so that I could enjoy the special energy of this place, just has he and The People of the Woods have. That the people that would follow after me would only be here to share in this energy, not desire to hurt living things, and would respect this as his home also. I waited for a bit, then I was told to give a peace offering of berries along the path down beside the Faerie Glen. If he accepted it then he would accept my presence and the presence of others to come. I called dearest Finnabair to let her know that we were guarded home by Ziggy and Blossom, and I believed that Blossom was on her way back there but that Ziggy may be staying the night. Roadie is curled up beside me and Ziggy is curled up on the sofa. Dearest Finnabair said that her and Lonnie had some frozen berries and would bring them over tomorrow and I asked if we could all make it a ceremony together, they agreed.
I have greatly enjoyed the day and it was indeed a beautiful, warm, sunshiny day as mentioned last night that it would be. By the way, does anyone know the symbolic meaning of Ladybugs visiting you? I’ve been visited by several of them tonight. Most I lovingly take outside, however, the last one didn’t want to seem to go outside and flew off my hand.
The Cabin in the Woods is surrounded with various spirits, beings, and things. I believe that they are all here because of the special energy it has. I look forward to a time, after Mr. Bear has accepted the peace offering, that I can spend some time down in the Faerie Glen. Oh, Ms. Ladybug is back, let me see if she wants to go back to nature now. Well Ms. Ladybug accepted my offer of freedom back to nature. Again does anyone recall the significance of when Ladybugs visit you?
OK, it’s almost 8:30 pm now and while I was in the kitchen eating dinner Ziggy and Roadie both jolted to the front door and started barking loudly. This was just after I had taken them both outside, only to have them both run back inside, so I went with them and this time locked the front door. I hadn’t felt the need to lock it until tonight. Mr. Bear is a bit uneasy tonight and I sense he has been walking around the cabin. I called over to Lonnie and Kathleen’s and talked with Kathleen for a bit until I felt the uneasiness leave. The dogs were both at ease again. I told Kathleen that we were all staying in the middle of the cabin away from windows. In some strange way this has been an exciting evening. It makes me feel very alive and aware of what is going on around me. I have covered the two windows in the middle bedroom (the Children and Creativity room) and have set up the lower bunk to sleep in. I’m curling up in the back by the wall with Roadie curled up with me and Ziggy seems to be happy at the foot of the bed for now. I sense we are all safe here because the last vision happened in the front bedroom where I had been sleeping. I find it amusing that I’m sleeping here tonight because earlier today I commented to myself a desire to sleep back here in the Creative space soon. Maybe I just needed a little help from Mr. Bear to move back here. LOL. Thank you, Mr. Bear.
Dearest Finnabair had inquired if I knew a name of the Man from the Woods, part of The People of the Woods. I acknowledged that I hadn’t, but that I would ask. Tonight as I danced around in the living room he appeared again. The first appearance didn’t seem like a pleasant one, but then he laughed. Thus I take it he knew about my apprehensions about Mr. Bear. I told him that it wasn’t funny and if he knew Mr. Bear, he said he did and that he was an ornery old soul who didn’t like change. I asked him his name and I received Joshua McLoud. I asked him if he would let Mr. Bear know that I meant him no harm and my presence here would not bring a lot of people at any one time, only a few at a time; as dearest Finnabair had asked me to share with him. Joshua left, I’m sure to go talk with Mr. Bear. I think Mr. Bear is nervous as well, it’s his nervous energy I’m feeling, not my own. I know that he will accept my presence and the presence of the others to come. He just has to be assured that we aren’t here to change the energy and area around the cabin – not do a lot of building and such, although some areas will be improved. While I was talking with Kathleen I asked her to give the name Joshua McLoud to dearest Finnabair. I heard her say “umm” in the background. I’m curious to learn more about who she understands these beings to be and where they have come from.
Well, I’m going to close this for now and curl up with “The Laughing Jesus” and read for a bit, then try to sleep.
Thought for the day: What makes you nervous? What causes you to lash out at others? Is it fear? Change is the only thing that we know for sure will happen every day, so why should we be afraid of change, like Mr. Bear is? I’m learning not to fear, to accept, embrace, and know that I am knowing, fluid (like water – my middle name is Lynn which means a large body of water, aka the refreshing one.), safe, protected, and loved greatly. Everyone who reads this is as I am, as we are all part of each other.