I apologize for not being able until today to post any updates, however, I am over whemled with excitement from the love of friends and family. I would like to let everyone know that while I'm traveling now I may not always be able to post updates. I can only post them when I have internet access. Even my cell phone may not get a signal at times, which has been the case this week.
I have been writing in my Journal every day with the intent of being able to post it. I know I will be able to share what is there at some point, however, for now I will trust that it isn't to be posted as I cannot figure out how to connect my computer to phone line.
I am currently in Plain Dealing, Louisiana. I'm visiting with my sister (Paula), wife of Vic, mother of Kailyn. I am here because of her request for assistance to help change the energies of their home and property into positive ones. My sister hasn't always been open to guidance, so I was more than pleased to offer my love, gifts and time to assist them. What I'm coming to understand is that perhaps this adventure is part of sharing what I've been gifted - my insights, knowledge, gifts - with others who are in need and open, ready for changes in their lives. Such is the case that is happening here at my sisters. Through love and being connected with God (the Big G) and receiving my energy from him, I'm not seeking to steal energy from others, instead I'm able to give energy. This has caused some awesome changes in how I talk to others, I how relate to them, and how they respond.
My sister's household is being bombarded with negative energy, the property's wealth area is a massive slop off the property, and because of these things they have had money issues, challenges with positive communications, and finding ways to overcome the challenges of life since they moved out onto the old family farm. While I have been here I have been blessed with the ability to help guide them into greater understanding of the power of words; recognizing negative energy; how to use thoughts, words, and actions to create intent, which causes things to happen within the greater scheme; and the concept that they are mere stewards of the things around them - not owners of them. Everyone in the home is beginning to be mindful of their words, recognize the contributions that each makes to the family, and most importantly how to communicate in positive reinforcing ways.
I've been here since Tuesday evening and only today were we able to get their computer system to connect with the internet. It worked, just not when I sat down to share. I'm thrilled at the changes that are taking place here and I trust that upon my departure that they will have the understanding, the knowledge, and the desire to continue on the path that they have been shown - Love. A love that can overcome the challenges of the past, a love that transcends understanding (although they are beginning to gain in this area), and a love that is connected through everything. They are beginning to show appreciation for the gifts they have through being mindful of properly taking care of them. Even my niece (in the past has faced many challenges) is learning how to love, respect, honor and appreciate others and is beginning to learn stewardship and guardianship. Through patience and love I have been amazed at how wonderful she is, that she is able to learn how to love her pet - Tinker Bell (a MinPin and Chauhaha mix), and how to be mindful to care for the home, how to share, how to love and to even express positive communications. Tonight, Friday, I was blessed with having the evening to share with her on a date - we went out to dinner alone after working hard on preparing their home. Her and I have the intent on spending the next three days together alone working on her room and bathroom so her areas will receive positive energy.
Their home was smothering in chaos, neglect, and inappropriate stewardship. That is changing. We have begun to clean, organize, repair, and turn the home into a restful retreat, protective environment, an inviting space, and a home filled with love for God and others, an appreciation for the gifts God has provided them, and a place for the development of self, wealth and love. I have no idea of how long I shall be here, however, I have given my word that I would stay to help until everything was in order. Today as everyone was working on things I felt the house breathe for the first time. The chaos was like a virus that had corrupted the home and didn't allow the energy to flow and as things were being set up properly it began to rid itself of the virus - chaos. The major focus has been on resolving the property's wealth issue and I was shown how to resolve that through building a protective container of wealth in the sloping area to catch the wealth energy and allow it to be stored so that they can have a chance to get back on their feet and build something better for themselves. As the chaos is being removed the home is already responding by giving gifts of coins. I've explained to everyone that it is a gift from the home and they have begun to place all money found into a container and when we are finished inside we will put it all in a special valued container and have a ceremonial placement of it in the wealth area to invite further wealth into the home. We'll also being smudging the home with sage to cleanse it so they can have a fresh new start, and doing a family Bagua blessing for the home and the people who live in it.
I trust that I will be able to post the items in my Journal at some point, but it seems that I was to share the thoughts of today with everyone - the power of words. Thus the thought for today is:
What are you sending out into the world, what are you sending out to others - is it positive, loving, encouraging, inspiring energy or negative? I'm finding that we all have to be mindful (careful) of our words for the power (energy) they have. Karma - what you put out into the world comes back to you, thus if you're sending out positive energy, positive energy will return.
Blessings to everyone and be encouraged that I am well and attending to my Life's Path of speaking what I have learned, helping others, and learning myself. I've started reading "The ABC's of Chakra Therapy" by Deedre Diemer. It's an interesting and enlightening book because she talks about understanding the how the energy flows through the major energy centers (chakras) of the body, what happens when the energy is blocked by us not being able to address issues in our lives, and how to unlock the blockage to achieve health - emotional, physical and spiritual. I'll share more at another time when given the opportunity and have had more time to read and learn.