Saturday, January 21, 2006
Roadie and I both sense something happening outside of The Cabin in the Woods. Occasionally I see quick movements near the door and windows, only to look more and see nothing. There is a sense (with confirmation from Gabriel) that there is a spiritual battle being fought around us. Roadie is staying close to me for protection and also looking at the door and windows barking as if to protect me. We had to go outside (Roadie expressed a need for relief) and he just sat at the bottom step looking off into the distance and around, occasionally barking. Gabriel said that we would be OK, just to stay inside and attend to our duties. Thus we are staying inside, cleaning, organizing, and hopefully helping Finnabair create the place she dreams of here.
We continued to clean and organize most of the morning. We found a stereo system and got it connected and working. We played some great CD’s and began to dance around in the living room, me holding Roadie in my arms for a partner. As we danced the sun began to shine outside brightly so Roadie and I ventured outdoors to a beautiful afternoon. It was in the 50’s, however, I wore a tank top and was very warm. I noticed some bricks at the bottom of the steps, so I dug them up, cleaned them up and lovingly replaced them without all the dirt and weeds. I began to rake the front lawn area and then noticed that the two small flowerbeds lined with rocks needed some attention. I pulled up the rock borders, cleaned the weeds out, and began to replace the rock border in a new pattern to help pull the energy into the home and make the front entry more inviting. I wish I had someone here who knew more about stone masonry, as I could use the guidance to build the perfect rock border – one that would withstand the events ahead. I’m creating two curved beds in the front now, one a bit larger and on two levels because that side of the cabin needs some grounding – a connection – back to the earth. Just moving the rocks to where they should go has already changed the energy of the cabin. More energy is changing as we clean, organize, and properly place the furniture and few belongings within. Roadie has discovered the joys of digging in the dirt, although I am allowing him this pleasure, I’m trying to guide him into knowing where it is ok to dig – not in the flowerbeds. Although I’m sure he finds it fun to dig in the freshly tilled earth. I watched with silent laughter as he would grab a weed and begin to shake it, running off with it as if it was a treasure. Roadie is still keeping me mindful to live in the moment, so we often stop to play together, running around chasing each other, rolling on the ground, dancing in the yard, even sitting together in silence. I have been the guardian for many animals in my past; however, none have shown so strong a desire to be near me all the time. He always likes to rest in my lap or at my feet. He’s a very special friend in deed.
Today I started reading the Bible again. It seems that all of the things I have been learning are helping me to understand scriptures better. I find it easier to read now, and with improved understanding as to its meaning. I read in Malachi first, where I learned more about his message of the coming Messiah. I learned this one passage as it had special meaning to me: “For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and men should seek instruction from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.” I then began to read in the book of Matthew. I read the genealogy of Jesus and I’m sure there is significance to the numbers presented – 14 generations, 14 generations more, and then another 14 generations before Christ. I’ll ask the question for this understanding so that I may know more. I read about the birth of Christ and his first 30 years of life. Being born in Bethlehem, being presented with gifts from the wise men (who were lead by a star – so there’s something to astrology here), moving to Egypt at age 2, moving around until He arrived in Nazareth, being baptized by John the Baptist, and His temptation in the wilderness for 40 days after which he was attended to by angels (even further proof of our being guided and protected by angels). I have tentative intentions of continuing my reading in Matthew so that I may learn more about things I may have missed before. I have developed a very strong desire to learn Greek and Hebrew, possibly Arabic so that I can read the original texts to gain a better understanding of its meaning. I have also a question know about the meaning of Baptist. Something I’ll have to investigate further when I have Internet connections again.
I tried this evening to do a dial up connection, however, since there isn’t long distance, I was having a difficult time. I’ll have to wait until Monday so I can speak with someone after my silent time is complete.
The thing that I’m learning from being silent is the needlessness of most words, how many thoughts flood my mind during the day, and how to communicate with Roadie by signs (something he is picking up on quickly). I hear many things and without speaking, I can hear more. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m glad I’m doing this because I know I will be more mindful of the power of words. I’m also becoming more at peace with my own thoughts as I learn to dismiss the negative energy and concentrate on the truthful, positive energy. I’m finding that I’m very blessed with many gifts and that some of them should be given to others not by speaking, but by doing. Thoughts create words, words create actions (intent), and actions create. It’s the energy of the word that is so powerful and God just created by word, but mankind He created by His own hand and breathed His life (His energy, His spirit) into man (and woman) - at least Adam and Eve. My very special cousin Buddy shared a thought with me he learned through the B’hai Faith (spelling may be incorrect as the spell checker doesn’t know for sure) – that Adam and Eve were the spiritual beings and when their sons ventured off to find wives, that is when the spiritual beings met the non-spiritual beings. This thought resonates with truth so I hope to get to study it more, as it would answer so many questions I personally have about the creation story.
Well, it’s heading on 8 pm so I’m going to stop typing now and relax, read and share some time with Roadie. By the way, does anyone know why male animals and humans have tits? Is it to remind us that we can also nurture others as women do? Or is it because when God created man, He created him complete – both male and female within one body. God gave Adam the gift of a companion because he saw that he was alone – thus woman. God created her from man (the whole being, male and female) instead of creating her anew. Woman is part of man; perhaps this is why so many believe that they aren’t whole without a partner. Perhaps God separated the two aspects – male and female – when he created Eve, thus almost requiring that man should always desire a helpmate, a companion, someone to complete the paradox, providing different insights into the way of life. This brings another question – why are there gay men and women? I have several different views of this. One is a natural birth control for the planet, perhaps. The other is that, I believe, gay men and women possess both aspects of male and female together as a whole within one body - complete. There are several cultures that used to honor and respect such people and believed that they were special beings sent to guide others. Why is it then that our American culture with all of its incorrect Judeo Christian teachings hasn’t woken up to this realization? Wake up, look around, whom are these special gifts from God, what grace, beauty, and art they bring so that more may be lead to knowing.
Thought for the day: What are you reading? Is it something to guide you along your Life’s Path or something that helps you by escaping reality and thus only adding to other negative energy? Please don’t get me wrong, fiction is good, as long as it encourages, inspires, and motivates. What are you reading – what thoughts are you feeding your mind that will be revealed in your words and actions?