I am preparing to depart Austin for a while this morning, however, I stopped to check the numerology for the new license plates and for Roadie (travel companion). I thought I would share what I discovered:
Roadie = 9+6+1+4+9+5= 7 Completed by using the numbers related to the letters, then adding them together until I get to a single digit, unless it's a Master number of 11 or 22. Roadie is a Seven.
Seven Pets -- Seven pets, like seven people, are sometimes loners. It's not that they don't love you or love being around you, it's just that they need to hang out by themselves for a while. In a sense, they are the philosophers of the animal kingdom. They think about the big questions. For example, three pets spend a lot of time thinking about their next meal. Whereas seven pets wonder about things like, "Where does that food really come from anyhow?" And if they could read the label on the can or bag, they probably would! Of course, it's not good for animals to spend too much time by themselves. So if you catch them staring too long at the light sparkling on the window pane, bring them back to reality with one of their favorite toys. They really do need your company more than they let on!
The new license plates are 301 JHF. Now this approach is a bit different as far as I'm concerned because it's like two different names. The first being 301, which is a 4 - Works hard, gets things done. The second being JHF, (1+8+6= 6) Reliable, warm, nurturing, happlily domestic. Then the total is a 1, which is a natural leader, self-sufficient and ambitious. Thus I have a reliable, hard working, nurturing, domestic, self-sufficient and ambitious automobile for use on my journey.
Oh, I'm a 9 (Sebastian = 9, Lynn = 2, Boney = 7 = 9) Inspired, intuitive, creative. Seeks to improve the world. Needs to avoid badhabits, and attend to life's details. To see the "big picture." To dream the dream. Community leader, organize small business owners.
At various times, a nine will display all the qualities of the other numbers (One through Eight). It's as though they need to try a little bit of everything before they mellow into older age. At the same time, there is a timeless quality about nines. Even as youngsters, they have an "old soul" quality. And ironically, in later life, they often seem more youthful. So nines are sometimes hard to pin down. But do watch what you think when you are around a nine. They are especially sensitive to your psychic vibes. And so what if they are sometimes mysterious? In a pinch, they will do everything they can to protect you
If you'd like to have some fun with numerology, please visit Do-It-Yourself Numerology.
I'll share my Life Path at another time, but for now, I'm a 2,6 = 8. I'll allow you to wonder about this for a bit because I have to finish preparing to depart.