Sunday, January 22, 2006
It’s 5:30 am here in the cozy Cabin in the Woods and it’s a bit nippy outside, as Roadie and I found out just now. We have gotten into an early morning routine, yes, for those of you who have known me for a long time I said routine. I’m finding it very enjoyable – my morning routine with Roadie. It brings comfort that this is the way things are supposed to be. Roadie wakes me up with loving nips to the nose or lips, I jump out of bed, throw on jeans, shoes, shirt and cap (all of which have been lovingly placed in order at the bedside for quick access – those of you with puppies know what I mean) and then we head outside (where smart puppies know to go pottie and pottie2 so they can respect the inside). Roadie is so smart this way – shucks, he’s just smart – the philosopher with a very old soul. Something else I’m learning while being silent – that Roadie and I can communicate with telepathy, after all I hear tell that dogs are very attuned to such things. I’ve been experimenting with him on this. I say to him in my mind what I desire of him, guide him into playing with his toys, invite him to join me on the chair or sofa, and tell him how much he is loved and what a good old man he is. He is very responsive to nonverbal communications, so perhaps I will have to begin to teach him guidance aspects through sign language as the dearest Finnabair asked if I was doing.
Back to routine, nutrition, and even exercise. I knew that I would return from this adventure changed forever, I just didn’t know what changes would take place. It seems that all of the things I hadn’t been doing for myself are the things I’m learning to do – eat properly (now a total Vegan – eating the fruits of the earth), develop routines for attending to the daily aspects of life (Roadie and I go out, I sit and read while he plays beside me, I meditate and pray, write in the journal, and I hope to begin adding the routine of a regular breakfast, morning exercise and yoga), and I’m learning the importance of routine. What I’ve discovered is that in order to honor God we have to be good stewards of the body He has provided us and by doing so we are blessed with good health and a strong body, which allows us the means to express our spirituality here on this plane of existence. We are to honor the body and enjoy all its aspects as a gift from God, not as I was taught to throw away the sins of the flesh, but then again this brings up a new idea. There are sins of the flesh – those are when we use our body for negative energy, to steal energy from others, and by not honoring it as a gift from God. In order to have balanced energy in our body we have to clear the blocked energy from the major energy centers (Chakras). I’m learning ways of doing this, including Holographic Repatterning, Yoga, Meditation, and some new things from the current book I’m reading, “The ABC’s of Chakra Therapy” by Deedre Diemer. Last night before rest I read and practiced grounding and centering of your mind. You can read her book or others to learn about this, however, I know why I have always enjoyed working in the garden with bare feet, walking along the beach barefoot, and just sitting on a mountain side.
Roadie and I took a nap this morning because it’s raining outside – one of those lazy, slow days for relaxing. That’s just what we’re doing – relaxing. Roadie is playing with a chew toy that Lonnie and Kathleen gave him (they gave him a package of them, Roadie says, “ruf, ruf.” Translated, that’s Thank You.). I am reading after doing some light cleaning. I’m continuing my reading my Matthew. I read the Sermon on the Mount, something I’ve read many times, but this time with new understanding. Most of you know how I end my E-mails with A Path Begins with a Question? The passage I read today in Matthew is just about that: “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Ask a question, the answer will be given. Seek knowledge, and it will be given. Knock (the physical form of asking a question), and it will be opened. I suppose that’s what this journey is all about – asking questions (which only inspire more questions), seeking knowledge (which is provided from asking the questions), and knocking on doors (seeking out those who have the knowledge, the answers, the guidance, the welcome place to learn, rest, and rejuvenate.).
I’ll share more later, for now Roadie desires companionship. However, I will leave you with this thought: Are you asking questions, waiting to hear the answer in silence? Are you seeking knowledge to guide you along your Life’s Path? Are you knocking (the physical form of asking a question) to gain the knowledge and answers, to find the people who are there, needed, to guide you along your Life’s Path?
Well it’s 7:30 pm now and I’m sitting down to rest for a bit with Roadie, as he seems to be aware The People of the Woods here near The Cabin in the Woods. Earlier while I was organizing the kitchen Galen Rose told me about The People of the Woods. They are the beings I see outside the door and windows and they live in the woods here. He said he was always aware of them, that they didn’t like change, and were here because they have separated themselves from the universal energy. I suppose that’s why he said something about them being unhappy and not very friendly. I couldn’t imagine not being connected now that I am aware, knowing, gnosis – awake, no longer sleeping as before. It seems that they are attracted to the music in the cabin, as that is when I notice them the most. I suppose and can only conjecture that when they hear the music it reminds them of their lost connection – music is such a wonderful gift from God because it lifts the spirit and moves the body. Roadie has been barking at them from a few of the rooms tonight and seemed a bit uneasy, thus the rest to reassure him everything is ok. I was also told that the cabin and buildings were safe and protected with pure white light, that pure love from God and that The People of the Woods cannot enter the buildings, but that we would be aware of them without. Earlier today dearest Finnabair came to visit and she commented about also seeing people in the corner of her eye around here and hadn’t shared it with anyone.
Gabriel, my guiding and protecting angel, told me that a person of great import would come to visit today bearing a gift to help me along my journey. Finnabair arrived at 2 pm with the gift of knowledge, a book, “The Laughing Jesus” by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. I’ve only started the first chapter, but it resonates with truth and I have a feeling will guide me into even greater understanding. Its subtitle is Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom. Gnosis means knowing. It presents the understanding (knowing) of the early followers of Christ (Christians) of what Christ taught – that we are all part of the whole, connected, part of each other and every living thing. So far I’m sensing this book, this gift to guide, was presented so that I could begin to know more about all of the truths (beliefs) I have developed over the last few years. That everything is made of energy, everything is connected together through the energy, and we are all part of every thing.
Wow, I have to share this. One of The People of the Woods is the one I see the most. He comes eagerly to the front door and windows, lingering there, looking inside to see what is here. I suppose he’s attracted to the positive energy that is now becoming my essence, my being, and the truths I’m learning. The same truths that I know I will be sharing with others. He’s very airy, surrounded with a black, flowing cloak that billows around him. I cannot see his face, just the cloak – perhaps the cloak is his essence. He seems very curious and has been looking through the front window across from me for some time now and doesn’t move, as if to allow me to see him, to know he is there. He doesn’t seem harmful, almost sad. Previously he would run away when I felt him there and looked, but now he lingers. I think he’s very curious about something. I have a feeling that him and I will have a conversation sometime in the woods, or in the in-between (the meadows) the common ground between man and them. The Cabin in the Woods has such great energy and spirit; perhaps it is because of them that this place inspires others to find their connection, to grow, to know.
Now back to the book. The first chapter is providing a basis of understanding of the early Christians and they were indeed Gnostics (knowing, in the light, awake) to the truths of life. That the message and beliefs of the early Christians was used for negative purposes to control the people, not enlighten. I’m eager to read more and you can be assured I’ll share what I learn.
Finnabair’s visit was a delight. We shared hot tea on this cold, rainy afternoon to warm her from her walk over. I invited her to read the journal entries I’ve written but haven’t had the opportunity to post to the Blog for everyone. Before she read it we walked around the cabin. I saw tears develop several times and felt she understood that I knew things about this place, an appreciation of the things I have done here, and a feeling of knowing. As she read the journal entries, she laughed, sighed, and almost cried at times. I could sense she knew I was connected here. We shared, her talking and me writing or acknowledging in silence, about things and thoughts. Let me tell you about the dearest Finnabair. She is an incredible woman, full of love, light, a desire for knowledge and truth, very giving, energetic, caring, compassionate, very accomplished woman who came into my life back at Genuine Joe’s in Austin. Talk about synchronicity. (If you don’t know what that is, there is a book by that name by Deepak Chopra.) She shared back then that she felt her and I had a connection and would be able to share our Life’s Paths for a time. She was right. I’m very thankful that I have met such a wonderful woman. I sense the essence of her heart calling out. Something I realized back when I assisted her with a consult on her mother’s home in Austin – a desire for a great love and romance, the desire to be wanted as a woman, to be treasured. This is something I believe has been lacking, however, I have the intentions of talking with her of such things and offering my gifts to help her find what she desires. She is very deserving of such things, and I know that the man who acknowledges her greatness, her love, her special gifts will receive so much more than he could ever imagine. Dearest Finnabair didn’t seem to accept the fact that she was the person of “Great Import” that was to visit today, but she is of Great Import, not only to me, but she will be to so many others. I’m thankful she has welcomed me to The Cabin in the Woods and that I can share my gifts to help her. She is a very special person!
Oh, a quick note for the record, I stopped the fast yesterday as I felt it wasn’t needed any longer. I greatly enjoyed eating some new foods today. I’ve discovered a great food source – Ezekiel 4:9 Food of Life. It’s great stuff and I have intentions of finding out more about them and their products. I enjoyed a great wild rice mix, some nutritious natural peanut butter and jam on some good stuff wafers.
I just finished for the night working in the kitchen. I was dancing around to the music and was aware of The People of the Woods watching. So I stopped and asked (telepathically) them why they were so curious. They said they had never seen anyone dance and what purpose did it serve. I told them it was my way of expressing joy, happiness, and my appreciation and love of God by the movement of my body. They all seemed to be amused at this. I sensed a lot of them here. Shortly thereafter Roadie had to go outside and when we were outside I noticed them still there, but moved away from us, almost afraid to be near us, or realizing that Gabriel was protecting us. I looked up from where we were standing and saw a large tree. Suddenly I realized they were the people of the woods. I think they know the powerful energy of the natural forest because it is connected to the universal whole, part of everything, grounded in the earth and reaching toward heaven. Perhaps that is why they live in the woods here, in hope of finding their way to being connected again. The one I spoke of earlier is trying to get me to speak. I don’t know if he is trying because I haven’t spoken or if he knows I’m being silent and wants me to break my silence. I almost spoke out loud to him while we were outside, but grabbed my mouth and shook my hand at him saying no, no. He seemed to be amused at almost getting me to talk. I laughed inwardly at his humor and playfulness.
It’s now a bit after 9 pm and Roadie is ready for bed. I think we will retire for the evening, read some in the new book given by the dearest Finnabiar, meditate some, then rest peacefully knowing that today was a great day, that tomorrow will be an incredible sunshine filled, warm, fun-filled day.
I have been wondering how my sister and her family are doing with the changing of their lives through the changing of the things in their home. I hope and have intent on traveling back that way to see them at some point. My sister was so happy earlier this week when she shared with me how good she had been doing with this and how much things are changing in her life. I know my sister is very special, after all she is here because I prayed for her. (At least that’s the story my mother tells, that I prayed for two years and told people that I was going to have a little sister. I think they were all surprised when she arrived.) I’m beginning to realize that I’ve had great power of words from an early age. Call those things that be not as though they already are. That’s a scripture verse, something taught by Jesus, about the power of our thoughts and words and how they can bring about things for us and others. I noticed a change in my sister when she had read something I had wrote about her. She suddenly felt special again and from that it began to change her life, how she communicated, how she acted, and how she lives.
Thought for today: What thoughts and words are you expressing about yourself and others? Are they positive, encouraging, uplifting, and enlightening or are they filled with negative aspects. What mistruths are you believing about yourself and others? Acknowledge the truth of who you are, your talents, your special gifts, your true self; and then begin to acknowledge those same truths you see in others and see how it changes your life and theirs. Try it, I don’t just ask, I double dog dare you to. Then when the changes start to take hold, please come back here and share so others can be encouraged.