I just wanted to post a short update so everyone can become aware of my tentative intentions for the upcoming weeks. I'm currently in Bloomington, Illinois, visiting Stephen and Archie. I'll share my journal entries about my stay here when I can find wireless access with my laptop, but these are indeed very special people.
I have intent upon leaving here on Tuesday morning to drive to St.Louis, Missouri, to have dinner with an unknown man who apparently knows what I look like and is expecting me, and at an unknown restaurant. However, I believe that Gabriel will guide me in knowing who and where when the time is right. All I can really share about this man is that he is to have a profound impact upon my life. So I look forward to meeting him.
I hope to leave from St.Louis on Wednesday or Thursday and head back down to The Cabin in the Woods to spend some time with worthy Lonnie, dearest Finnabair and knowing Kathleen. While there I am going to set my intents upon trimming the fruit trees so they will be prepared for their new Spring growth while I am traveling and learning else where.
Some time in the upcoming weekend I hope to depart and head South to visit my sister and her loving family again, as I sense the negative influences that were being allowed to happen there (clear cutting of an old forest) will be gone. I'm also sensing that the long awaited conversation with my mother and her husband will be provided. I'm not sure how long I will stay there, but I know I have to set my intent upon showing them some new things to help guide them along their new path and assist in protecting their home from the negative energies being aroused by the clear cutting around them.
Archie and I are about to meditate and work towards regression therapy so we can discover the locked up secret hurts and histories of our past so that we may find healing and release so that we can have healthy bodies, minds, and spirits. Oh, I was provided with a great gift from these special people - a Petalite crystal wrapped in silver. It was their love gift for me coming to visit and helping them with their apartment energies and helping both of them to become aware of how special they are. I'll be sharing some information on crystals in a future blog post, so please look for the heading Crystals in the future. I'll also be sharing information about essential oils, magik, and much more, as I desire to share the information from my travels with everyone who has an interest in learning, in gnosis.
Thought for today: What past hurts, memories, or stories have held you back, blocked your energy (chakras) and have been stumbling blocks to finding true happiness, joy and your spiritually divine self? I'll share more about this later, but for now I will just leave it as a simple question for everyone to ponder over. Namaste.