I’ve spent a week at my sister’s guiding them into understanding of home, love, energy, meditation, and how to protect their home. This morning I awakened with a great desire to pack and leave. I wasn’t sure why, however, the answer came. A large 18-Wheeler arrived with large pieces of equipment. An uneasy feeling swept over the home. I couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything, just the thought that I needed to leave. Soon I discovered the reason for those things arriving – they were there to cut down the beautiful forest that I grew up with, that gave me energy, safety, comfort when I needed it. My heart sang when I saw what they were doing to that forest without regard to the beauty and value of the trees, plants and land. It’s one thing to trim out trees and appreciate and care for the forests, another thing to just destroy it.
I don’t recall if I’ve shared what I was shown the last time I was at my sister’s, however, I’ll share now. The last time I was there I couldn’t understand why I became so physically ill upon arriving there. The next day I had to talk to a walk to meditate, so I walked through the forest where I knew I could get energy. A wonderful tree that had grown into a natural seat invited me to sit and meditate. I quietly asked why the energy was being taken from me. As I sat the trees said to open my eyes and look. I looked straight from where I sat and saw the desolation of the land. It was being poisoned and unappreciated by negative influences. My heart was saddened as I thought about the history of the land, how my grandmother, Vera B. Lee, lovingly cared for the land by hand clearing it, growing beautiful flowers and vegetables. There were white picket fences, maintained fences and buildings, a lot of love, and energy. I have always been connected to that land. I learned the love of gardening from my grandmother when I helped her in her gardens. The negative influences are two people who have chosen to not acknowledge truth, who through this, have not been able to fulfill their life’s path. They haven’t been able to make the choices to do things to find their paths and as a result have filled their home and everything around them with negative energy. That energy has angered the land and instead of giving energy is taking it away, it’s causing everyone on the property to be ill, unhappy, and it’s even withholding water and it’s beauty. My mother acknowledged the fact; when she shared with me that their well was running dry.
I couldn’t help for feel sympathy for her. The whole time I was at my sister’s I was praying that God would provide healing for my mother by forcing her to face the truth, to find forgiveness for herself, to be able to find her life’s path again. My mother is an incredible woman, full of love, encouragement, nurturing, inspiration, and wisdom. Not to mention her love of music, beauty and life. However, because of her allowing the negative influence to remain a part of her life she has been lost in a desert. As I left today I continued to pray for her, that she would be prepared to hear my love filled guiding words, that her husband would acknowledge his not belonging there on his own and that the two of them could find healing by allowing the other to go find their own life’s paths. I hadn’t understood a vision I had about the land being desolate, however, I fully understand it now.
That’s why I’m in Hope, Arkansas as I write this. I had to release the land there so I wouldn't be swept up in the flood of negative energy, however, I did provide protection for my sister's home and family before I left. I apologized to the land and asked God for the resources to be able to purchase the land, clear it of the negative energy, and restore it to the energy filled, love filled and joyeous place it once was. I have trust that this shall one day be granted. Hope, what a wonderful place to be when I need some healing for myself. I had asked Gabriel where to go tonight when I left, trusting that he would guide me to where I needed to be. I was told to drive for an hour. I did and was stopped at exactly one hour by a traffic control device where there was a service station. Roadie and I appreciated the opportunity to relieve our selves and find sustenance. I inquired of the very kind attendant about lodging and he guided me to a Motel 8. I was excited when I found out the room rate, just the amount I could spend per night upon my travels. It’s a wonderful room (225) situated in the Knowledge and Self Development aspect of the motel. It has wireless connection and serves free breakfast. I believe I’ll be here for about a week for some reason. I need some time to build back my own energy and concentrate on my spiritual development.
My sister and her family need some time to begin the process I’ve guided them through and some time alone together so they can begin to see the power of words, positive energy, and God’s love. Tonight I was honored by my sister’s acknowledgement of how much I have changed, how much energy I have, how much peace I have, how healthy I’ve become, and how much talent I’ve been blessed with. Vic, her husband and a good friend, also acknowledged his appreciation, honor, and love for my time and love. My niece, Kailyn, was ever so special and the blessings I was given while there were more than money could ever buy. I cried as I drove realizing how much they have all grown just within a week’s time – the power of God’s love, spoken and lived through that love, and shared freely with others for the purpose of inspiring, encouraging, and guiding. I am blessed beyond measure.
Thought for today:
How do you respond to negative influences? By sending back the same negative energy that was sent to you or by acknowledging that it was negative energy, calling it by name, sending it back to the sender so they can take ownership and have the opportunity to transform it into something positive by acknowledging truth and then sending your response with positive, love-filled, calm, peaceful energy?
I’ve taught my sister and my niece how to meditate and work through negative influences so that they can acknowledge the value of each other and tonight I watched as my sister and my niece shared an incredible evening of love; each allowing the other to be themselves and honoring each other as individuals through love, encouragement, appreciation and support. I watched as my sister’s aura changed, I watched as they began the development of a new relationship built on trust and truth. My heart is excited, filled with incredible beauty by watching what was happening to the people I love as they responded to the love I provided them. I send blessings to my sister’s home and those it protects, knowing that they are protected, loved, forgiven, and appreciated.
I was also shown a small church along a back road not far from here, I believe that I will go there tomorrow for I believe I have a message for some one there of hope. This was something I was shown when I asked Gabriel why we were going North, the answer was that we had a message of hope to share with someone that needed it. It’s amazing that I ended up in Hope, Arkansas. I know that I will be blessed with financial blessings as I go along this journey when I share the messages I’m given to those who need them. I’m excited to meet this person and share some time with them. For those of you who have already experienced how the thoughts spoken come to be reality, I’ll sure you’ll be eagerly awaiting my next journal entry to see how this plays out. For now, know that I am well, safe, protected, and growing healthier, happier, and more sensitive with each passing day as I acknowledge my Life’s Path.
Blessings to each of you as you find the answers to guide you along your Life's Path. Namaste.