Wow, what a day! It’s almost 10 pm and Roadie and I just woke up from a nap. I know why I needed to spend some time alone – so I could get caught up on the details of daily life: bookkeeping, sorting out responsibilities, and other things that are required so we can pursue our Life’s Path, our work, answer our question of Life. We relaxed most of the morning and attended to bookkeeping. We headed out to inquire of the front office why there was a siren and while we were there we asked if they knew where a health food store was, however, they were not aware of it’s existence until we looked it up on the phone book. They were gracious and kind and provided directions. Thank you Gloria and Janice Skipworth. Janice is the delightful lady who began to assist us and Gloria is her daughter. Gloria just radiates with love. Oh, the siren – it was a test of Hope’s Tornado warning system. It’s something they do every Wednesday at 11 am.
Roadie and I headed downtown to find The Little Herb Shoppe on South Main. Thoughts of days past filled my mind when I stepped out of the Explorer and looked around at this quaint, wonderful, energized small downtown area. It was full of great architecture. I could see the town in its glory, the streets filled with horses and buggies. I could see how wonderful a place this could be with the right guidance. We entered into the herb shop and met the owner, Mary Harrington. We talked about food and health issues as I browsed around to find food to take with me up to Missouri. As we talked a kind gentleman named Larry came in and began to talk with Mary. They entered into a conversation about understanding who we are in Christ Jesus – a sinner or righteous. Larry guided Mary into the knowledge about how we are righteous – holy, clean, pure, right with God – and not sinners. I believe that as more followers of Christ begin to understand this truth then perhaps we’ll see more kindness and love in the world. I acknowledged to Larry my appreciation for him sharing the truth. He blessed our journey with a penny that he had cut a cross into the middle of as a symbol of our faith. It’s on my key chain now.
Mary and I continued to chat and while I was there others began to enter the shop. Eventually Brenda, a woman possessed of great beauty with pure white hair, a bright smile, and a bit of sadness, entered. Mary went to welcome another patron and Brenda and I continued to talk. We talked for over an hour with Mary joining as she could. I acknowledged the presence of every patron as they entered and asked their name. I was amazed at how many people came in while Roadie and I were there. It was like being back at Genuine Joe’s – the positive energy people all being attracted into the space where truth and love are. Before long everyone was talking, buying, and enjoying their selves. Brenda shared that yesterday she had to have your beloved pet put to rest because of physical ailments, that’s why she was sad. Her and I talked and at one point Roadie jumped up on the table heading over to her. I acknowledged to her Roadie’s desire to come to her and asked if it would be OK. Roadie jumped into her lap, gave her loving kisses, and then curled up in her lap to comfort her. There he remained until our conversation was complete. I felt the sadness lift and Brenda acknowledged how much she appreciated and enjoyed our conversation. We had talked about reincarnation, God, the power of words, energy, and Edgar Casey, along with aspects of allowing our selves to believe that we can see what was, what is, and what will be by being connected to the energy that flows through everything. Brenda departed shortly after I had requested some time alone with Mary – it was a meditative request, not out loud, as I sensed that Mary and I also had need of time together.
Mary is a delightful, insightful, loving, encouraging, and knowledgeable woman. Back in 1994 she took a leap of faith to open her herb shop in this small country town. She acknowledged that it hadn’t always been easy and she had questioned keeping it open. During the 4 hours I was there she had acknowledged a desire to have her place of business be a place where people gathered. She further acknowledged it when she told about how much she loved a new flower arrangement and pointed to where it was located – Helpful people and Travel. As I looked around the shop I had noticed because of the placement of things that she had financial difficulties and also the strong desire to help people. I asked if I could share with her some basic guides to help her change the energy of the shop. She eagerly accepted and began the process of change, something I have done with so many other clients. I guided her into understanding the basic areas of her shop as it pertained to the Baqua map. I shared with her some of the reasons for the finances along with some ideas to help fulfill her request for a place for people to gather. I was amazed at how sensitive she was to knowing the flow of energy. She acknowledged that some things had always troubled her, that she had had some items in certain places before, and showed a great understanding. I encouraged her to change her life and the character of her shop by making the changes we discussed. I also requested that one month after she had completed the changes to please that she send me an email to let me know how things were going. As I checked out, Mary informed me that she was giving me a 25% discount on the items being purchased – what a blessing.
Before when Brenda was leaving I said Namaste. Mary brightened up and said she knew what that was and tried to inform Brenda of its meaning. I encouraged them both to research the word to gain a full understanding of its power and meaning. Namaste – such a wonderful way to greet and depart.
Thus with the above story told, not in its entirety as there was much shared during that 4 hours, however, enough shared so that the meaning of why I was lead to Hope Arkansas could be further confirmed – a message of hope was to be shared with someone. I acknowledged to Mary that Gabriel (my angel guide and protector) had informed me that I had a message of hope to share with someone. I hadn’t realized that I had to share it with two people. Today I learned how important it is to clear away the details of daily life so that we can live in the moment, be open to sharing our gifts with others, and being able to acknowledge truth. I was very blessed today and as Roadie and I drove back to the motel I cried knowing that I had listened and shared as directed.
Roadie and I both were a bit drained because we had both shared so much of our energy for the encouragement of others that we needed to rest so we curled up together and slept. In the morning we have intentions of heading North to Missouri so we may share in the rejuvenational aspects of our friend’s country cabin. Finnabair graciously offered the use of her retreat for Roadie and I to have some time to enjoy the beauty of nature, to re-energize, to rest. I am looking forward to this opportunity to see Finnabair again and for some time to rest. I so enjoy speaking with Finnabair. She is up there to provide encouragement to a dear friend of hers while he is undergoing some surgery and treatment. Finnabair is such a loving, caring, insightful, intuitive, intelligent woman. Thank you Finnabair for offering Roadie and I a place to rest.
Thought for today – Are you living in the moment? Able and willing to acknowledge truth and show appreciation and encouragement to those who do? Are you sharing the messages you have with those who desire to hear it and listening to the message they have for you to help each other guide each other along our Life’s Path?
Today we talked about about the following books - Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, books by Deepak Chopra, books by Edgar Casey, and books by Dr. Scott Peck. Knowledge, what a powerful thing. What a wonderful day!