Roadie and I stumbled upon the little country church last night as we were looking for the motel. Today we drove by to see when the services were after we had spent the time with Mary and Brenda. I felt great energy coming from the building, however, I was saddened when I realized that it was empty. Thoughts of why such a building, for the purpose of of coming together to show appreciation of God, was empty - void of life. However, I realized that God doesn't reside in buildings but in the hearts of mankind.
This next acknowledgement is a truth that I haven't been ready to accept, however, I'm ready now. As I drove around the little country church I saw myself back teaching the people again. I do not know how, when or where this will present itself, however, I know that when it does I will graciously accept it. That little country church was a reminder of who I am and why I am here.
I am Sebastian Lynn St.Troy. Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God - the Great I Am. The embodiment of the moon goddess Helene, goddess of fertility and love. Guided and protected by the Arch Angel Gabriel.
As I believe, as I think, as I speak so am I. This thought again appears from one of my previous writings - a quiet sense of being - I am. I am all things as I believe, think and speak through aspects of design, discovery and speaking as it is contained within my spirituality and for the purpose of good of others (political).
Thought - Are you acknowleding who you are? Thinking, believing and speaking it? Jesus taught, "call those things that be not as though they already are." The more I grow and learn, the more I understand the truths of the scriptures, the paradox of God.