Yesterday I read more about the I Ching and asked the Sage some questions about my finances and my love life. I was surprised as the answer revealed some interesting results, things that resonated with truth for my life at the moment. I awoke this morning earlier than usual, perhaps it is a usual time now, at 5:36 am. Roadie was asleep with me on the small twin bed, another unusual thing as he has taken to sleeping on the floor. When I realized how early it was I decided to work on my meditations. So I sat comfortably on the floor while Roadie continued to sleep and meditated for 8 minutes. It seemed like a long time, but it wasn’t.
It seems to be quiet and still takes a lot of effort on my part as I’m not one who is normally still. I believe there is much to be learned in the areas of appreciating, valuing, and desiring meditation. I know from other times that I have enjoyed my meditation times, but these days with these surroundings it seems difficult. I will continue to meditate every morning and seek to lengthen the time so I can learn to quiet my mind. Yes, there are a lot of things on my mind, but the Sage has informed me that it is a time for meditation to learn to just be and that it is a time of great opportunity and that I should take great care.
As I opened the window I saw the pond out front. It was still and quiet except for the sound of a few birds. A light mist was rising from the still, blackish waters as the reflections of the trees beyond shown upon the still water. I was reminded that that is how I am to be, still. There is a time for water to flow, but it isn’t flowing now along my path as I believe I have to learn to enjoy just being. I have to learn to believe in the good of others, that the Great Divine will bring things about when it is time, and that I have to prepare for when the opportunities arrive for success in career and love.
Yesterday’s I Ching reading was the Ta Kuo/Preponderance of the Great represented by the upper trigram of Tui and the lower trigram of Sun. Here is a short excerpt from the book I’m reading, “A Guide to the I Ching” by Carol K. Anthony.
“There are powerful moments in life that present opportunities to make progress. Everything is in a state of flux, ready to establish a new direction, either towards improvement, or towards stagnation. This is the moment we have been preparing for. Although this moment may seem too big, or the situation too difficult for us to handle (the ‘weight of the great’ being excessive), if we concentrate all our energies on being conscientious and correct, meeting every event, good or bad, with acceptance, we will win the help we need to conquer the difficulties. The time is like that described in Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea, when the old man finally hooked the big fish of his life. Landing it required his greatest attention, discipline, and courage.”
The rest of the reading talked about overcoming the pressures of the situation, and not to lose my inner equilibrium. I shouldn’t become alarmed, allow doubt and fear to prevail, or anything. I should just be. It talked about my ego and that I should keep it under control by ceasing to anticipate things in my life. It said that I should develop modesty and patience and by so doing that my “way of life will slowly penetrate to others without pressure, explanation, or demonstration.” “To be truly rich is to remain modest; to be truly powerful is to remain reticent. Through modesty and reticence we achieve a real superiority over the situation.”
I suppose modesty and reticence is something I am to learn now. It seems that the more I grow, the more I realize I do not know or understand. The older I become, the younger everything seems to become. And yet I’m feel like I’m learning things that have always been present in my life, but I was unwilling to learn them or accept them as part of my being. I suppose now is the time for learning of them for it will greatly assist me in becoming the man I know I am to be.
Thought for now: What does reticence mean? What is modesty? According to reticence means the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary, reserved (reticent means Inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself). And modesty means Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior; Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity and freedom from vanity or conceit.
I’m sure some of you who know me are wondering what all this will mean and question the things I am learning, but we all know that perhaps it is time that I learn to be reticent and modest. So please don’t be alarmed should I begin to learn to be more reserved in my speech and when I begin to live a simpler life. I suppose this is something important for me to learn to become and I will do so with great joy.