For the last several days I have been graced by the presence of Blue Herons. I grew up spending my summers here and seldom saw them back then, but lately they seem to fly by regularly. I looked up the symbolism of the Heron on where I consult for my animal totems. Here is what it had to say:
Heron represents Aggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance.
A Heron totem teaches balance; the ability to progress and evolve -- to walk into deeper waters without fear. It is important for someone with a Heron totem to learn to stand on their own two feet, to become independent and self-reliant. Heron has a strong connection to the element of Earth and you must also be aware and cultivate this connection. The Mother Earth is a source of strength and will help you stand strong and firm. Heron medicine allows you to perform many tasks at the same time, keeping all in balance. If one way doesn't work, then another way will. Heron people seem to instinctively know this. Heron people do not need a lot of people in their life and they are often follow non-traditional roles. They feel no need to "keep up with the Jones." They stand out in their uniqueness and know how to take advantage of things and event that most people wouldn't bother with. You know what is best for you and you should follow that path. Be aggressive when opportunities present themselves -- don't let them get away from you. Mediation on color will provide insight to Heron people.
I suppose this translates into my I Ching reading for today. I sat at the new Library table to do my reading shortly after returning from another day of putting out fires out in the woods. My sister knocked on my door very early this morning to say that the fires were flaming up again. So we all dressed quickly, grabbed shovels, and headed out to the woods to check on the flames. Since the other days fire scare I suppose they are very nervous about the fires. I’ve been relaxed and easy, but I sense in them something more than the fire is causing uneasiness. Last weekend my brother-in-law and I started burning in the back of the property to remove debris from the tree removal that went on in January. The fire we started had burned out some time ago, but the other day I noticed smoke coming from the woods nearby. After a quick review of the smoke I realized that the woods were on fire near where we had our fire. A call to the fire department, they had to call the forestry service, and a bulldozer finally arrived to gain control of the fire. There is a lot of pine straw and debris in the woods which allows the fire to slowly burn and every now and then some stump flames up because it’s been burning all this time and suddenly got air to flame. The area is protected from the bulldozer’s work by a newly created fire-break, however, my family seems to remain in constant alarm over any smoke or flames. I hope they calm down soon, because I’m ready to continue to clean up the debris and create a beautiful area around the home. But all of this brings me back to today’s I Ching reading.
Represented as Sui/Following it talks about the value of following one’s values, no matter how difficult it may seem. “Following has supreme success. What we ‘follow’ is our sense of what is essential, just and correct. To be loyal to the good and the true within oneself is to serve the Higher Power. Only by being loyal and true to ourselves are we able to be loyal and true to others, and in turn able to command their enduring loyalty.” The I Ching talked about many aspects of following but the one aspect that caught my attention was that of when another follows us. It says that there may be times when others seek to attach themselves to us, but we shouldn’t be flattered or tie them to us, instead we are to allow them their freedom, thus allowing them to be free to find their own inner dependence. “This hexagram makes it clear that before we may engage others in following us, we must understand the principles of following. Leading and following are inseparably related. People may follow us without coming to harm only if we are directed toward what is good and correct. Our devotion to finding the correct way for ourselves creates the inner independence needed to command from others their respect and loyalty. … In following what is high and good within ourselves we are in partnership with the Sage who knows how and when to make the impossible succeed. … There is no need to contrive, interfere, or force ourselves on others.” (All quotes from A Guide to the I Ching, by Carol K. Anthony.)
So it seems that today is about learning to be true to myself, finding what is good and correct, and learning to stand on my own to be who I am without fear.
Thought for now: Have we learned to be true to ourselves? Have we learned to keep focused on what is good and correct? Have we learned to stand on our own, not waivering with every wind and tide? I suppose that’s what today is all about, to learn to stand on my own after I’ve determined what is good and correct for me. I encourage everyone to do the same. For only by following the good and correct paths for ourselves can we encourage others to follow their paths as determined by what is good and correct for them.