I find it interesting how the universe brings things about. Some call it Synchronicity, others Destiny, and others may call it by another name, all I know is that I’m always amazed to see how events, people, and things are brought together for a common purpose.
People have always been brought into my life I’ve learned because they needed the kind of assistance I could provide them, or they had something I needed to help me along my life path. I believe that every person we meet is there to share information to help each other along our paths, even if it is only a short momentary meeting. I suppose the real way of perceiving this aspect of meeting people is to always be open to what they may reveal and then being true to yourself to be open and speak what is on your mind with them, even if they are a stranger.
Recently I have begun to put out into the universe many aspects that I would like to achieve in my life and I’m being amazed at how the universe is bringing them together. I’ve put out that I would like to obtain my Feng Shui Certification through the Western School of Feng Shui in San Diego. The next training is in July from the 10th through the 16th. It’s an intensive training and sort of expensive, but I believe that the universe will bring me the opportunities to earn the money I need, show me an inexpensive place to stay while there, and then guide me into finishing this aspect with great success.
Another aspect that I have put out is that of being involved in Real Estate Development. I’ve met a wonderful man and his wife that are home builders in Austin and we will soon begin to work together to design and build homes based upon Feng Shui principles in the Austin area. As part of this aspect, I’ve been putting out the desire for investors to help fund this new partnership and I’ve been amazed at the response and interest. So now I eagerly await to see how things are brought about and the success of the work. Developing and designing homes is something I have always desired to do, but was always afraid of venturing into, and now I have the opportunity, the desire, the belief that I can and will succeed, so I’m excited about what will be.
There is also another man in my life. Perhaps the first was to prepare me for being able to open myself without fear in the idea of a personal relationship. I don’t often open myself fully to the men I date, but I believe that is changing. If I am to date someone, then I should be completely open with them about who I am, my intentions, and my desires for life. I haven’t met this man yet, but I hope one day soon to meet him in person as I know there is a strong connection with him.
Isn’t it interesting to watch how things unfold after we’ve created the intentions by first preparing our thoughts, then speaking the words correctly? If you don’t understand that line of thinking, I’m sure you can find many of my other writings on this Blog to help you understand the power of words and I hope you will take the time to read, learn and understand them for it is an important aspect to learn. Even the books I’m reading are talking about the power of words, the latest being “Spontaneous Healing” by Dr. Andrew Weil. He talks extensively about how unsatisfied he is with the way current medical doctors speak, because they speak without hope or knowledge of the power of their words affect upon their patients. Perhaps that is why I have never been pleased with modern doctors. They don’t listen to the patients, they jump to conclusions, they don’t have an understanding of the human body’s ability to heal itself, and most importantly they don’t believe that natural remedies can heal or that there is a mind/body connection.
Thought for now: What intentions are you ready to create for your life? How have you been thinking about those intentions? What words are you speaking about them? I encourage you to choose your thoughts correctly and words even wiser so that what you think and speak is positive and encourages great things to be brought about for your life.