My dreams of late haven’t been remembered after the dawning hours of slumber are past, however this morning, I lay in my bed with an excited outlook on life again. It seems my ‘ego’ has been getting in the way of me enjoying life. It has been getting in the way of everything of late, even my focus on the Great Divine and the fact that the Great God/Goddess has the real power, not me. It seems that I’ve been believing that I have the almighty power. I believed that my actions could control everything, I was wrong. Yes, when the time is right we should move into action, but only when guided by the Great Divine to do so. I’ve been neglecting my morning rituals since I have moved and it’s been weighing on my mind.
I awoke this morning to lie in my bed recalling the dreams of last night, the words that I had read in the latest book, “A Guide to the I Ching” by Carol K. Anthony, and what had caused me to become so off balanced. Pride in one’s self can undermine any good intentions, but I also believe that there has to be some pride so perhaps it is learning to balance pride and humility and finding that balanced place to reside between the two. I was prideful and thought myself powerful recently when work was provided in miraculous ways, which provided a considerable income. I had lost site of the fact that what is given is not mine, but I am a steward of such gifts. I am learning again to be a good steward of the gifts that I’ve been presented. I’m learning again the importance of routine, thus I’m sitting here writing. I enjoyed a short meditation session this morning and feel that it is important for my morning rituals of waking up, recalling dreams, taking Roadie out, reading, writing my thoughts, and then enjoying breakfast.
I still have a lot to learn about the I Ching, however, the one thing I have learned already is this: “The I Ching consultations make it clear that the traditional way in which we have reacted is incorrect. To progress we must take the risk of reacting in a new way. In doing so, we develop the self-understanding and strength that underlies inner independence and an open mind. Freed of barriers, pacts and defenses, we learn to serve the good and true without coming to harm, and without losing our dignity. We learn that by being a best friend to ourself we are able to be a true friend to others.” (Quote from Carol K. Anthony.)
I consulted the I Ching last night and it presented some important truths for my life and why I was struggling so of late. The first hexagram was Po/Splitting Apart represented by Kên in the upper trigram and K’un in the lower trigram. The message was clear – “It does not further one to go anywhere. Doubt and fear have already caused us to split from our path, or threaten to do so.” (Disbelief in the power of non-action, or in the power of “just being.”) The Fifth Line: A shoal of fishes. When our attitude becomes correct, a change in conditions is brought about, mush as when a shoal of fishes changes direction in unison. When we give up striving to force change through conflict and leverage, the inferior element capitulates and ceases resisting and competing. Acceptance leads to success.
The changing hexagram was represented by Kuan/Contemplation (view). This hexagram refers to attaining, through contemplation, the ‘inner truth,’ or Cosmis view of a situation. Receiving it means that we should ask the Sage for help in penetrating to the essence of the matter. There was much more taught about these two hexagrams, but I have only written a little. The basic overture of the matter is that I had been trying to hard to do things instead of just enjoying being. (By one’s thoughts one commands.) The main thing I realized is that I should be meditating daily so I can learn to keep my ego, and we all know that at times I can have an ego, in check and balanced with humility. I have to learn to enjoy just being.
Thought for now: What events, actions or thoughts have been directing or preventing your success? From what I’ve learned lately, it seems that sometimes it’s not about doing, but just simply being. Learning to live in the moment and enjoy each moment with the belief that the Great Divine God/Goddess is able to bring about the events to guide us along our paths. It seems being still can be good for us, stilling or quieting the mind can be good for us.
There is one other thing I should write about. It’s appreciation. I had realized that I hadn’t been showing proper and real appreciation for those people in my life, the work that was being presented, and my life in general. I’ve been writing thank you notes, letting people know how much they are appreciated and saying thank you to the Great Divine for my life. It seems that there is some truth to the biblical concept of giving thanks in all you do. I write this so perhaps others may learn from my life lessons. So today, say thank you to those around you for what they do, who they are and the blessings you receive however small they may be.