A Morning Mist Blessing
Thursday, June 08, 2006
I awoke early this morning for some reason, perhaps because there is so much on my mind. The morning was beautiful as the mist rolled over the land and pond in front of the house and the trickles of sunshine pierced it’s way through the darkness cast by the larger trees. The new rose garden is coming along nicely out front, the new walkway lights installed and the grounds slowly being cleaned up from debris and neglect. The house is almost in order. The gardens are coming along nicely. Yet my heart wanders along some other paths. Paths that I have yet to traverse, but long to.
Last night I realized that my sister and her husband would both be home today so I began to think about doing the Baqua Blessing on the home and what I would say. (NOTE: in Feng Shui, there is a map we use called the Baqua Map to layout a house, a lot, a room, or even a table. It has nine squares inside a square, each representing an aspect of life with the center being Earth so we can all stay grounded.) As I lay in my bed this is what came to my mind,
“Great Divine God/Goddess, Bless me I pray. Fill my life with blessings that I now request.
Career – Allow my career to be blessed through an abundance of prosperous work and allow me to begin a dream of real estate development.
Knowledge and Self-Development – Allow me to have the time and desire to read, write, and to pursue my degree, allow me to always be filled with the desire and time to learn.
Health and Family – Allow me the radiant health that comes from proper care of the physical body through nutrition, exercise, and care. Allow me a mentally healthy and positive family both by blood and by choice.
Wealth and Prosperity – Allow me to achieve my hearts desire and purpose of this life to accumulate great wealth that it might be shared with others to help and encourage them along their paths. Allow my bank accounts to always be full to overflowing and allow me the prosperity of mind, heart, soul, and learning. Allow me the wealth of friends, family and love, not to mention education.
Fame and Reputation – Allow my fame and reputation to grow throughout Texas, the United States and beyond. Allow my reputation to grow because the work I do is good, right and causes homes to sell quickly and homeowner’s to fill more comfortable in their homes.
Love and Romance – Fill my life with a special man that I can share my work, my life, and my heart with. A man who is adventurous, spiritual, caring, devoted, and loving. A man who encourages me and that I can encourage.
Creativity and Children – Fill my mind with creative solutions so my business will flourish, allow my thoughts to always be creative, and allow me the time to develop new creative talents through the various forms of art. Allow my heart to always be child-like and to always be willing to learn.
Travel and Helpful People – Allow me the gift of helpful people to continue to grow my business, build my own home, and to teach me. Allow me the resources and time to travel throughout the United States, Mexico, Canada, and the world. Allow me the three-month European vacation I’ve dreamed of for so long. Allow me to be helpful to those that I can.
These are the requests I beseech of thee as I bless this home.”
When my family awakens, I will speak with them of doing the Baqua Blessing today on the home as I believe it will help us all to realize our dreams and take on a new perspective of how our lives should be lived. I believe that every home should be blessed so that it will serve as a reminder of our dreams and hopes.
The morning mist is fading, but a new surprise arrived moments ago. Three ravens, something seldom seen here, walked casually through the front garden. And a Blue-jay sat perched upon a limb watching. The sun is shining across the pond, past the shadows cast by the large trees around the home. The recent rains have brought about all sorts of colors of green from old growth to new. The country truly is beautiful, but I’ll admit, I miss the activity of the city.
I’ve recently put it out into the universe that I desire to return to Texas and buy my own home and begin to develop the life I have dreamed of for so long. A life filled with love, health, and prosperity. I didn’t believe I was worthy of such things before, but that has changed, because I am worthy of such things and more. I can love, I can have radiant health, and I can prosper.
Thought for now: What blessings have you made for your home? What hopes and dreams have you allowed to escape you because you didn’t believe you could achieve them? Take a moment and bless your life, your home and those around you. Some might believe that only saints can bless someone, but I believe any of us can provide blessings both to ourselves and to others simply by speaking them.