Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Heron

For the last several days I have been graced by the presence of Blue Herons. I grew up spending my summers here and seldom saw them back then, but lately they seem to fly by regularly. I looked up the symbolism of the Heron on where I consult for my animal totems. Here is what it had to say:

Heron represents Aggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance.
A Heron totem teaches balance; the ability to progress and evolve -- to walk into deeper waters without fear. It is important for someone with a Heron totem to learn to stand on their own two feet, to become independent and self-reliant. Heron has a strong connection to the element of Earth and you must also be aware and cultivate this connection. The Mother Earth is a source of strength and will help you stand strong and firm. Heron medicine allows you to perform many tasks at the same time, keeping all in balance. If one way doesn't work, then another way will. Heron people seem to instinctively know this. Heron people do not need a lot of people in their life and they are often follow non-traditional roles. They feel no need to "keep up with the Jones." They stand out in their uniqueness and know how to take advantage of things and event that most people wouldn't bother with. You know what is best for you and you should follow that path. Be aggressive when opportunities present themselves -- don't let them get away from you. Mediation on color will provide insight to Heron people.

I suppose this translates into my I Ching reading for today. I sat at the new Library table to do my reading shortly after returning from another day of putting out fires out in the woods. My sister knocked on my door very early this morning to say that the fires were flaming up again. So we all dressed quickly, grabbed shovels, and headed out to the woods to check on the flames. Since the other days fire scare I suppose they are very nervous about the fires. I’ve been relaxed and easy, but I sense in them something more than the fire is causing uneasiness. Last weekend my brother-in-law and I started burning in the back of the property to remove debris from the tree removal that went on in January. The fire we started had burned out some time ago, but the other day I noticed smoke coming from the woods nearby. After a quick review of the smoke I realized that the woods were on fire near where we had our fire. A call to the fire department, they had to call the forestry service, and a bulldozer finally arrived to gain control of the fire. There is a lot of pine straw and debris in the woods which allows the fire to slowly burn and every now and then some stump flames up because it’s been burning all this time and suddenly got air to flame. The area is protected from the bulldozer’s work by a newly created fire-break, however, my family seems to remain in constant alarm over any smoke or flames. I hope they calm down soon, because I’m ready to continue to clean up the debris and create a beautiful area around the home. But all of this brings me back to today’s I Ching reading.

Represented as Sui/Following it talks about the value of following one’s values, no matter how difficult it may seem. “Following has supreme success. What we ‘follow’ is our sense of what is essential, just and correct. To be loyal to the good and the true within oneself is to serve the Higher Power. Only by being loyal and true to ourselves are we able to be loyal and true to others, and in turn able to command their enduring loyalty.” The I Ching talked about many aspects of following but the one aspect that caught my attention was that of when another follows us. It says that there may be times when others seek to attach themselves to us, but we shouldn’t be flattered or tie them to us, instead we are to allow them their freedom, thus allowing them to be free to find their own inner dependence. “This hexagram makes it clear that before we may engage others in following us, we must understand the principles of following. Leading and following are inseparably related. People may follow us without coming to harm only if we are directed toward what is good and correct. Our devotion to finding the correct way for ourselves creates the inner independence needed to command from others their respect and loyalty. … In following what is high and good within ourselves we are in partnership with the Sage who knows how and when to make the impossible succeed. … There is no need to contrive, interfere, or force ourselves on others.” (All quotes from A Guide to the I Ching, by Carol K. Anthony.)

So it seems that today is about learning to be true to myself, finding what is good and correct, and learning to stand on my own to be who I am without fear.

Thought for now: Have we learned to be true to ourselves? Have we learned to keep focused on what is good and correct? Have we learned to stand on our own, not waivering with every wind and tide? I suppose that’s what today is all about, to learn to stand on my own after I’ve determined what is good and correct for me. I encourage everyone to do the same. For only by following the good and correct paths for ourselves can we encourage others to follow their paths as determined by what is good and correct for them.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Preponderance of the Great

Yesterday I read more about the I Ching and asked the Sage some questions about my finances and my love life. I was surprised as the answer revealed some interesting results, things that resonated with truth for my life at the moment. I awoke this morning earlier than usual, perhaps it is a usual time now, at 5:36 am. Roadie was asleep with me on the small twin bed, another unusual thing as he has taken to sleeping on the floor. When I realized how early it was I decided to work on my meditations. So I sat comfortably on the floor while Roadie continued to sleep and meditated for 8 minutes. It seemed like a long time, but it wasn’t.

It seems to be quiet and still takes a lot of effort on my part as I’m not one who is normally still. I believe there is much to be learned in the areas of appreciating, valuing, and desiring meditation. I know from other times that I have enjoyed my meditation times, but these days with these surroundings it seems difficult. I will continue to meditate every morning and seek to lengthen the time so I can learn to quiet my mind. Yes, there are a lot of things on my mind, but the Sage has informed me that it is a time for meditation to learn to just be and that it is a time of great opportunity and that I should take great care.

As I opened the window I saw the pond out front. It was still and quiet except for the sound of a few birds. A light mist was rising from the still, blackish waters as the reflections of the trees beyond shown upon the still water. I was reminded that that is how I am to be, still. There is a time for water to flow, but it isn’t flowing now along my path as I believe I have to learn to enjoy just being. I have to learn to believe in the good of others, that the Great Divine will bring things about when it is time, and that I have to prepare for when the opportunities arrive for success in career and love.

Yesterday’s I Ching reading was the Ta Kuo/Preponderance of the Great represented by the upper trigram of Tui and the lower trigram of Sun. Here is a short excerpt from the book I’m reading, “A Guide to the I Ching” by Carol K. Anthony.

“There are powerful moments in life that present opportunities to make progress. Everything is in a state of flux, ready to establish a new direction, either towards improvement, or towards stagnation. This is the moment we have been preparing for. Although this moment may seem too big, or the situation too difficult for us to handle (the ‘weight of the great’ being excessive), if we concentrate all our energies on being conscientious and correct, meeting every event, good or bad, with acceptance, we will win the help we need to conquer the difficulties. The time is like that described in Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea, when the old man finally hooked the big fish of his life. Landing it required his greatest attention, discipline, and courage.”

The rest of the reading talked about overcoming the pressures of the situation, and not to lose my inner equilibrium. I shouldn’t become alarmed, allow doubt and fear to prevail, or anything. I should just be. It talked about my ego and that I should keep it under control by ceasing to anticipate things in my life. It said that I should develop modesty and patience and by so doing that my “way of life will slowly penetrate to others without pressure, explanation, or demonstration.” “To be truly rich is to remain modest; to be truly powerful is to remain reticent. Through modesty and reticence we achieve a real superiority over the situation.”

I suppose modesty and reticence is something I am to learn now. It seems that the more I grow, the more I realize I do not know or understand. The older I become, the younger everything seems to become. And yet I’m feel like I’m learning things that have always been present in my life, but I was unwilling to learn them or accept them as part of my being. I suppose now is the time for learning of them for it will greatly assist me in becoming the man I know I am to be.

Thought for now: What does reticence mean? What is modesty? According to reticence means the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary, reserved (reticent means Inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself). And modesty means Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior; Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity and freedom from vanity or conceit.

I’m sure some of you who know me are wondering what all this will mean and question the things I am learning, but we all know that perhaps it is time that I learn to be reticent and modest. So please don’t be alarmed should I begin to learn to be more reserved in my speech and when I begin to live a simpler life. I suppose this is something important for me to learn to become and I will do so with great joy.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The I Ching

My dreams of late haven’t been remembered after the dawning hours of slumber are past, however this morning, I lay in my bed with an excited outlook on life again. It seems my ‘ego’ has been getting in the way of me enjoying life. It has been getting in the way of everything of late, even my focus on the Great Divine and the fact that the Great God/Goddess has the real power, not me. It seems that I’ve been believing that I have the almighty power. I believed that my actions could control everything, I was wrong. Yes, when the time is right we should move into action, but only when guided by the Great Divine to do so. I’ve been neglecting my morning rituals since I have moved and it’s been weighing on my mind.

I awoke this morning to lie in my bed recalling the dreams of last night, the words that I had read in the latest book, “A Guide to the I Ching” by Carol K. Anthony, and what had caused me to become so off balanced. Pride in one’s self can undermine any good intentions, but I also believe that there has to be some pride so perhaps it is learning to balance pride and humility and finding that balanced place to reside between the two. I was prideful and thought myself powerful recently when work was provided in miraculous ways, which provided a considerable income. I had lost site of the fact that what is given is not mine, but I am a steward of such gifts. I am learning again to be a good steward of the gifts that I’ve been presented. I’m learning again the importance of routine, thus I’m sitting here writing. I enjoyed a short meditation session this morning and feel that it is important for my morning rituals of waking up, recalling dreams, taking Roadie out, reading, writing my thoughts, and then enjoying breakfast.

I still have a lot to learn about the I Ching, however, the one thing I have learned already is this: “The I Ching consultations make it clear that the traditional way in which we have reacted is incorrect. To progress we must take the risk of reacting in a new way. In doing so, we develop the self-understanding and strength that underlies inner independence and an open mind. Freed of barriers, pacts and defenses, we learn to serve the good and true without coming to harm, and without losing our dignity. We learn that by being a best friend to ourself we are able to be a true friend to others.” (Quote from Carol K. Anthony.)

I consulted the I Ching last night and it presented some important truths for my life and why I was struggling so of late. The first hexagram was Po/Splitting Apart represented by Kên in the upper trigram and K’un in the lower trigram. The message was clear – “It does not further one to go anywhere. Doubt and fear have already caused us to split from our path, or threaten to do so.” (Disbelief in the power of non-action, or in the power of “just being.”) The Fifth Line: A shoal of fishes. When our attitude becomes correct, a change in conditions is brought about, mush as when a shoal of fishes changes direction in unison. When we give up striving to force change through conflict and leverage, the inferior element capitulates and ceases resisting and competing. Acceptance leads to success.

The changing hexagram was represented by Kuan/Contemplation (view). This hexagram refers to attaining, through contemplation, the ‘inner truth,’ or Cosmis view of a situation. Receiving it means that we should ask the Sage for help in penetrating to the essence of the matter. There was much more taught about these two hexagrams, but I have only written a little. The basic overture of the matter is that I had been trying to hard to do things instead of just enjoying being. (By one’s thoughts one commands.) The main thing I realized is that I should be meditating daily so I can learn to keep my ego, and we all know that at times I can have an ego, in check and balanced with humility. I have to learn to enjoy just being.

Thought for now: What events, actions or thoughts have been directing or preventing your success? From what I’ve learned lately, it seems that sometimes it’s not about doing, but just simply being. Learning to live in the moment and enjoy each moment with the belief that the Great Divine God/Goddess is able to bring about the events to guide us along our paths. It seems being still can be good for us, stilling or quieting the mind can be good for us.

There is one other thing I should write about. It’s appreciation. I had realized that I hadn’t been showing proper and real appreciation for those people in my life, the work that was being presented, and my life in general. I’ve been writing thank you notes, letting people know how much they are appreciated and saying thank you to the Great Divine for my life. It seems that there is some truth to the biblical concept of giving thanks in all you do. I write this so perhaps others may learn from my life lessons. So today, say thank you to those around you for what they do, who they are and the blessings you receive however small they may be.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Creating Intentions

I find it interesting how the universe brings things about. Some call it Synchronicity, others Destiny, and others may call it by another name, all I know is that I’m always amazed to see how events, people, and things are brought together for a common purpose.

People have always been brought into my life I’ve learned because they needed the kind of assistance I could provide them, or they had something I needed to help me along my life path. I believe that every person we meet is there to share information to help each other along our paths, even if it is only a short momentary meeting. I suppose the real way of perceiving this aspect of meeting people is to always be open to what they may reveal and then being true to yourself to be open and speak what is on your mind with them, even if they are a stranger.

Recently I have begun to put out into the universe many aspects that I would like to achieve in my life and I’m being amazed at how the universe is bringing them together. I’ve put out that I would like to obtain my Feng Shui Certification through the Western School of Feng Shui in San Diego. The next training is in July from the 10th through the 16th. It’s an intensive training and sort of expensive, but I believe that the universe will bring me the opportunities to earn the money I need, show me an inexpensive place to stay while there, and then guide me into finishing this aspect with great success.

Another aspect that I have put out is that of being involved in Real Estate Development. I’ve met a wonderful man and his wife that are home builders in Austin and we will soon begin to work together to design and build homes based upon Feng Shui principles in the Austin area. As part of this aspect, I’ve been putting out the desire for investors to help fund this new partnership and I’ve been amazed at the response and interest. So now I eagerly await to see how things are brought about and the success of the work. Developing and designing homes is something I have always desired to do, but was always afraid of venturing into, and now I have the opportunity, the desire, the belief that I can and will succeed, so I’m excited about what will be.

There is also another man in my life. Perhaps the first was to prepare me for being able to open myself without fear in the idea of a personal relationship. I don’t often open myself fully to the men I date, but I believe that is changing. If I am to date someone, then I should be completely open with them about who I am, my intentions, and my desires for life. I haven’t met this man yet, but I hope one day soon to meet him in person as I know there is a strong connection with him.

Isn’t it interesting to watch how things unfold after we’ve created the intentions by first preparing our thoughts, then speaking the words correctly? If you don’t understand that line of thinking, I’m sure you can find many of my other writings on this Blog to help you understand the power of words and I hope you will take the time to read, learn and understand them for it is an important aspect to learn. Even the books I’m reading are talking about the power of words, the latest being “Spontaneous Healing” by Dr. Andrew Weil. He talks extensively about how unsatisfied he is with the way current medical doctors speak, because they speak without hope or knowledge of the power of their words affect upon their patients. Perhaps that is why I have never been pleased with modern doctors. They don’t listen to the patients, they jump to conclusions, they don’t have an understanding of the human body’s ability to heal itself, and most importantly they don’t believe that natural remedies can heal or that there is a mind/body connection.

Thought for now: What intentions are you ready to create for your life? How have you been thinking about those intentions? What words are you speaking about them? I encourage you to choose your thoughts correctly and words even wiser so that what you think and speak is positive and encourages great things to be brought about for your life.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Morning Mist Blessing
Thursday, June 08, 2006

I awoke early this morning for some reason, perhaps because there is so much on my mind. The morning was beautiful as the mist rolled over the land and pond in front of the house and the trickles of sunshine pierced it’s way through the darkness cast by the larger trees. The new rose garden is coming along nicely out front, the new walkway lights installed and the grounds slowly being cleaned up from debris and neglect. The house is almost in order. The gardens are coming along nicely. Yet my heart wanders along some other paths. Paths that I have yet to traverse, but long to.

Last night I realized that my sister and her husband would both be home today so I began to think about doing the Baqua Blessing on the home and what I would say. (NOTE: in Feng Shui, there is a map we use called the Baqua Map to layout a house, a lot, a room, or even a table. It has nine squares inside a square, each representing an aspect of life with the center being Earth so we can all stay grounded.) As I lay in my bed this is what came to my mind,

“Great Divine God/Goddess, Bless me I pray. Fill my life with blessings that I now request.

Career – Allow my career to be blessed through an abundance of prosperous work and allow me to begin a dream of real estate development.

Knowledge and Self-Development – Allow me to have the time and desire to read, write, and to pursue my degree, allow me to always be filled with the desire and time to learn.

Health and Family – Allow me the radiant health that comes from proper care of the physical body through nutrition, exercise, and care. Allow me a mentally healthy and positive family both by blood and by choice.

Wealth and Prosperity – Allow me to achieve my hearts desire and purpose of this life to accumulate great wealth that it might be shared with others to help and encourage them along their paths. Allow my bank accounts to always be full to overflowing and allow me the prosperity of mind, heart, soul, and learning. Allow me the wealth of friends, family and love, not to mention education.

Fame and Reputation – Allow my fame and reputation to grow throughout Texas, the United States and beyond. Allow my reputation to grow because the work I do is good, right and causes homes to sell quickly and homeowner’s to fill more comfortable in their homes.

Love and Romance – Fill my life with a special man that I can share my work, my life, and my heart with. A man who is adventurous, spiritual, caring, devoted, and loving. A man who encourages me and that I can encourage.

Creativity and Children – Fill my mind with creative solutions so my business will flourish, allow my thoughts to always be creative, and allow me the time to develop new creative talents through the various forms of art. Allow my heart to always be child-like and to always be willing to learn.

Travel and Helpful People – Allow me the gift of helpful people to continue to grow my business, build my own home, and to teach me. Allow me the resources and time to travel throughout the United States, Mexico, Canada, and the world. Allow me the three-month European vacation I’ve dreamed of for so long. Allow me to be helpful to those that I can.

These are the requests I beseech of thee as I bless this home.”

When my family awakens, I will speak with them of doing the Baqua Blessing today on the home as I believe it will help us all to realize our dreams and take on a new perspective of how our lives should be lived. I believe that every home should be blessed so that it will serve as a reminder of our dreams and hopes.

The morning mist is fading, but a new surprise arrived moments ago. Three ravens, something seldom seen here, walked casually through the front garden. And a Blue-jay sat perched upon a limb watching. The sun is shining across the pond, past the shadows cast by the large trees around the home. The recent rains have brought about all sorts of colors of green from old growth to new. The country truly is beautiful, but I’ll admit, I miss the activity of the city.

I’ve recently put it out into the universe that I desire to return to Texas and buy my own home and begin to develop the life I have dreamed of for so long. A life filled with love, health, and prosperity. I didn’t believe I was worthy of such things before, but that has changed, because I am worthy of such things and more. I can love, I can have radiant health, and I can prosper.

Thought for now: What blessings have you made for your home? What hopes and dreams have you allowed to escape you because you didn’t believe you could achieve them? Take a moment and bless your life, your home and those around you. Some might believe that only saints can bless someone, but I believe any of us can provide blessings both to ourselves and to others simply by speaking them.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I’ve never had a meaningful relationship that lasted very long, but then again you may correctly ask, were any of them meaningful if they were short lived? The answer is yes they had meaning. Every relationship – friendship, lover, co-worker, etc. – has meaning in our lives. I believe that everyone we meet has meaning. It’s sort of a cosmic web that connects everyone together and when we chance a meeting, rather for a long time or a few seconds, then we meet to share something to guide each other along our paths. I’ve found, and recently been teaching people, that when you catch eyes with someone go talk to them because you have a reason to meet. There are no happenstances of chance, everything is weaved together in a master plan that the universal consciousness along with ourselves are creating. Deepak Chopra covered this topic in his book Synchronicity. It’s also covered in “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield.

In years past I was afraid to be who I was, to be true to myself, and otherwise always trying to be what others wanted me to be. This approach didn’t work well in lover relationships because eventually your real self emerged. This time around I’m taking a chance on love and being myself. I’m opening myself to the possibilities of great love with a new man. Yes, I have doubts, fears, and concerns, however, I’m also facing each of them as them arise. I’m working through mentally what might become reality. I’m working through emotionally what is presently. Most importantly I’m taking each day one day at a time and enjoying the moments as they present themselves.

I’ve never thought about dating, or even entering into a serious relationship with someone younger, however, so it is. I’ve often wondered why I was allowed a Mentor, and what my responsibility was to other younger men. I’m finding out now. I’m the mentor, the teacher, the guide, and yet, I’m the student in this new relationship. I’m dating a younger man by 7 years. He lives in Fort Worth so it’s a challenge to date since I reside in another state. However, we are both independent natured so it allows each of us time to do the things that are important to each of us. He’s even started working with me which is something I would treasure – having a partner that works with me so we could each share our lives on various levels.

The question of relationships I believe is loving unconditionally without expectations of anything in return. If both partners are loving and living this way then perhaps there is a new level of openness. I’m enjoying this new relationship and look forward to seeing where it might lead. I believe that each relationship should be built upon the characteristics of each of the people involved in the relationship, that together they should create the kind of partnership that best suites them. Our Judeo-Christian society has taught that we have to be monogamous, we have to be married (yet they won’t allow gay people to marry), and that we have to live in the same house, and so many other things. I believe that perhaps it’s time we all stood up to realize that these kind of false ideas aren’t helping relationships – just look at the number of divorces. I believe we should be happy and enjoy our partners. And, this isn’t about sex or other items, it’s about just being able to enjoy holding each other’s hands, a short kiss stolen in a moment, or any number of signs that someone can share to let you know they care about you and are thinking about you.

I’m entering into a new relationship. Yes, I’m nervous, scared, fearful, and much more, however, I’m excited, hopeful, and longing to share my life with a special man.

Thought for now: What kind of relationships are you involved in today? Do you place expectations upon those people? Do you love them unconditionally? I encourage everyone to take a serious look at each type of relationship you have and determine how you treat those people. How do you speak to them, with them, about them, etc.? If these people mean anything to you then speak to them, with them and about them through unconditional love with no expectations of how they should or will respond. But also try this – call those things that be not as though they already were. What I’m saying is this, if you care about someone, speak and think positively of them, what they are, who they are and how they can become who they are supposed to be.