Spring (Vernal) Equinox
A time for balance and new growth.
Today is Monday, March 20, 2006. As I sit here in The Cabin in the Woods looking out I see freshly mowed fields of green edged with trimmed pine trees and natural forests. I see the pink flowers from the orchard trees as they sit in the living room and see the new growth of the grape vines that were saved because of their form. I was surprised that the grape vines are putting forth new growth because they were cut from the vine and are now sitting in a jar full of water. I liked the way the vines curved about and they just look pretty.
It rained most of the night and at this early hour of 6:50 am it’s still a bit overcast, almost gloomy, yet there is freshness to everything. The pink hyacinths are blooming out front as the yellow daffodils are fading. The pink cherry blossoms are beautiful amongst the sleeping forest backdrop. The white blossoms of the pear trees are refreshing. The songs of the birds, mostly red and some little chickadees fill the air. I placed a small tray on the front porch ledge and filled it with birdseed. I love watching the birds come so close that I could almost reach out and touch them. There is one red bird that visits every day and sits there singing and eating. His mate often comes but at a different time. For the smaller birds I have placed a hanging container with seeds.
As I awoke this morning I felt as if I have been traveling through perceived time and many worlds. I awoke with a feeling of excitement, something I hadn’t felt for a bit, thus my lack of writing. There is something about this day, this Spring Equinox that makes me want to celebrate life and living. The sleep of winter is over (well almost as it’s still a bit chilly) and the light of day is balanced by the darkness of night. New beginnings, new growth, and balance are what today is about. The squirrel is running around the tree out front while Mrs. Red bird and a chickadee eat seeds on the ledge. ‘Pretty, pretty, pretty’ is the song I hear from the forest birds. Granny taught me how to sing it back to them to let them know they are pretty, pretty, pretty.
The ground has been moistened by the rain and I believe it’s a good way to start this day, so the first thing I drank was some water to nourish the new growth of my self. Stephen did a reading for me the other evening from two decks – the angel deck and his regular deck. They were both good readings and part of the reason now at night before sleep I ask Raziel (the angel of mysteries and god’s secrets) to come visit me while I sleep to take me places and show me the mysteries. Last night I requested information about learning the language of the angels and The Book of the Angel Raziel wherein all celestial and earthly knowledge is set down. This book was said to be given to Adam, to Enoch (he took it as his own and called it the Book of Enoch), to Noah (who built the ark from it’s knowledge), and then to Solomon. I specifically asked to be shown about the knowledge of magik that Solomon learned from the book. I learned about Raziel from the book A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson and from Stephen who has Raziel as his guardian angel.
As I have read Permanent Healing and The Return of Merlin I have been reminded of the power of the mind, of the days when magik ruled the land, and men honoured the earth. Today I will celebrate the Spring Equinox with wonderful Roadie (who’s asleep with eyes cracked open on the sofa) by building a small fire, by building a small earthen mound and placing some rocks to represent feet and one to represent the head of a turtle. His feet shall stay, but his head shall move with the seasons. Today his head will face East - welcoming Wabun, the Spring, the East, the Eagle and the Powers of Clarity, Wisdom, and Illumination. This event begins the Budding Trees Moon and the time of Wabun of the East. I picked this way of celebrating this day from the Bear Tribe website. I will also be blessing the gardens and dancing around them to celebrate fertility and new growth. I hope one day that there will be others here to help with the celebration, but for now it will be Roadie, I, and the creatures of the forest, air, and water, along with The People of the Woods and other celestial beings, ops, I almost forgot the faeries and the little man who lives in the tree. What a wonderful celebration we will have today.
Thought for now: Today is about balance and new beginnings, illumination, clarity, and wisdom. How are you celebrating this special day?