Saturday, March 25, 2006

Mental Prisons

“wretchedly unhappy in their mental prisons and too stubborn to open the door and escape.” This quote was taken from The Return of Merlin by Deepak Chopra.

From all of the truths I have been learning and accepting this one resonates well. Our minds are powerful, yet we don’t use them to open the door to escape the prisons we have created for ourselves. I have a dear friend who has created his mental prison concerning emotions. We have been talking some (via emails) and I have been trying to get him to relax and understand that he has the answers he is seeking, the key to unlock his prison. After all he created his prison, and he has the power to open the door and escape it. I realize that this truth escapes some, but for those who understand it helps to remind us of the power we each possess, the power to change our pasts and our future. I have repeatedly stated the power of thoughts, words, and actions. Thoughts generate words, words generate actions, and actions generate intent. Through intent the universe brings things about. So the power is in your thoughts. What you think about yourself, other people, and events is what is your reality or perceived reality. Is there a reality or is it our own perceptions of what we want to be?

I am learning to change my thoughts about myself, people, and the events in my life so that I can free myself from my own mental prison and find the peace and joy I desire for myself. As I have escaped through changing my thoughts I have found healing of the mind, body and spirit. I’m not saying that I’m perfect as I’m only now beginning to understand these truths. I believe we will all be learning for a long time. The truth here is that we create the events around us and we create them to help us grow, learn and become the people we want to be. This ownership of the events that we create helps to understand our thoughts. Once we understand what was and why it was created then we can alter our perceptions (thoughts) of such things and begin the process to change our perceptions to free ourselves from our mental prisons.

“his nose pointed toward the future, throwing his old shabby identity behind” Another quote from The Return of Merlin.

Knowledge of the past helps us become more aware of who we are and what we are searching for in this life, what we are to learn, what karma we are here to correct from previous lives. It is being able to bravely point our noses toward the future and press forward, throwing our old identities behind, can we move forward in this life, grow, learn and realize our new identities. Change is the only thing we can count on in this life to be here. By changing our perceptions of the past we can face the future with greater ease, free from the chains that long held us captive to old outdated thoughts or behaviors. If we are changing but keep holding on to these outdated things then our bodies will present within itself the battle of our minds through physical ailments. I have another friend who is having trouble with hernias. Hernias represent this truth fully, that we are growing and changing, yet we are not letting go of the outdated thoughts and behaviors so we can really change. Our bodies only express what is going on in our minds, so the physical ailments presented by our bodies can help us to get to the root issue so we can begin to change our thoughts so our bodies find the balance and purpose of serving our minds again. The mind-body connection is very important to realize, as it helps us to understand the power of our minds. Our thoughts are either positive or negative. Positive thoughts help create healthy bodies and events around us, and negative thoughts create dis-ease in our bodies and chaos around us.

Thought for now: What mental prison have you created for yourself? What thoughts of yourself, the past, or people hold you captive?