All of the quotes within this section are from the book Permanent Healing by Daniel R. Condron. One of the books I have been reading lately. You can find out more about this book in the Book List section of my Blog.
“Relativity theory says that mass is another form of energy. Therefore, when we apply enough energy in the direction of causing growthful improvement and enlightenment in our life, the result will be that we will overcome the inertia of our old limited way of being. Mass (and therefore our lives) is not static but rather is one of motion and change. To create fulfillment in life, we quicken this change and motion in the direction of our inner desires and ideals for Self fulfillment. The discovery that mass is a form of energy aids us in understanding that the nature of the physical is change. We can change with it and even cause greater change. We can build control and fulfillment in life, or we can resist change, be out of control, and be filled with sadness and despair.”
Energy is always changing, moving, and connected on an atomic and subatomic level. We are energy. Our thoughts are energy. We are always in motion, changing, growing. As I have traveled in this perceived time I have seen many sad people, people who have trapped themselves in their thoughts, people who are creating such despair and sadness all around them (not just in their lives, but in the lives of those they come in contact with.), and people who are creating beautiful dreams around themselves that affect the physical in their lives, in nature, and in the lives of others they come into contact with.
We are changing, so I suppose the thought for now is are we building control and fulfillment or resisting?
“the universe is alive in motion, and that what you do through energy interaction affects the rest of the universe. Your thoughts have energy and therefore affect and influence the energy of the rest of the universe.”
I have written about this concept in many sections, but it seems to be coming up again so I will write about it again. Thoughts create words, words create actions, actions create intent, and intents are brought about through the universe. Thus, what we think we become or create. We are not only creating (dreaming) our own lives but also the lives of those around us, and the universe. Nothing we do is just about ourselves, it is affecting everything around us and even farther, affecting the whole universe.
“It is by your thought of today that you create tomorrow.”
I have been learning this valuable lesson and I believe it resonates well with the work I have been doing. What I think today is created as a perceived reality tomorrow. I am learning to control my thoughts so I can create the kind of life I desire for myself, and the kind of life I would like to see for all of us – a life full of beauty, peace, happiness, and love. What thoughts are you thinking today that will be created tomorrow in our physical realm?
“Our physical experience is one of entrapment. We are entrapped or engrossed in a physical body. … the attractive forces of the senses keeps us engrossed for we, being dependent on our senses for experiencing and learning in that environment, begin to believe that the total reality is what we experience with the senses. Thus, we forget that we are a soul or spirit or subconscious mind only inhabiting the body for a lifetime. As we pursue concentration, meditation, and dream interpretation, we begin to experience these higher levels of reality.”
I have always known that I was more than this physical body because as early as I can remember I would go walking through the woods at the family farm in Louisiana looking up into the trees and sky and asking to please let me go ‘home’. I have never felt connected to this physical realm and my thoughts have always been in the spiritual realm. Early in life I resisted the physical and now later in life I am having to learn balance of the physical so that I can find the peace I desire. Balance of the senses and experiences so that I do not over indulge in any one area or sensation.
As I have begun to learn about meditation, which is allowing my mind to become more focused, and as I have begun to realize my connectedness with all then I am beginning to see the various levels of what is real. Yes, I am a spiritual being, so are you. We are living in a physical body so we can experience and learn things in this lifetime to help us in later lifetimes or in the spiritual realm. I believe what we learn can be shared with others to help them, thus bringing every living thing into a state of consciousness filled with truth, happiness, and love.
“Your thoughts affect and control your world around you and this world around you includes your physical body which is the most immediate environment or vehicle for you the thinker, the soul.”
This quote resonates strongly in my mind as I have seen it and experienced it. My thoughts created dis-ease in my body because I wanted the illness because I was afraid of something, wanted attention, or otherwise just didn’t want to accept who I really am. As I have learned to alter my thoughts into positive energy I am finding a healthy body, a focused mind, and a free spirit that is The Creative Mind, the life dreamer, the master magician.
Some have said that what we think we become. I take that a bit further. What we think, we become, others become, and the world becomes. Look around you, open your eyes and see what we have been creating with our thoughts. Yes, we all have to take ownership because we are each responsible (able to respond is what responsibility means) for what is present in this physical realm. Why can’t we realize this truth and begin to create beauty, health, and freedom so we can all experience the joy, the mystery, the fulfillment of life? We are not only affecting our physical body but we are affecting everything.
Thought for now: What are the thoughts you think about yourself, about others, about life? Are they thoughts (energy) that will benefit or destroy? Thoughts that will cause healing or dis-ease? Thoughts that will create beauty or chaos? What we think, our thoughts, create the world around us, create our physical bodies, create the events in our lives. If this is the case, then what thoughts are you thinking?