“Don’t resist. Trust.” That quote was taken from The Return of Merlin. It seems that many people resist life, knowledge, and so much more, including love and change. Change is the only thing that is for sure, constant, in our physical presence. I have been reminded of how much stress can be derived from resisting. Resisting our own knowledge, the truths we know about ourselves, recognizing those truths, and from not being able to trust in ourselves and our own power, the power of the universe, our own divinity, and the great Divinity (God or Goddess). I have a dear friend who is searching for answers and I believe he is searching too hard because he has the answers but I don’t believe he is ready to see them. I have learned that the answers we seek in our lives, about our lives, are hidden within us and only through being still and quiet (meditating, praying, and being in tune with the unconscious mind) can we see the answers we seek. My friend is precious to me and I have encouraged him to “chill out” and relax and not search so hard. He has the answers, as do each of us, within ourselves. Don’t resist. Trust. Such a good way to start your day don’t you think?
The “population wandered in numb sleep, barely emitting enough energy to remain alive.” This is another quote from The Return of Merlin, as are the other two below. Gnosis is knowing, of being aware, of waking from sleep. In my adventures I have noticed how many people are wandering in numb sleep unaware of the joy of life and knowing. I was once such a person wandering through life instead of enjoying the mystery of every moment. The universe provides a lot of energy, more than the population would ever require, but most don’t know how to tap into that energy so they try to steal energy from others. I suppose this is why there is so much conflict; everyone is stealing energy from each other and trying to stop their energy from being taken. When we learn to tap into the eternal energy of the universe we no longer have a desire to manipulate, control, or steal energy from others. Instead we are filled with energy, power, and most importantly love. As I have traveled, and over my life, I have seen the peace and love of others who have become aware, who have learned to obtain their energy from the universe. They are filled with peace and love, light and blessings. I hope one day that more people will come into gnosis; then the world will be a better place.
“Look, remember. Consider why you are here.” I have learned a lot from this aspect. The stories we have applied to events of our past are crucial to who we are and will be in the future. The people (parents, friends, teachers, et al) that were involved in those events have helped to shape us. Remembering these things helps us grow. I have looked back over time and seen with new eyes, loving eyes, the events of the past and have begun to release any negative energy associated with those events and people and replace it with positive energy. As I have done so I have found peace of mind, health of body, and a new and wonderful way of living. Considering why I am here has helped me to keep on track of my Life’s Path. Numerology has helped greatly because it has helped me understand more about what is happening and directing my life.
“Your pain is the key to your healing.” This statement combined with the others is very helpful. Pain, either physical or mental, is a sign that something isn’t correct and that we need to resolve the issue to relieve the pain. Dis-ease is a sign of pain from the body saying that there are mental issues that haven’t been resolved. I have been learning a great deal about this from various books, however, Permanent Healing is one book I highly recommend. It outlines the various diseases and troubles of the body and then helps you explore what the root issue is. As I have been reading, I have discovered it is correct. As the illnesses I have experienced are listed there and the root issues have been correct so far. It has helped me to find the balance, the ‘cure’, and the way to relieve my mental and physical dis-ease. Pain is about growth, so instead of ignoring it or finding ways to numb it through medications try to find the root issue at hand and begin to find your healing.
Thought for now: “Don’t resist. Trust.” “Look, remember. Consider why you are here.” “Your pain is the key to your healing.” What do these thoughts conjure in your mind?