I feel as if I have traveled many miles while I slept. I sensed that my mind was active while my body rested. It’s been raining outside for two days now. I didn’t get to do everything in my Spring Equinox Celebration because of the rain, but I did do some of them, especially stopping to give thanks for all that has been before and all that will be. One way I celebrated was to honour the woman, the female form of humanity. (The females always tended the garden and during the Spring Equinox would dance naked around it and through it to celebrate fertility.) I did this by preparing my friend Kathleen dinner of Lemon Chicken (chickens provide eggs – the symbol of fertility) with Jerk-spiced Black Beans and savory corn, along with a salad of greens, tomatoes and olives. I had tried to prepare it so it was ready upon her return home from work, however, I couldn’t reach her as the evening passed on so I ended up leaving it warming in the oven and cooled in the fridge with a note. I followed up later with a phone call. She finally returned home to her surprise and called to say Thank You.
Kathleen and I worked all weekend at her home trimming trees, shrubs, grasses, and in general just cleaning up outside. I sense that she hasn’t been feeling very appreciated lately and that the things that make her happy haven’t been accomplished. We played word and number puzzles, enjoy conversations about the bible and her church activities, and began to help her realize a beautiful yard. She told me that Lonnie likes the vegetable garden, but she would rather have a beautiful yard. I have set my intentions to help build her some stone edging around her plants, to construct a small wall around the carport to divert the rain water around it, to help her with her flowers, and if time permits to help do something about the fence that is falling down. I have hopes of taking her some of the daylilies from the cabin and planting them beside her carport in a new planter.
I’ve already prepared Lonnie’s vegetable garden and it’s ready for planting. It even has some new areas like the new grape arbor, the many new tire planters with wire surrounds for tomatoes, and it’s been repaired. I find great enjoyment in helping others realize their dreams. Lonnie and Kathleen can have a beautiful home with a yard to enjoy and a garden that produces flowers and vegetables. I hope that the work I have done will help them both achieve their dreams.
Last night I asked Raziel to show me knowledge about protection spells, about seeing the hearts of people so that I could see and know what was going on with them (this is something that of late I have become more aware), and to allow me to connect with the energies at a certain home in Austin that a client is wanting help with. I also asked for a complete ability to read, write, speak and hear French and Spanish. I awoke this morning speaking French. I took French in school but hadn’t remembered much of it or my Spanish since the head injury back in 1994. I believe I will set my intentions towards learning these languages again. I have a feeling that I will need them within the years to come.
The mind is a powerful thing and shouldn’t be wasted. I am The Creative Mind and according to my life and my numerology (there are several great numerology websites and I have listed them below) I have great ability to create, inspire, and to lead. This is something I have known but not accepted about myself, but these days I am growing more into my role of helping others. I’m even looking into the possibility of attending the New Spirit Seminary in New York to obtain my ordination as a Celebrant. I’ve looked into several other seminaries of different backgrounds but this one doesn’t put limitations upon your own beliefs, but encourages you to seek out knowledge and truth. The one thing in my life that has been left undone is my college degree and this is something that I have hopes of completing. Thus I am beginning to look into various options of completing my Architecture Degree. I may change my major if there is a program that can use my current credits. Time will reveal what is to be so for now I will just enjoy being.
Thought for now: This is a time for new growth, for realizing your dreams. What things have you left unattended during the Winter that should be attended to now so that you can continue to grow? What fertile seeds can you plant to achieve your heart’s desires?
Numerology Web sites:
123 Numerology
Decoz Numerology
Façade Numerology (This website has many aspects that you might want to explore. The readings are free.)
If you would like a sample reading, please let me know as Numerology has become one of my passions and I now have a great software program so I can generate some reports for you.