Yesterday I was blessed richly. As I’ve been learning to control my ego and acknowledge the Higher Power’s involvement in my success I’m learning what humility truly is. As I worked with two new clients yesterday and talked with other clients on the phone I was humbled. In the old days I would have allowed my ego to say, “wow, look how wonderful you are, see they like you, look what you did, you are great.” However, yesterday I realized that the gifts of insight, knowledge, and love that I have are to be shared freely. As I worked with my clients and saw their lives beginning to improve through a change in how they see things, how they think of things, then I realized that it wasn’t me, I was only a conduit. Thus, I couldn’t allow my ego to claim anything, but I had to acknowledge that it was the Higher Power working through me to help guide others. I am understanding thankfulness through this process because through humility thankfulness follows. It’s being thankful to the Higher Power for the blessings.
Today’s I Ching reading was Heng/Duration, which talked about going on as before, without wavering, or changing direction. It talked about following our paths by taking the low road of what is good and correct, not the high road of our ego. That we are to persevere by continuing with what we know is good and correct and allowing others the freedom and space to learn and grow. The changing hexagram represented by Ta Kuo/Preponderance of the Great, which I have received previously, reminded me that now is the time for great success, but only through modesty and reticence can such success be acknowledged, appreciated and achieved. “We can meet this challenge if we remain detached and allow the changes to proceed as they will. Then our way of life will slowly penetrate to others without pressure, explanation, or demonstration. Such ‘gentle penetration’ allows healing and attraction to occur naturally. To be truly rich is to remain modest; to be truly powerful is to remain reticent. Through modesty and reticence we achieve a real superiority over the situation.” (Quote from A Guide to the I Ching.)
I am realizing the power of humility and reticence in my life because as I practice and learn such things I’m seeing how my life is changing in a powerful way and the power it presents to myself and to others; power that isn’t overwhelming, but quite with a soft presence that cannot harm others or myself.
Thought for now: Have you acknowledged your appreciation and thankfulness for the many blessings that flow daily into your life? I believe as we become truly thankful to the Higher Power for these blessings that we are humbled and through this humility we can continue on our paths without allowing our egos to seek to claim victory for our successes. I encourage everyone to take a moment and look at your blessings daily and say thank you. This will help us to realize how blessed we are, how rich we are (riches aren’t just measured in financial security but also in the relationships, love, knowledge and other things.), and that these blessings are gifts from the Higher Power, not just created by our own efforts.