Yesterday I drove into town to look for a dresser as the one I was using of my sister’s was sold to get it out of the home with the rest of her old bedroom set. It was something I was encouraging her to do because it held some very negative energies from a life she lived before and wasn’t aiding her relationship with her husband. So for now my clothes are stacked in various laundry baskets. I couldn’t find anything I could afford or desired if I could afford it. But while I was in town I met my sister and took her to lunch at the local health food store. I also visited The Peace of Mind Center, a local new age type of store with lots of books, crystals, and other things such as Yoga classes, belly dancing classes, Reiki, and so much more. I’m thinking of starting the Hatha Yoga there with Heather but I haven’t decided what day or time.
I went grocery shopping and then returned home. By the time I returned home I had a horrible headache, something I haven’t had in a long time. According to the green book (Permanent Healing by Daniel R. Condron, D.M., D.D., M.S.) a headache is about “restricting ways of thinking, producing pressure on Self. Fighting needed change. Procrastination.” And the remedy is to “respond to desires quickly. Allow no situation to get out of hand by postponing needed action.” As I lay on the sofa the only thing I could think of that I hadn’t done was to visit my cousin in the hospital, something I know I should have done. I believe I will be making another trip to town today just for that purpose.
Today’s I Ching reading was about Sheng/Pushing Upward – Through sincerely following the way of the Sage we attain the help of the Cosmos. It talked about that when we grow all of the people connected with us also grow. We should be resolute against our fears by maintaining the truth that they have goodness in them. “We maintain spiritual fitness through keeping aware of our inner feelings, and by keeping free of our ego. Such humility and sincerity invoke the help of the Higher Power.” The fifth changing line dealt with “One pushes upward by steps.” Which means, “Each step of progress is a separate entity, having its own beginning, middle and end. Each step is small.” It continued further but this one thing stood out for me, “We should not seek visible changes as a measure of success. We will have succeeded if we have stood firm and correct during the challenges.” (Quotes from A Guide to the I Ching by Carol K. Anthony.)
The changing hexagram was represented by Hsu/Waiting – Waiting in the correct attitude empowers the Creative. “We cultivate attributes that accumulate energy, such as modesty. We patiently cooperate with time as the vehicle of change, realizing that when the time comes to act, the Creative will indicate the correct way to respond. A correct waiting attitude is modest, unassuming, and independent. By clinging to a modest viewpoint we avoid comparing ourselves with others and thus are able to keep doubt dispersed; this helps us to remain free of the hopes and desires that destroy inner independence. The more we maintain inner independence and the more we keep attuned to the essential needs of the moment, the stronger more profound the power of the Creative becomes.” It also talked about holding on to Inner Truth and avoiding the pitfalls of doubt. It compared our withstanding against doubt as if standing against a wave. The first wave is strong, but the other waves are less powerful, so by standing firm, we eventually overcome doubt. “These waves are renewed only if we reconsider the thoughts that originally caused them.” So I suppose it’s our thoughts we are fighting and standing against so we hold only to the good and correct in ourselves and others, not to mention events around us.
Thought for now: Are there things you are procrastinating about? Are there things you know you should be doing but aren’t? Do you doubt yourself and others? I’m learning that sometimes it’s important to keep a positive view of others and myself even when things might not look so good. It’s in believing that each of us have the power of good within us and believing that we each have a path to follow and that only by following our own paths can success be achieved. Success not being financial, but spiritual.