Yesterday was an interesting day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but something happened within me. As I visited the small town nearby and worked in the garden I realized that things were changing inside of me – my thoughts, my perceptions, my attitude. I seemed calmer. I realized that my finances were improving thanks to the help of the Higher Power and my work on my own home to focus energies on Wealth and Prosperity as it relates to Feng Shui. I’ve become more attentive to the keeping track of things and getting bills paid on time. These actions have seemed to lift my spirits because I feel that I am able to respond in a positive way – responsible.
Last night, or should I say well into this early morning (5:00 am), I worked on balancing my bank accounts, I sent out thank you cards to clients, I prepared things to send to various people, and chose to believe that things will work out between my sister and her husband. I was very tired, but couldn’t sleep, although I continued to lie in the bed and finally drifted off to sleep. As I lay there I realized that Roadie’s recent misadventures are a result of my own creation, as I hadn’t been treating him with love and spending as much time with him. Thus, I will be spending more time with him and working with him more on training him. It will help ease the time of the day and bring us back together, not to mention prepare him for proper behavior.
Today I have a lot of errands to complete and have already begun to get things together. The first thing I’ve been doing in the mornings is to do an I Ching reading, write, post to the Blog, check emails and then get ready for the day. This mornings I Ching reading was about better times approach. It talked about arming “ourselves against the tendency, when times have improved, to revert to a careless, self-defeating attitude. When tensions begin to ease, an arrogant self-confidence returns and we forget that the source of our good luck has been our simplicity, humility, and dependence on the Higher Power.” (quote from A Guide to the I Ching.) I was encouraged to keep my reserve and conscientiousness and remember how to correctly relate to others, not to forget my limits, not to luxuriate in feeling good about progress, and to be more strict with myself through independence and inner discipline. I was encouraged that the result of such things would be peace. Thus, I will remain steadfast in good or bad times. Peace comes from within and I’m beginning to understand, but there is so much yet to understand and learn.
Yesterday as I was working in the garden it occurred to me that I had been wanting to create a memorial rose garden for my grandmother, and while I’ve been working the gardens here at my sister’s home that is what I’ve created. We’ve been calling it the rose garden because of the number of roses. I even stopped in Tyler at the rose growers and picked up more roses, climbing ones, treed ones, and some bushes. As I was hanging some banners on the new arbor I looked at one area and realized that I could hang a small sign. When my sister came home last night I asked her if we could make a sign and dedicate the rose garden. She was excited about the idea and soon we will be having the Vera B. Lee Memorial Rose Garden. This morning I asked the universe, the Divine God/Goddess to assist me in finishing this dream so that by next Spring we could have a dedication ceremony and invite various people to come and enjoy the rose garden and celebrate a wonderful woman’s life.
Thought for now: When things are going good, do you become arrogant and begin to believe that they will be good forever? Do you forget to be thankful for the Higher Power’s involvement? Do you remain steadfast in your thoughts, ideas, and such? I’m beginning to realize that part of my downfall has been my arrogant nature to jump into a self-confident mode and get all excited about making money. When I should have been remaining simple, humble, and thankful.