Today is July 4th, The United States’ Independence Day. There will be celebrations around the country today with fireworks and excitement most of the evening. I suppose celebrating our independence is good. But today I’m celebrating my Inner Independence. Learning to stay centered and focused without regard to what other’s might say or think, believing in the good and correct in myself, others and the universal whole, and believing in the Higher Power, the Divine God/Goddess, to guide my life, the lives of others, and the universal whole into the right direction isn’t an easy thing. This modesty and reticence isn’t easy for me. It seems I must have a very large ego, because everyday I’m having to put it in it’s place. Gifts, friends, family, and things have richly blessed my life; but yet, I really didn’t do anything to receive them. They are all gifts. I am to show appreciation with a thankful heart. I am to acknowledge that my ego didn’t accomplish a thing, but it was the universe’s direction that led me to where I am now.
Learning to be independent, as with a country who struggles with war to gain it, isn’t always an easy path, however, it’s a path worth following, not looking back, aside, or too far ahead because this path will teach us to be whole, find peace, learn understanding and relate better to others as we relate better with the Great Sage.
I’m departing in a bit for Fort Worth, Texas, to meet with a new client, spend the evening with a dear friend of mine, then head on to Austin for the rest of the week. I’m thankful for the work, reputation, experience, clients, and friends that the Divine God/Goddess has provided me. The lesson from last night’s I Ching reading about what my week in Austin will be about resulted in me knowing that I have great power, but that power isn’t mine. That I am to learn to keep my ego under control, remain modest, and learn reticence while giving thanks to the Higher Power and acknowledging the Great Sage’s guidance in my life.
The young man I was dating in Fort Worth, well, he and I will remain friends for now, as I do not believe that either of us are able to devote ourselves to dating at this time. He’s a great guy and I know that he will be able to turn his life around. I’m here in Louisiana and believing that oneday love will find it’s way to my front door. But for now, I’m going to continue to work on developing my Inner Independence so I can each year celebrate in my own way that fact that I am learning to be guided by the good and correct, trust in faith, and believe that the path ahead is the one I’m to follow.
Thought for now: What does today mean to you? What does your independence mean?