Saturday, January 28, 2006
Special People
This morning Roadie and I awoke around 8 am and took a walk outside. It was a beautiful morning even though it was overcast with soft gray clouds. I had been thinking about how special Archie is and wondering what his life has been like, and even that of Stephen’s life. They are both very special people with great talents; however, I sense that they haven’t learned to let go of the hurts and stories of the past. Archie is 32 and is mildly Autistic and has a great love for clowns. Stephen is 44 and is very knowledgeable about various mystic aspects – Tarot Cards, Crystals, Buddhism, and Ancient cultures. As I sit here this morning, while they sleep, I am curious to learn of their stories and to hopefully share with them how special they are so that they might begin to overcome the past and live for each day knowing that they are very special people. As I returned from my walk with Roadie, I found a hand written note from Archie that welcomed me to their home and that I could stay as long as I liked.
Archie, even the name reminds me of the character Archie in the TV funnies Archie and Jug head, is very child like in his actions, thoughts, and character. He is filled with great joy and excitement, that innocence that children have, and is very delightful to talk with and watch. He is a reminder that I should always remember and acknowledge the child within, to see life with new eyes, and to enjoy the fun of a child. He shared some photos of his clown character, the name of which at the moment I cannot recall, and he was so excited that someone took an interest in what he enjoyed. I talked with him about the days past when I had a puppet, clown and magic ministry in California and Alaska, and that I had done clowning for many years. I also shared with him the idea of why he enjoyed it so, why he came alive behind the mask. I know personally of this. When we put on the Face (clown talk for makeup) we no longer are our selves; we are the clowns. The Face is the last thing that goes on and completes the new character. With the Face we are then free to be who we want to be, we are more accepted, can do many things, and in general are free from anything that held us back before. I hope I can encourage him to see how special he is and help him begin to overcome his past so that he may shine like the light he is. Archie also has the apartment filled with smiley faces – clowns and smiley faces are all happy symbols, I’m being reminded to seek for laughter, happiness (not happiness from others or things, but that happiness of just being.), and joy.
Stephen is a very loving soul, full of knowledge and gifted with great insight into the spiritual realm. He just woke up and turned on a light for me, although my laptop has it’s own little light and was just fine in the darkness, but it is nice to have greater light and company. He is very knowledgeable in many areas and has lived a very full life, a very interesting one. I’ll share more later; but for now feel that I should enjoy his company. Although I want to share this one thing – I realized I left my personal care items in the cabin, so I have to go find an herb or health store.
It’s now almost 2:30 am and it seems that late nights here are the norm because of Stephen’s work hours. Archie and I spent the day together shopping, eating lunch, and sharing. Archie is a very special gift to humanity in that he has been blessed with the purity of innocence and truth that most of us have to search for and achieve in this life. There is an old saying that talks about ‘from the mouths of babes’ and that is how I see Archie when I listen to what he says. He is a seeker of truth and knowledge and not for purposes of negative intent, but rather just for the pure pleasure of having them. I acknowledged to him how very special he was and why he was, as mentioned above. Archie is now my very special friend, one who will always remind me to stay pure at heart, to see life through innocent eyes, to openly love others, and as a reminder that we (you, me, and the whole of humanity) should protect and nurture those placed here with such wonderful gifts to share – the autistic, the mentally challenged, and so many other special people that most of humanity don’t accept or are willing to acknowledge their worth. Archie shared with me today why he believed I had come to visit him and Stephen because he had prayed that God would bring me here. Throughout the day I watched, talked and listened to Archie and all I could do was to keep saying, “Thank you” to the Universe for allowing me to have such a special friend. How could anyone ever cause hurt to these special emissaries of God, why do we treat them as if they serve no purpose in life and put them in institutes? It appears that Archie has believed and accepted many negative aspects and energies over his life and only because he was different. I asked Archie if I could present a challenge to him, that of not saying, ‘I’m sorry or forgive me, but’ as an opening for when he speaks, because he has no reason to apologize for being true to his self, that he is a complete and wonderful person just as he was created. He immediately acknowledged the truth of this and quickly accepted the challenge. The rest of the day and evening he worked on his challenge with great success and I new sense of his own worth. Today, through love and acceptance, I watched as a once shy and insecure young man grew into a bright, articulate, energetic, outgoing, confident young man. I am brought to tears now as I have been several times today with Archie. The power of words is very strong, but the power of love and acceptance through thoughts and actions is even more powerful I believe, as witnessed today. I saw many beautiful smiles come from this slender small-framed young man, and felt as if I was in the presence of God when I looked into his excited eyes.
Cracker (the name I couldn’t recall this morning) is Archie’s clown character and Tonia Bear Rogers is his female impersonator persona. Michael (who is as god, chief of virtues, ruler of 4th heaven, teaches patience) is Archie’s guardian angel and I can see why he is such a direct connection with God. I was indeed blessed today.
Stephen returned home from work and we all sat and talked. Stephen pulled out some books that he believed I should read and a meditation CD for me to utilize tomorrow. I asked him about the round rainbow I saw in the sky, and his thought was that the rainbow represents the completion of the chakras and the circle is perfection –another completion, so it might represent that my chakras have been cleared and working perfectly now. I feel that there is more to this special sign I saw, but that this is a beginning of the explanation. Does anyone know what it means? We talked about crystals and what they are used for, about aspects of Solomon’s Magik books (especially his Enochian Magic which is the original system of Angel Magic), and about many other things. I acknowledged that I would enjoy being able to spend time with him on Monday when he is off work to discuss more things. Stephen is very knowledgeable about many aspects of the mystic aspects of life and I am appreciative of his sharing his insight and knowledge with me. Tonight before rest, he anointed my chest with Frankincense and Myrrh, my third-eye chakra with Meditation Oil and soothed my senses with Lavender and Tea Tree Oil. He researched some topics for me and emailed them to me so I can research them more. He shared about not being able to work through all the self-doubt and unforgiveness he has held onto all of these years. I encouraged him to seek out a Holographic Repatterner so he could find the ways to work through all of that by releasing those. We also discussed the name for the Austin metaphysical business that I believe I should work towards creating and the name that resonated was now Gnostic Haven. In numerology terms it’s an 11, a master number, then broken down it’s a 3 for community and an 8, which is lucky. So I will have to mention the new name idea with dearest Finnabair.
Raziel (secretive god, angels of mysteries – angel of secret regions.) is Stephen’s angel. Stephen is a special man with special insights and knowledge gained through generations of the ancient ways and practices. I look forward to spending more time with him. But as for now, it’s late and I have need of rest.
Thought for today: Are you accepting of others different than yourself? Can you acknowledge the importance of even the so-called smallest of humanity? I discovered today that I could receive so much more than given when I accept and love those different than myself. I provided love and encouragement, and Archie gave me honor, respect and love in return.