The lawn, the trees, and porch, the fields, the buildings are all alive with the songs of birds. There are Wrens, Redbirds, some yellow birds, and many others. Their songs are delightful and lift my spirits. My spirits are lifted even higher as I watch them fly about, reminding me that I am free to fly. There’s a redheaded woodpecker in the tree out the front window, knocking, knocking, knocking on the tree. His little head bobbing back and forth as he does what is his nature, peck. I have purchased some bird seed to place out for them and look forward to seeing them enjoy the free food.
I have spent the day (yesterday) burning the limbs trimmed from the trees in the orchard and some old piles of limbs. Roadie and I played some rolling around in the grass, as it has dried up now from the melted snow. As I have gone through the day I have felt a bit at odds with myself. Towards dark I came inside and laid down on the sofa. As I lay there I kept thinking to myself, ‘I’ve accomplished the things I wanted to do here, so why do I want to keep this persona in this life dream going any longer?’. I acknowledged the fact that I could decide to allow this persona a chance for an end. I fell asleep. I spent the night in an awkward type of rest because it seems I was struggling with myself trying to determine if there was something I was to be doing.
It seems that there is something, what I’m not sure, however, I know it will reveal it’s self in time, when it is ready to be. I’m finding that by knowing that I’m the dreamer and can change things at will that I’m having to sort through a lot of things in my head. As I have said before, I am not my own, but I am. I suppose everything that has been is to prepare me for service to human kind, no longer to pursue selfish endeavors.
“Some of us start learning these things subconsciously. Our waking mind won’t accept it, so we do our miracles in our sleep.” Quote from Illusions.
I suppose this is why I struggle so much in my sleep. It seems that my conscious mind and my subconscious mind are getting in touch with each other. My dreams have always been my guide as they have told me where I would be going, who I was going to meet, and much more. Since I have become aware that the subconscious mind is strongly connected with the universal whole I have understood more. I’m learning, and suppose it will take another life time, to be aware at every moment of what the subconscious mind knows.
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” Another quote from Illusions.
I have longed believed this and I suppose this is why I have created (called into existence) my true family – Momma Gretchen, Brother Jorge, Sister Finnabair, Father Lonnie, Great Uncle Punky, and so many others. Yes, I love and honor my birth family, however, it’s my chosen family that I enjoy the most.
“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they are yours.” Another quote from Illusions.
WOW! Talk about the power of words here. I used to argue for my limitations, now I argue against them so I can free myself of them. I hear so many people arguing for their limitations and know why they are limited, it’s because they believe they are. I am no longer limited, I am free like the birds to fly, like the eagle to soar, like the winged horse to ride free upon the winds of change, like the vulture who soars with ease on the currents (the wind’s version of water’s flow), all because I have come into awareness. We are all free, we just have to realize it.
“Imagine the universe beautiful and just and perfect, then be sure of one thing: the IS has imagined it quite a bit better than you have.” Another quote from Illusions.
Thought for today: What limitations have you argued for yourself? Are you ready to argue against them, to set them free to find freedom? Who is your true family? And, what beautiful universe have you imagined? If this life is just an illusion, that we as master magicians are creating, then I can’t wait to see how beautiful it can become when we all dream of the beauty together. It still won’t compare with the beauty that is real.