Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Blue Emotionally

Blue is the second most powerfully emotional color after red. It is linked to devotion and harmony. Lighter shades of blue can be associated with understanding, health, tranquility, protection, peace, and general happiness. It sharpens the power to perceive, heightens spiritual awareness, and increases one’s patience. Darker shades of blue can be related to depression, moodiness, changeability, impulsiveness, unfortunate circumstances, and can be very subduing. Dark blue is also connected to fanaticism. In more positive light, blue is the color of nobility and tranquility. It has elements of healing, peace, the psychic. Blue is the color of the element of Water - symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky. As a calming color, it produces feelings of constancy and faith and can reflect images of sensitivity, truth, sleep, hope, friendship, wisdom, loyalty and ones desire to nurture. Piety and sincerity are coupled with blue as well as creative self-expression, communication, wisdom, confidence, integrity, truth, freedom, and independence. Unity, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, and coldness are linked to blue. In other situations, blue is the color most associated with technology, and is sometimes used as an appetite suppressant.

In Christianity, blue symbolizes Mary and Advent. In Hindu belief, blue represents the throat chakra and is color of Krishna. The Zuni used this color to symbolize the west. In China it is associated with immortality. In Colombia it is associated with soap. Jews see it as a color of holiness and those of the Middle East see blue as a protective color.

Blue is often considered to be the safest global color.

Around the twentieth century it became a symbolic representation of the male gender, particularly in Western cultures. As an aura, blue most often reflects many of the traits discussed above (calmness, truth, devotion), and may also indicate the development of telepathy. Darker shades reveal deep devotion but may also indicate loneliness. Royal blues are for those who know their life’s path. Darker, muddy blues might show over-sensitivity or forgetfulness. Blue is also the color of meditation and spirituality.

Indigo is the color of dignity and high aspirations. Light blue is seen as a color of tranquility and invokes feelings of higher intuition, psychic powers, and trustworthiness. The darker the color is, the more powerful the application. Indigo provides calm and coolness without feeling cold, like an icy blue. In Hindu belief, it is the color of the third eye chakra. Inner vision, intuition, clairvoyance, perception, imagination, concentration, peace of mind, and projection of will, are all manifestations of indigo.