Crystals, as I learn more about new aspects that help with the physical plane of existence, then I will share them. Here it is about crystals, gemstones, and other natural aspects that assist with this physical plane.
Mica – This mineral provides reflective qualities so that one can recognize the flaws of humanity AND can remain in a heart space to continue to love this same humanity. It can help one to look at a situation in complete detail, magnifying those aspects of importance. It can also be used to facilitate clarity in visions and mysticism. It provides for self-reflection, and allows one to recognize that “in each person you see but the reflection of that which you choose to have that person to be”. It further allows one to recognize the contrary characteristics of another, which are within ones self, and assists one in both acknowledging and eliminating these traits from ones personality. It enhances ones flexibility in physical, emotional, and intellectual situations. It provides for growth in all areas of pursuit and can be used to diminish anger, tantrums, and nervous energy.
Lepidolite is not technically a gemstone, but a very beautiful purplish type of mica; it is referred to by healers as the Peace Stone. (I was given this stone as a gift while visiting Stephen and Archie and now carry it with me.)
Some of the uses of lepidolite are:
Encourages independence for setting and attaining goals inconspicuously
Protection from outside influences
Relieves every day stress, and promotes restful sleep when placed near your pillow
Attracts good luck to those who carry it, and drives away negativity
When used with rose quartz, it becomes a stone of reconciliation of love
Healing properties of Lepidolite
Lepidolite can be laid directly on painful parts of the body. It helps with nerve pain, sciatica, neuralgia and joint problems.
Dioptase – This mineral can be used to both clear and stimulate all chakras to the higher level of awareness and action, bringing an invigoration and a refreshing energy to the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. It further instills a clarity of connection between the physical body and the perfection of the ethereal body. It brings forth and helps one to understand the message that “yesterday is but a memory, tomorrow is but a vision, and TODAY is REAL”; living in the moment is the energy of this mineral. It is an excellent stone for furthering spiritual attunement; use of dioptase over the third-eye can help one see to the root of a problem and can help one to gain the wisdom to correct the neglect. It stimulates the memory of past-lives and assists one in obtaining attunement to both conscious awareness of these lives and to the inner reality, which have been the bases for these lives. It also “brings to light” hidden forces which one can utilize in attaining that which is required. It assists in the enrichment of ones life, one environment, and ones planet. It can be beneficial in eliminating “lack”. It helps one to eliminate oppressive feelings and situations, to realize the richness and surplus of ones personal resources, and to utilize, to the fullest, ones capabilities. It also helps to raise the consciousness such that one may employ the universal energies of awakening while stimulating the actualization of well-being. This mineral is useful for balancing the yin-yang energy and for aligning the chakras with the ethereal plane. It activates, opens and energizes the heart chakra, bringing the energy necessary to the physical body, through the loving energy of the heart. It can promote inner cellular awareness such that each cell affected by a disorder can singularly, and collectively, recognize the reason for the malfunction and then release the anomaly, facilitating both alignment with the perfect self and the healing state. It comes from Namibia, Tsumeb.
I wear a black tourmaline crystal and I have set my intents upon learning and obtaining the above items along with lepidolite, silver, emerald, manifestation quartz crystal, nodle quartz crystal, as I believe these items will greatly enhance my spiritual enlightenment and healing capacity.
The name is derived from the Greek word 'Petalon' meaning ‘leaf’ and 'Lithos' meaning 'Stone'. This is a very unique gemstone that offers some beautiful pastel colors. Petalite is composed of Lithium, Aluminium, Silicon, and Oxygen.
It is carried during vision quests, brings calm, protection, alertness and prompt success. Improves meditation. Powerful energy releaser. It is used to stimulate clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and telepathic communication. Petalite brings you peace and can also calm and evens out your aura. It stabilizes the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
Sign of Petalite -Gemini (I’m a Gemini)
Symbolic Gemstone-Stone of the Angels
Stephen gave me this special, rare gemstone in appreciation for helping him and Archie adjust the energies of their apartment and for just helping them in general. It is now a permanent part of my silver necklace.
Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. It is associated with the root chakra and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm.
Jane at the store in Bloomington, IN, gave me this special gemstone after I shared with her some information about her apartment and cats. Jane, I send you blessings of forgiveness, clarity, and knowing of what is truth, that you are perfect as you were created.
These are just some aspects of gemstones and crystals. I’ll set my intents to share more when I can.