Thursday, January 03, 2008

A noche con no las luzes

Well, for the last few nights we haven't had power. From what I understand the very strong winds of late caused a large tree to fall into the major power station and it knocked out power for half of Guatemala, including Guatemala City, Antigua, Panajachel, and all of the other areas around here. It was nice having some level of quiet, but I especially enjoyed the night with candles. Candles are so relaxing to me. (oh, by the way, please don't just blow out a candle. Candle flames are doorways to the spirit world and should be treated as your own front door - easily closed, never slammed.. Thus use a snuffer or gentle blow out the candle, that way you're not slamming a door.) Decisions were made today and I depart for Copan, Honduras, very early on Saturday morning (4 am). I'm not sure if I'll have internet access there or not, but we'll see. If you want to know more about where I'm going, just click on the name above.

It was a $10 shuttle (yes, I had to shop around for the price) but the hour we depart leaves things to be desired, such as sleep. Honduras' currency is the Lempiras with a current exchange rate of $20 Lempiras for $1 US Dollar. Time to learn a new currency, but hopefully this one will be easier. I will have to withdraw cash from the local banks tomorrow before heading down because the two banks there only take Visa cards. This is why I'm changing banks - because Washington Mutual doesn't offer a Visa Debit card and in Central and South America most of the banks ONLY accept Visa cards. At least this way I'll have to learn to live on what cash I have. A good lesson for me to learn I suppose. lol

It's been very cold here, nearing 12 and 13 degrees celsius. It's funny to watch everyone in town coated with scarfs and shoes. In the hostel everyone watched a DVD wrapped up in blankets from our beds. Now I've retired to my room for the evening so I can start getting ready for my departure on Saturday. I have to get my laundry completed, give my food supplies to someone, pack, and look into some information about Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras. I might just stay for a bit and check out the town and then travel around for a bit in Honduras. Nicaragua is the next stop after Honduras, but that means learning another currency as well.

My cold is gone, but my sinuses are now clogged up with the dust, the cold weather, and who knows what else. It will be nice to be out of a city for a bit, maybe have some quiet.

Every time I begin to think I'm really alone, some one like my best friend lets me know I'm not alone. I'm not sure why anyone in my life actually puts up with my insane life because it's not worth the trouble from my perspective, but maybe they enjoy the thrill of the roller coaster ride I call my life. I'm not sure why I'm down here actually, but it's better than living in the United States with nothing to do but watch TV. My Spanish is coming along, but not as quickly as I would like. I have to stop talking in English. lol I'll get it before long. Maybe by the time I return to the States I'll be fluent. lol I can dream.

Well, I hope everyone is having a great day, time to curl up with blankets and lie with the angels.