A Special Note to my father: Please understand that the comments made about something you do isn't an indication that I do not desire to communicate with you, but rather, my thoughts about a situation. I hope you understand and can respect my beliefs even though they are different from yours.
Back in 1991 I left the Southern Baptist Association and requested that my name be permanently removed from their registry, not because I didn't believe in something greater than myself, but because I began to clearly see what the people that called themselves "Christians" were really like and how much they hated, lied, and other wise caused so much trouble throughout the world in the name of a god and a cause. Over the years I have struggled with this decision because of family pressures, however, after spending a few days here at an orphanage outside of Managua, Nicaragua, it has become easier to walk away from anyone or anything called "Christian."
I’ve witnessed people claiming to be a Christian, but condemn so many other people, I’ve watched as people used a worth while cause to benefit themselves, not the cause as represented. Yes, I’m sure it’s a good thing that the children have a home, but perhaps Christians aren’t the ones who should be rearing children.
Not only will I be departing here, but I now have an even stronger call to not put up with such things from anyone ever again, including my father; who, although I realize it’s his way of trying to communicate with me, sends me these emails about Christianity. I wish those that call themselves “Christians” would actually live the life indicated in the Bible and do what is taught in the scriptures: Love, be a servant, accept, and so much more. However, that’s not what they do. Why call yourself something when you don't live the life.
I don’t claim to be anything more than I am, even if sometimes I don’t know who that is, nor do I attempt to force my ideas upon others.
I’m sure my father is a good man, however, I don’t know who he is, except for the little Christian messages he sends me sometimes. I don’t hold anything against my father for the many ills done over the years, especially as a child, but I do wish instead of sending all of those messages that he would actually make an attempt to get to know who I am and give me the chance to get to know who he is. It’s been many years since I’ve really talked with anyone in my family much, and I’ve made attempts at reaching them, but it seems they don’t want any part of me.
I travel now alone, as I suppose it’s all ordained I should by whatever belief you have. Yes, I’m outspoken, judgmental, egotistical, a thief, and much worse, but at least I own up to it all and work to change my thoughts. Like when I saw the man walking along the street with a sign around his neck asking for money. He was apparently put out on the street by his family to beg for money because he was retarded, however, all I could do was hold back all of the tears as I watched. My heart goes out to them all, but I know that fate will reveal it’s hand in time for each of them, I just hope it’s good for each of them.
Thus, there are many books, websites, and other sources that deal with the many negative aspects of Christianity, but I’m sure you can find them on your own. For now I’m taking a stand against such things, kicking off the dust from my feet and moving forward with my life now with a firmer believe in something that I don't like.