Film, theater, movies, acting, and much more are all about creating something that doesn’t exist, an ideal of what we think has been, what might become, and our mind’s creative outlet of the surreal. It seems that I have lived my life as an actor, living out something I thought I should be doing. Mostly I suppose because when I try to see what reality is, I get very depressed. So I believe those things that make me smile, that help me carry on for another day, those things that take me away upon that flying carpet to lands I’ll never see.
Perhaps that is why I enjoy the movies so much. The technology has improved, but the story is still the same – something to take your mind away from your reality even if just for a few hours. When you’re like me you get lost in the worlds you create and eventually loose sight of reality. What is real? Well, for me it’s the magic, the fun, the dancing, the songs, the chance to believe that I can be something special. For others, well, I’m sure they create what makes them feel special also.
I’ve always lived my life in fantasy and every now and then take a moment to look in on what others call reality. I don’t like what I see, and over the years it’s just gotten worse. So I keep going deeper and deeper into my fantasy world I’m creating for myself, which to some may seem odd, because I’m sure they believe I am only retreating more and more into my own world and shutting myself away from others. There are some people I genuinely enjoy and believe are good people, but for most of society I’m very fearful of what they are becoming.
Why is it that no one really cares about other people, about the state of affairs of the world, the amount of injustice in the world, and is it really better for life to speed up and improve, so to say? I long for a time when things were simple. A time when people could walk down a street and know the people around them without fear of something bad happening to them. These days neighbors don’t even care to know about each other. The governments of the world are running amuck without anyone holding them accountable. Are so called civic leaders are only interested in what makes them more powerful, not the interest of the poor, the needy, or the homeless. What made the
Some may ask why I prefer my dream world over the real one, but I tell you this – if what the real world has to offer is all of the things I’ve just scratched the surface of above, then yes, I do prefer my dream world. At least there I’m safe, loved, cared for, appreciated, and I am free. Maybe we all live in some sort of dream state that we’ve created for ourselves. Do you?