Men, bodies, minds, hearts.
I first see men, their bodies,
then discover their minds,
then their hearts.
Their thoughts, actions are dictated by their past,
their present need to deal with escape from or forget.
Such demons that seem to control our minds.
There is a unique but familiar story behind each face.
Would, if I could, compile these stories
and relate them back to others who need to know
they are not alone in their struggles.
But would it do any good?
I struggled alone, unaware of the many books
and people who could help guide me.
Education of the people is neccessary to assist the future generations.
Acceptance, tolerance, unification of diversification is the only way.
Love must rule as supreme in our lives.
We must be mindful of the needs, fears, hurts, hopes of others.
We cannot use them for our own personal gain or desire.
If we do we can cause further hurt to a fragile soul.
Acceptance, love, 'to thine own self be true.'
Can we accept and love others who are different?
Christ can. Can we allow Him through us?
We must die to ourselves and allow Christ (the spirit) to live through us.
Will I ever be able to walk hand-in-hand with someone
and look in his eyes and know, feel the love we have? How I long for such.
Who will be the man who will support and encourage my Christian walk?