Gay men searching.
Trying to find something lost within themselves.
Loneliness, despair, searching.
What is it they are looking for but cannot find?
Bars, clubs, baths, parks, and other places they search.
Loneliness seems to dominate and dictate a continous cycle of drinking to forget,
sex just to be near someone - to be wanted, desired, loved - even if it's just for the moment.
The emptiness returns and again the searching.
What is it? That intangible, almost unreachable, desire that drives them.
Is it love, acceptance, belonging, or a feeling of being?
I've noticed most have strong demons of self-hate, low self esteem, and a sense of not belonging.
Is this society's fault for not teaching them to love themselves,
for not showing them they are loved and accepted?
Is it the Judeo-Christian ethics that have driven them into a no-man's land
of despair, loneliness and searching?
I know our God, the only God, loves his creations and provides
for them the sunshine, rain, food and shelter.
Perhaps if more people would look to Him and truely follow
His ways then we would all find what we are searching for.
Perhaps if there would be no reason for hate,
perhaps these men would find acceptance, love and belonging.
Perhaps the endless nights of searching would end and a new day of greatness would emerge.