Storms have a tendency to come about quickly without an introduction and sometimes they come about slowly showing notice to all who would see the signs of its approach. So it is with life, there are storms just as in nature. I’ve come to believe that the reason that our current physical existence has become so turbulent is that so many people are releasing so much negative energy out into the universe and it is showing up in the natural environment through storms or natural disasters.
Recently after departing Missouri there were tornadoes appearing all around me while I was in Tennessee. I realized that those tornadoes were being created because some people were releasing a great deal of negative energy through anger. The storms were targeted at me; however, they hurt many others and didn’t touch me. I am safe and protected. I suppose these people had cause to be angry, however, I know that I assisted in generating their anger. There was a lot of negative energy being created because these people weren’t honest with themselves and were hurting other people, just like the storms hurt other people. I believe they think that my actions were caused by one event; however, they were because I saw how much damage was being done not only to themselves but to the many people involved with their lives. I had blinded myself to such things but when the veil of blindness was lifted, I could no longer be a part of what was happening around me. I know that my intentions were good and with time and an opportunity to share the ideas that were in my head that great things could have begun. However, I wasn’t allowed the opportunity. It seems that some want to control everything, are resistant to change, and believe that they have the correct way of doing things. I believe this about myself but I have learned to listen to others for ideas, however, I suppose during this experience I hadn’t realized the depths of those involved.
How we approach the various life experiences that we create for ourselves determines how we grow. I realized that I should be spending my energy developing something for myself, not for others. Yes, we can do things for other people, but we should always stay focused upon our path and achieve those things that will help us along our way. I realized that I shouldn’t depend upon others for assistance in living my life and that I should find ways to make it on my own, for I have the power and strength, the magic and skill, and the will and love to provide for myself. I just haven’t wanted to accept the responsibility for myself. It’s always been easier to just allow others to take care of me, but that’s not what this life is about. It’s about experiencing the power to take control of your own life and live it to its fullest.
For days now my mind has been uneasy about what has been and what is happening and I knew that the storms were coming. Storms have a way of releasing a lot of built up energy and I suppose that is what happens when we allow negative energy to build up within us. It has to be released or it can destroy us, but when it is released in full it can destroy much more than ourselves. I’m learning to release the negative energy as it comes into my life now instead of allowing it to build up inside of my mind. The storms are here and I’m typing in the darkness with only the soft glow of the laptop screen guiding my typing. It’s dark, raining, and the winds are blowing. I suppose I can look at the storm as a cleansing aspect because it is cleansing the air and earth. I suppose our own personal storms are for cleansing our energies also so we can release all that has been built up so we can find peace again. I’m in a storm now as I search for what it is that I am meant to be accomplishing now. I have no idea if I shall continue my adventures on the road; however, I know this much that my adventures will continue even if I’m stationary.
Thought for now: What are your storms? What harm are you causing to others around you? Are you aware of doing this to them? Learning to let go of the negative energies and to find peace is a great way of achieving the love of life we all desire. I think it’s time we all begin to be honest with ourselves about who we are, what we desire, and what we are creating. This hasn’t been an easy lesson for me, but I hope that through the calm of the morning all things will be refreshed, cleansed by the ravenous storm.