Tuesday, April 18, 2006
As I sit here in my sister’s home looking out the large windows out into the vast acreage beyond I am reminded of the past, of those memories dreamed from long ago of a close knight family that enjoyed life together. The woods that covered the back part of the family farm have been cut down leaving piles of limbs, stumps and the chaos of destructive forces. I walked through that area the other day and realized that the magic of the forest was gone now, however, I also realized that with it so went the memories of ages past. Not just my memories, but the memories that the forest held. I suppose I should look at it as a way of the forest having the ability to create a new record of memories. The big pond is full of water and the sunlight glistens upon the rippled surface of the water like a sea of diamonds. I see the events of the past there. Times when my family would spend fishing, swimming, and camping out there are fond memories. There used to be a small fishing pier and a floating deck. We would always have to swim out to get to the floating deck, but then we could climb up on it and sit, lay out in the sun and just relax. Every winter we would walk through the forest to find a tree to serve as our Christmas Tree. Every winter Granny and I would put the limbs and leaves from the previous years cut trees together around a stump and burn it. She would always laugh when I would get frustrated because the smoke from the fire would follow me around. She would say, “smoke always follows beauty.” I’d laugh and remind her of another one of her sayings, “it must be blind.”
I see from this window a flower garden that was started but not maintained, however, the flowers are blooming amongst the leaves and debris. It’s nice to see such beauty as it reminds me that even in the most dark of times there is still beauty to be shared. I suppose the beauty is the magic of family. I believe we have two families. One we have chosen to be born into and the other one we choose to have as our family. I have my birth family and a wonderful chosen family. I supposed they each have their place and purpose because each can teach and guide us along our Life’s Path. The magic of the forest may be a state of newness, but the magic of family will endure long after I am gone from this physical existence. There is a verse in the Bible, “We are encompassed about by such a great cloud of witnesses.” I see this as the collective conscious of all who have come before, those who will be one day, and those that exist in various forms now. We are never alone. The magic is the memories of all we were before this physical existence and all that we will be. The magic is the collective consciousness we are all a part of, although some are still slumbering and not awake, not aware of our universal connectedness. This, I believe, is the magic of the universe; the power of awareness, connectedness, and words (the energy and power of words to create and destroy). Magic uses spells, which have to be spoken, so perhaps the magic is in the spoken word and the intent behind it.
The magic of the forest is still here, so is the family magic. Perhaps we blind ourselves to its presence because we become so focused on what is changing, what was, and what we thought we wanted things to be. Life is funny in that it presents what is in a simple manner. We just confuse it all with our own personal desires or misguided truths. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause. Yes, Virginia, there is magic. Yes, Virginia, there is life and love. It is always here, that fabulous magic of creation, to help guide us all if only we would still our minds and quiet our thoughts. The magic is within and without. Within each of us as we fully accept who we are, both the positive and negative. Without because the magic has always been and exists within the creative conscious connective.
I am faced with many decisions and challenges today. What to do with my belongings that I do not desire to keep, where to store them if I keep them? Should I buy a travel trailer to live in or just settle down? What school should I attend to further my knowledge – One Spirit Interfaith Seminary or University of Sedona School of Metaphysics? How can I find extra income to sustain my travels and pay for the various schools and trainings I desire? These are the questions of today. They have been in my mind for days now. I’m being still and quiet waiting for the answers to present themselves.
Thought for now: Can you see the magic? It is here every day if only we would awaken from our slumber called life and see with the new eyes and mind of awareness.