Saturday, April 08, 2006
Conversations with close friends are always interesting because everyone feels free to say what is on their mind, what their thoughts are of various topics, and what they think about each other and the things they do and say. This afternoon I was honored to be able to spend the time with Momma Gretchen. We talked about many things and enjoyed the rare moments that the two of us can share. She is a wonderful woman with a deep heart and enlightened mind and spirit.
I don’t know where she got it from, perhaps from my writings, but today she commented about how many of us there are that look up into the sky and long to return home. It caught me a bit off guard, but I quickly caught up with her thoughts. It seems that there are many people in this perceived life, this life dream that we are each dreaming, that are aware of their existence before this physical life experience. We talked about that there seem to be more people being born aware, the Indigo Children, and that perhaps one day when everyone is born aware then there wouldn’t be a need for a physical place of experiences, but then again, maybe it’s the fun of the physical experience that delights us and draws us here. We talked of being aware of the lives we have lived before, what we are here to experience and learn in this physical life, and the lives we have outside of perceived time.
Mothers are so caring and concerned about their children. I believe this is something that most men miss out on that connection between mother and child. Perhaps it is because of the time spent in the womb connected that this special relationship exists. Perhaps it is something more. It could be that we are born of our mothers to share their physical lives and to carry on the works they have begun. I recall in ages past that societies were matriarchal, not patriarchal, and many societies allowed that the females ruled and guided the clans. I wonder what our lives would be if we returned to allow females to rule and guide. In Spanish culture the men take on the wife’s maiden name to carry on the female’s family name. It seems that the women have always been the major influence. The men that began to change things must have been very unhappy in life to alter whole courses of centuries. My mind wanders through time, so I should return to the point. Mothers know many things about the children they bear and/or rear into adulthood. Mothers always stand up for their children when someone speaks against them, when their children are in need of comforting and reassurance, and when their children need some extra strength to move forward. Such was the case with the conversations today with Momma Gretchen.
A mother is always concerned with the development of her children and Momma Gretchen is concerned about her children, even her adopted child (me). We talked about why mothers feel guilty about the things that their children are going through and why they believe that it was something that they did. Well, it’s not for the mother’s to feel guilty about how their children have created, dreamed, or drawn their lives to be. The children have to learn to take on their lives and realize that everything from birth to death (in perceived time and physical existence terms) is what the child creates so that they can learn and grow, deal with any Karmic Debts, experience life lessons to help guide them further, and overall to shape their experiences of this physical existence. Perhaps it is the great love that mothers have for their children and that connection of 9 months of being together that causes mothers to feel these things. However, I believe it is part of being a mother. It’s something that the mothers have created for themselves so that they can learn to guide their children, not lord over them; to teach their children to walk their own paths while helping them to find their own power. Maybe there is something to this connection between a mother and child that should be explored. Is it that this connection is meant to help both grow and create the experiences of this physical life. Maybe the children need the lessons of the mothers to grow themselves? So many questions abound through this thought process. Do you have any ideas?
The last thing Momma Gretchen mentioned to me was about standing up. It was proposed to me that perhaps I didn’t have to stand to honor some age-old tradition or others beliefs that a book is sacred, but rather that I stand to help guide and encourage others who are seeking truth and their own spiritualism. I couldn’t immediately respond to that statement. I told her that I would dwell upon this thought for a time. As I drove from Georgetown, Texas (about an hour and a half away from where I have been camping) I had time to dwell upon this thought. As I drove many thoughts filled my mind about standing up and what it meant.
Some stand up to show honor to a particular book when they read it, some stand up to honor certain people or show their appreciation for their performance (standing applause), and they stand up in other ways to show their defiance. Thus standing up for something means that you either desire to show honor or defiance, support or resistance. Her comment was derived from my writings about the church attendance and my not wanting to stand to honor a book. Her statements lead me to recall some other writings, such as the Court of Miracles, Friends, and other ideas that have been shared. She mentioned that perhaps standing up in certain situations would serve as encouragement to those who are seeking their own spiritual selves instead of representing my honoring of a book. I believe she is correct in this. If we believe we are better, more enlightened, more aware, than others then we can hinder their development into awareness and enlightenment if we don’t allow ourselves the ability to stand up for them when they are seeking. Another person said he couldn’t do something because it wouldn’t be true to himself. This thought raised by Momma Gretchen applies to this also. Sometimes it’s not about us, it’s about encouraging and loving others and showing our love for them by standing up for them in what they believe.
Love, I believe, is the key here. Not passionate love of lovers, but that pure, honest love that is filled with light to guide the paths of the many seekers of truth. I have been asking myself if I’m ready to stand up. Am I ready to stand up for what I believe is right, just, and truth? Am I ready to stand up for my fellow man and woman, so that they may find the path that is correct for them? So many questions resound from the one statement presented to me today.
Thought for now: What do you stand up for? Why do you stand up for these things, events, books, people, etc? Do you know why you stand or do you just stand? Perhaps we should consider wisely these things before we stand or not stand; maybe it is through the standing that we can encourage others? Maybe it’s through the standing up that others can find the path that is correct for them. I don’t believe it should ever be just about us, the ‘me’. It should be about helping others find the path that is correct for them, and us standing up for them to show our support and love.