Shortly after my arrival in Austin to visit two clients, a dear friend needed some assistance. There are no accidents and everything happens for a reason, we just have to open our hearts, minds, and eyes to see, and to be open to what may happen. My being in Austin led to being able to assist a dear friend and give her the gift of my time. It was a "win, win" situation as she provided me with a place to rest and a car to drive; and I provided her with assistance until her return.
For the past week I've been assisting my friend and while I had the time here in Austin, I began the process of completing my name change. I had started this process some years ago, but never saw it through. Now, after having my finger prints done, filed the court documents, and saw the judge, I am now legally Sebastian Barrett St.Troy. Today I completed the paper work at the Social Security office, which will also correct my Medicare information. I should have my new cards within a week. Next is to change the Drivers License, various Insurances, and some banks. Today I also managed to complete the paperwork for Regions Bank.
Because of many factors, I've decided to begin celebrating my birthday on the date of my legal name change, afterall it is the date I was born as Sebastian. Therefor, July 20 will be my new birthdate.
The countdown to the next chapter of the Adventure has begun. I'll be departing Austin on the 27th. I've decided to continuously take the first bus out of the station from Dallas and then after that continue with the first bus out that heads either North or in the direction of East or West so I can head to a coast and then up to Canada. Once in Canada, I'll be taking various buses to cross the country to get to the other coast and then back down through the states. I hope to visit many places I have never been to, meet people I wouldn't have normally met, and revive my spirits with the constant energy of change.
I'll be writing about the Adventure and through all of the upcoming events I know that things will be revealed as to where I should be and what I should be doing. The next chapter of the Adventure begins in 6 days, but for now I'm completing all of the things required for the name change and helping my friend.