A feeling of peace surrounded my dreams, so I awoke feeling much better today; which was a welcomed aspect compared to the last few days of depression. But I suppose I owed myself the right to feel loss, loss of the people called family, loss of all of my earthly possessions, loss of my beautiful gardens, and loss of my home. The dreams of last night I cannot now recall, however, the feeling that a presence in them told me it was all OK put my mind and body at rest. Excitement is starting to build as I prepare for my new bus adventure around the United States and into Canada. I’ve always wanted to visit Canada, so that is where I’m heading first, especially the Yukon Territories.
For the last four days I‘ve been in pain with my foot, the same foot that had been injured in a fire recently, so I suppose there is some nerve damage now, but I don‘t care to visit a doctor. There are other signs of declining health, so I live with them. So many people seem to treasure life, but that is where I‘m different. I‘m not particularly, and really never have been, fond of this physical existence. I remember as a child walking through the woods looking up and saying, I‘m not supposed to be here. Now as I am older, I ponder the question if this reincarnation was a mistake or if as a child I understood something about how difficult this lifetime would be and didn‘t want to experience it; however, for what it is worth, the experiences gained here have taught me something about letting go, to learn to trust my instincts, to follow my heart, and to live the way I see fit, not doing what others say I should. As when I follow my heart I find peace and excitement, a feeling of joy about the way I live.
Most who know me already say I‘m a bit off, but I take that as a compliment, for being different these days means a lot in a world of so many who all strive to be alike. Being free of restraints provides me the feeling of freedom for being able to live in the moment and decide each second of time what it is I shall do. Perhaps in a previous life I was a nomad, as being on the move seems to be something innate. From a restless mind to a restless body, it seems being in motion is what keeps me going. I think I need the excitement of meeting new people, of experiencing everything I can. I realize that this may be my last adventure, as my health prevents me from doing much and I struggle to move most days, but I keep going. Come what may, I’m ready either way - to continue living this life or to return to the collective Universal consciousness. For now I prepare for the upcoming adventure.