Friday, March 13, 2009

Views, not opinions

Believing that living in a space that lifts your spirits, that allows you to find relaxation, and that brings you closer to the natural environment is important, I wanted to share some of the views from the spaces where I reside. The first few photos are from the Cabin in Louisiana and the last view is from the house in Austin.

This is the view from my cabin out North. You can see the Wealth Garden that is being constructed using an old satellite dish. In the future this garden area will have some flowering trees and a lot of natural flowers.

This is the big window view out onto the lake. It also shows the new palm tree. In the future there will be an arbored patio area off of this window which will allow me to sit outside by the lake.

This view is out from my bathroom onto the back yard. My dog's large run is out there, along with the back patio area.

This is the view from the roof top patio at the Austin home. Kendree Custom Homes built the house and Shannon Schmitz, a Turnquist Partners Realtor, arranged for me to get this awesome home.